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British Intel Files: Khazarian Mafia “Terrorized London”
...by Jonas E. Alexis
Haaretz has recently published a stunning article entitled: “Coat Bomb and Explosive Prosthesis: British Intel Files Reveal How the Zionist Stern...
The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Behind Pearl Harbor Attack (Part II)
…by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof
Jonas E. Alexis: We have touched on quite a number of issues with regard to the Pearl Harbor...
The Holocaust Hoax is the Indispensable Centerpiece for the Khazarian Mafia
Almost no one understands that the Holocaust Hoax is the indispensable Centerpiece of the New World Order. Without this lie, the Khazarian Mafia would have a very difficult time enslaving the population of the world through the coming One World Government.
Western Leaders Can Stop the Khazarian Mafia in the Middle East
The Israeli regime has been pushing the United States to the edge of perpetual wars in the Middle East for quite a long time now.
Piers Morgan is scared to talk about the Khazarian Mafia
When the regime realized that the civil rights movement had morphed into a monster, the FBI was sent in to kill the Black Panthers.
Khazarian Mafia Bastardize Civilians in Middle East
In 2015, Brown University reported that 200,000 civilians lost their precious lives in Iraq. Last year, 1,500 children lost their lives within six months alone in Afghanistan
Benjamin Freedman Exposed the Khazarian Mafia
Benjamin Freedman continued exposing the Khzarian Mafia who call themselves Jews but in reality are not.
The Khazarian Mafia and their marionettes want to rule the world
Jonah Goldberg: “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business.”
Holocaust is an ideological (not historical) phenomenon for the Khazarian Mafia
The Holocaust has been transmogrified into a secular religion, if there can be such a thing.
Lutherans Rise Against Khazarian Mafia
Lutherans need to continue to challenge the Khazarian Mafia in Israel and weaken their effort to manipulate political parties in America
Khazarian Mafia Cripples Ann Coulter
Can Ann Coulter be trusted on important matters? No. Is she morally and intellectually sick? No doubt about it. Is there any redemption for her? Yes.
The Khazarian Mafia Collectively Punished, Liquidated, and Massacred the Palestinians in 2006
The so-called self-defense mantra has thrived over the years. But it has no existential or meaningful veracity.
Brief and Turbulent History of the Khazarian Mafia in Russia and Asia
The Khazarian Mafia and their puppets “have played a disproportionate role as leaders of the modern revolutionary movements in Europe and the West."
Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia (Part IV)
False-flag Attacks, Synthetic Terror and Mass Mind-Kontrol
The Khazarian Mafia rejected humanity and pitted Muslims and Christians against each other
Since the Khazarian Mafia categorically and metaphysically rejected the moral and political order, they have inexorably embraced chaos and destruction.
Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia (Part III)
What if the KM's god Lucifer is a lesser god and plans to now throw his Cutouts under the bus in order to attain his own private agenda that doesn't include them?
Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia Top Command (Part II)
A core edict of the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia is to establish a Globalist NWO One-world Government run by them in Jerusalem and Palestine, and they may use the Vatican to negotiate this "solution" to Israeli Apartheid and genocide against Palestinians and Israel's continuing theft of Palestinian lands.
Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia Top Command (Part I)
To transform Americans into self-hating, self-defeating Sheeple.
Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Ops (Part III)
Target: We The People
Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Human Disposal Operations (Part II)
ISIS is just another top secret KM human disposal operation, with associated multi-faceted secondary goals.
Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers
The American people, and especially American Soldiers, were never supposed to find out about these top-secret Khazarian Mafia operations to dispose of US Soldiers after they are no longer needed for cannon-fodder to fight KM foreign wars for profit.
Khazarian Mafia’s system of Cartels
It is high time Americans gain an understanding of how America is organized and controlled by a system of Khazarian Mafia Cartels. Unless the Establishment Hierarchy's system of these interlocked Cartels that control almost every single part of our lives is fully exposed and checkmated, we are doomed to self-destruct as a nation.
The Khazarian Mafia Corrupted David Petraeus and Other C.I.A. Agents
“I’m often asked about some of our more famous classmates, including Martin Dempsey, David Petraeus, and Keith Alexander.”
The Khazarian Mafia, Ted Cruz, and Alex Jones Are in Cahoots
Will Ted Cruz and Alex Jones ever rise to the challenge? Will they even suggest that Israel is an enemy of the United States and therefore should be morally and politically challenged?
BREAKING! Khazarian Mafia stole Iowa – Marco Rubio owned by Lansky mob via gay...
election fraud, vote fraud, khazarian mafia, ted cruz, marco rubio, donald trump, bernie sanders, iowa caucus, ron paul, sami al-arian
Putin’s Truth: The ultimate secret weapon against Khazarian Mafia?
Has Putin and the Russian Federation deployed an incredibly effective, newly discovered ultimate weapon of covert war against its gravest enemy of old, the Khazarian Mafia?
Big Squeeze now on Khazarian Mafia
Many nations have now ganged up on the Khazarian Mafia and it is being deconstructed on many fronts. How much real power does it have left and for how long?
Robert Edmondson: The Khazarian Mafia Projects the “Code of Hell” on Mankind
A measure of subversion is when patriots are defamed and forgotten, while traitors are rewarded and honored.
On Whom Khazarian Jewish Mafia Will Rule?
By Sajjad Shaukat for VT
Many Jewish writers have objected that a number of...
Exclusive: End of the World, End of the Khazarian Jewish Mafia
Jim W. Dean - Not mincing words a bit but it is time America's Jewish leadership stopped allowing Khazarian gangsters, like those who run the ADL, JDL, AIPAC and SPLC and run Congress through Adelson, to hide behind their "Jewishness."
SOTN: Khazarians Concocting World War 3
Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19…
Roots of the Rape Crisis in India and the Khazarian Influence on Bollywood
The first actresses in the Hindi film industry were Jewish. They succeeded because respectable Indian women would not act on stage and because Jewish women, who often took Muslim names, were willing to “show their flesh.”
Chutzpah! Khazarians Celebrated Duplicity in Oscar Pic “Chicago”
Cabalism is Satanism and Satanism inverts truth and falsehood (as well as good and evil.)
Khazarian Murderers of the Russian Revolution
The Khazarian Mafia initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution beginning in 1788.
Harvard Khazarians Looted Russia in 1991
When Russian Communism fell in 1991, the Khazarian Mafia and its assigns could not wait to sink their greedy claws into the new Russia.
Khazarian Bankers and their Agenda
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered..."
Khazarian Murderers of the Spanish Civil War
Stalin’s International Brigade, comprised mostly of Khazarians, slaughtered 6,539 Spanish priests, 3000 monks, 300 nuns, and 13 Bishops. Over 20,000 Spanish churches were destroyed by the Bolshevik Khazarians.
Khazarian mobster Myer Lansky and the criminal underworld
The Havana Mob could then bury the profits from these criminal operations underneath the patina of a ‘legitimate’ government in Cuba and no one would be able to touch them.
A Khazarian thug who ought to be hanged (Part V)
Daniel Pipes: “The MEK poses no danger to Americans or Europeans, and has not for decades. It does pose a danger to the malign, bellicose theocratic regime in Tehran.”
Alain Soral Against the Rothschild Mafia
‘And if we talk about the media and Macron, we’ll have to talk about Drahi. His bank account is in Israel and he pays no taxes here.’ Drahi, a Franco-Israeli-Portuguese oligarch born in Morocco and residing in Switzerland, has bought up large swathes of French media in recent years.