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Zionist Lobby: Gates-Soros COVID Big Pharma’s Business
In the left cover image, Zionists Paul Singer of the Elliott fund (above) and Larry Fink of the BlackRock fund (below) alongside Bill Gates...
Jack Hearts Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan
I found out from Preston Nichols that there had been a UFO crash that same night at the nearby park to the east, of course covered up by a national Lab. I went there and saw the downed trees for myself.
Biden and the Rigged War
At the same time that the puppet rulers of the UK, Australia and the United States are playing at making war against communist China, large corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Blackrock or Vanguard Group have already capitulated and come carrying the white flag to Beijing to make a pact with senior Chinese government officials.
History’s Cruelest Hoax: Semitic Khazars
… by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today
Fear corn popped right in the public’s face. Beelzebub at the controls of an accelerating steamroller smearing humanity with false...
Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish
…by Jonas E. Alexis and Henry Makow
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982.
As we have demonstrated in the past,...
Intel Drop: VT Slams Zionist Agent Assange with Intel Deluge
Wikileaks was invented to support Roy Cohn's 'gayboy' lovers that the Kosher Nostra put into the White House. This is the simple truth of it and Cohn is still somewhere laughing his ass off as the US is torn apart by a second acolyte of Cohn's, another bumbling moron in a dress...
Worst Deal of the Century as U.S. Dual-Citizen Traitors offers Palestine Most Unfair of...
Israel's Anthology of Palestinian Cruelty
Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish
The source of the world's problems: The Gentile "leadership" has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism for Gentiles.
What Can We Expect from Donald Trump? Is Pastor Chuck Baldwin Also a Chosen...
What can we expect from Trump? Is Pastor Chuck Baldwin also a chosen one?
Tehran Times, 13 October 2019
TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former...
10 countries McCain wanted to destroy
Gordon Duff: "Vietnam was a useless war. I served in Vietnam as a Marine combat infantryman and know the war well close up."
Senate Bill 720, A Knife at the Heart and Throat of America’s Constitution
A big question is beginning to loom in the minds of all true Christians and patriotic Americans.
Is Jared Kushner in deep doo-doo again?
...by Jonas E. Alexis
We knew that Jared Kushner would be a major problem in the Trump administration. As we have reported in the past,...
Donald Trump’s Russian Connections, the Russian Report
Introduction by the Senior Editor: The document below is a purposefully leaked internal Russian government document. In it are gems. It exposes Wikileaks as...
Evil Agenda: Supporters of Palestinian Apartheid and a Fresh Look at BDS Movement
Will Humanity awaken from a cowardice dream that presently allows misguided bullies to imprison, victimize us, our world and our families or will we rise-up to realize and express our great hero within and be known as the warriors of loving truth who acted in turn, as we were destined to be?
NEO: The Unseen Victims of America’s War Machine
Do remember, the Vietnam War was stopped, not by “peaceniks” but by combat veterans who hit the streets, people like John Kerry or, to a lesser extent, me. That these movements survive in a small way, in reality dissent has been criminalized in a world of fake information and even more fake leadership.
CIA Head, Pompeo Leaked Fake “All Clear” to Media in Russiagate Coverup
A report today in Axios outlines what has to become a call for a special prosecutor and should well bring about the resignation of CIA Director Pompeo as well.
Judaism: Satanism, Sorcery and Black Magic
Judaism secretly teaches, as have the occult secret societies throughout the ages, that the mystic can find redemption through a heroic willingness to do evil for the sake of a subsequent redemptive ascent to the highest spiritual good.
Professor Stephen Cohen: Vladimir Putin is potentially America’s most valuable national security partner
Obama has less than a month in the White House. Perhaps he needs to wake up when it comes to Russia.
Pushback: Global Crime Syndicates v Keshe Groups
There is a battle going on over technology, but more than that, it's about education, about the pseudoscience our universities teach to go along with their imaginary history lessons, their love of GMO crops, so much more.
Soros, Practical Reason, and the World-Wide Criminal Organization (Part II)
George Soros is a member of what Gordon Duff would have called “a world-wide criminal organization."
John Boehner: Ted Cruz is “Lucifer in the flesh” and a “miserable son of...
If Americans are really concerned about preserving what the Founding Fathers envisioned, then they need to hound the Neocons publicly. We need to start with traitors like Cruz.