Thinking about the “Holocaust” is a crime

An Interview with Alfred Schaefer


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by Jonas E. Alexis and Alfred Schaefer

Alfred Schaefer: I was born Jan 30, 1955, and grew up in Canada, thinking that there could not possibly be anything in all the world that could ever threaten us. We were 5 children, my older brother who is a doctor but a complete zombie, my younger sister who pretends not to understand that this is important, then Monika, who understood immediately and you know her, and my youngest sister who died aged 26 in a mountaineering accident.

Only recently did I figure out that the strife, that the “easy-go-lucky” hippy movement created for us in the family, came from the “demoralization” that was happening to our entire western society.

We thought that this was all a natural development, never ever suspecting that the entire rock and roll and hippy scene in that era was manufactured by the same forces that are now trying to enslave us. This was all part of the subversion, driving a wedge between the disciplined and cultured older people, and ourselves. We thought they were just old-fashioned, and we were so cool.

But, the discipline from our parents did save us from completely failing, and we did have a lot of fun with them doing a lot of hiking and camping and stuff like that. After high school, I tried university, but quit that after a couple of months. The next year I attended a technical college. I took a two-year “Electronics Engineering Technology Course” in the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

After graduating from that, in Edmonton Alberta, in 1977, I went to work for IBM as a “repair man”, fixing photocopiers and typewriters, and small computer systems. I did that for three years, with the intention of saving enough money to go on a big bicycle trip.

I spent one year on a bicycle circling the USA, going down the west coast in the autumn of 1980, then across to Florida in the winter months, dipping into Mexico on the way across. Then, up the east coast and across to Edmonton.

The following year I went to Europe, and spent the next 4 years riding and jobbing and helping some Germans that I met, take trucks and busses down from Germany through the Sahara, to Burkina Faso, Togo, Niger, and Mali, to sell them. I did this 5 times with these people until I realized that if I don’t settle down in a normal life soon, it may never be possible and I may end up in sorry shape.

So, in 1985, I applied to work as a technician for IBM in Munich. It was a supremely lucky break for me that this effort succeeded, and the two years that I intended to work in Munich turned into a “lifer”. I got a job that I did not even dare to apply for, namely working on large systems as a technician.

As the technology evolved and the technical skills were less and less in demand, I changed my line of work within the company, which also meant moving several times. I spent 3 years in Boulder Colorado on an assignment for the European countries in the IBM printing systems development lab.

All of these experiences gave me the necessary base for doing what I am now doing for the “truth movement.”

Then, this summer, a series of amazing coincidences once again set the stage. Monika and Tony Hall came for a visit, and that visit resulted in the “sorry mom” video, as well as the CODOH video and so much more. It was a life-changing visit for all of us. I am not superstitious, but I do feel that this much good fortune obligates, otherwise, it is all wasted.

My last video summarises my “truther” career, more or less, as I had taken a short scene from my very first video which was the “9/11 Gatekeepers and Controlled Opposition”. This video resulted from me becoming uncontrollably enraged after seeing the video posted by Kevin Barrett on VT where Noam Chomsky dismisses that student in Florida with his question on WTC7. Remember, Chomsky was like an ikon for us, a guru. When I saw that video, it blew out all my fuses.

It was information that I gleaned from Kevin Barrett’s dialog with Chomsky that enabled me to get through to Chomsky. That idiot Chomsky replied to me after I wrote him what I thought of his treasonous behavior. He probably could not stand the fact that some little shit can be so outright brazen and challenge him on this, and he wrote back to me. This went back and forth several times.

Jonas E. Alexis: You have argued that people can face numerous consequences if they “commit the crime of thinking” in Germany. Whatever happens to the German intellectual tradition? What would thinkers like Kant and Hegel say of Germany’s thought police today? Explain those issues to us.

Alfred Schaefer: Our forefathers would turn over in their graves if they were to witness what we are living today, not only in Germany but throughout the European and “western” countries.

The “re-education” that was imposed upon what was left of the German people after the genocidal wars against Europe, what we call “WWI and WWII”, continued the destruction of independent thinking.

The suppression of independent thinking was already well advanced in those countries that were tricked into fighting these totally senseless wars which only the perpetrator of this conflict benefitted from. That winner was international Jewry.

The entire official narrative of those wars is nothing more than the interpretation that the perpetrators have presented to us. They gloat about their ability to do this in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. See Protocol #7 under the subtitle “Universal War.” 

This power, their control over the media, gives these people the ability to channel and mold our thinking to serve their interests. Without the hatred incited against Germany well before the start of these genocidal wars, they never would have taken place. They resulted in the extermination of countless millions of the best people, the flower of the European people, a genetic degradation, as well as the wholesale destruction of irreplaceable historical culture. Dresden comes to mind here.

This follows the instructions in the Protocols that calls for the total and utter destruction of those who do not subordinate themselves, including any memory of them. The destruction of cities like Dresden was intended to help erase the memory of the Germanic people as it was perhaps the most beautiful city in the world for its cultural heritage. It was overflowing with refugees fleeing the onslaught of the Jewish Bolsheviks from the east when it was firebombed in a true holocaust.

Dresden had no military value targets whatsoever. For a description of this barbarity, the book by Thomas Goodrich titled “Hellstorm”, is a sobering account.  Producer Kyle Hunt has also made this into a film, which the Jews unsuccessfully tried to the sensor from the German people.

Our world today would be very different indeed had we not been tricked into these suicidal struggles, going back to even before the French Revolution in 1789.

A good contemporary example of how the interpretation of events creates a narrative that has very little to do with reality, is the official version of 9/11, and how 19 Muslims with box cutters hijacked 4 airliners to pull that off. Since this event took place in our lifetime, it is easier to understand. It can be used as a blueprint to illustrate how these lies are implanted into our collective psyche, even though any human being with a functioning brain, knows that this official story is totally false.

After that event took place, only the false narrative is ever repeated, over and over again. Any and all people who are dependent on the Jewish money system lose their ability to survive if they utter one word about what happened on 9/11 that deviates from the official lies.

This process, imposed on a population over a span of several decades or generations, makes any other narrative appear wrong or even insane, simply because everyone is repeating the same lies.

For the “party line” to succeed in becoming the “truth”, all dissenting “opinions” must be subdued.  To accomplish this, both carrots and sticks are employed. Carrots may come in the form of promotions, payoffs, or being puffed up and glorified in the media. Sticks may come in the form of simple censorship, deleting data from the internet, or hysterical attacks of denunciation or death.

These include the ultimate: “holocaust denier”, “anti-Semite”, “conspiracy theorist” or any of the other meaningless control trigger words. These control trigger words activate a carefully engineered program that has been installed in our minds over a long period of time.

The ability of an “enemy within the gates” to trigger programs residing within our minds, would vindicate Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), who singlehandedly set the stage for German philosophy in the nineteenth century, in his understanding of the human mind. Kant held that any object given to the human mind is subject to the means by which the mind receives it.

All of our lives our minds have been subjected to a barrage of messages that have been “interpreted” for us, as “reality”. In other words, the mind receives certain messages over and over and over again, from all directions, embedding the Jewish fantasies into our minds until we believe them to be reality. Whether it is “Anna Frank’s” phony dairies or the fiction “Schindler’s List” turned into fact by presenting it as such, to the children in our schools.

Just recently a friend of mine, a woman from Kenya, dropped by to discuss politics with me. Naomi worked as an Au Pair for the neighbors before studying in Munich. She watched my “Police Raid” video and was delighted that it really told the truth. Then she confessed that she was warned by her friends in Kenya about 8 years ago, before coming to Europe, to be on her guard so as not to get “brainwashed” when in Europe. Her friends expressed concern that she may also get “brainwashed” during her stay in Europe if she is not careful.

She explained the extreme frustration that her German boyfriend and are experiencing now with fellow Germans who seem not to be able to understand that the imposed beliefs of the “Holocaust”, and many other beliefs are “brainwashing”.   When a woman from Kenya laments about the “saturation brainwashing” throughout the “western” countries, this gives us an alarming indication of the condition of our “intellectual tradition”.

In your question you mention Hegel. We often talk about the Hegelian dialectic, where two contradictory ideas or entities are mixed together resulting in something different from either of the two initial starting points.

In today’s world of fear and lies, with the perpetrators protected behind a shield that the incessant application of trigger control words provides them, they are now setting up numerous Hegelian dialectics that will destroy us, and we are not able to recognize or resist this process because of the condition of our compartmentalized and fragmented minds. Any recognition of the Hegelian dialectics is instantly countered with the application of control trigger words.

For example, if European notices that most of the “refugees” are tough looking at military aged fighting men, this observation is silenced with the simple term “Racist”, or “Neo-Nazi Racist”, and the military-aged fighting men can go about destroying and raping without too much interference.

Those foreigners who came here years ago understand the lethal situation that this represents. Another example that Naomi, the woman from Kenya, gave me makes this clear. A fellow Kenyan who has also been in Germany for many years told her the following story.

He observed how two African “refugees” stole a telephone from an unsuspecting European. He confronted these two “refugee” men and lectured them about how harmful this behavior will be for them. They should give it back and claim that they saw it fall to the ground. So what did they do? Rather than take his advice, they beat him up for trying to discipline them.

Obviously, those people who understand what civilization is all about, and still have a functioning brain, are very alarmed about the Hegelian Dialectics they see being set up.

Here are several of the Hegelian Dialectics:

1 – ) The “ruling elite” pretends that the lies are true. Their decisions are based on pretending that the lies are true.

1 + ) The awakening masses understand the facts and will not tolerate the lies or those who protect the lies.

2 – ) Third-world “refugees” flooding into our European countries expecting to enjoy all the fruits of the civilization we have built and inherited from our forefathers.

2 + ) European citizens who worked all their lives understand the injustice of having the invaders take it away from them.  Their sense of justice has been utterly betrayed. The invaders are immune to prosecution while indigenous Europeans are held to account for the smallest of infractions.

3 – ) Jewish financial criminals stand well above the law for multi-billion dollar theft and mass murder.

3 + ) Normal working people can no longer get by with regular work and pay.

4 – ) People speak one “language” in public or at work. (the lies, ignorance)

4 + ) People speak another “language” at home or with friends whom they trust.  (the truth)

5 – )  Intellectually weak-minded people unable to discern fact from fiction. Easily directed like controlled and programmed laboratory rats. Many feminized men and gender-confused people in this category.

5 + )  The exploding numbers of people decontaminating themselves from the lies. Initial confusion turns to rage.

6 – )  Our money is fiat money based on a foundation of lies and deceit.  Promissory notes based on lies.

6 + )  All fiat money collapses eventually, there are no exceptions to this rule.   Our survival depends on our ability to migrate from the present expired and toxic system to a new system for exchanging real value for real value.

To prevent a catastrophic explosion from destroying our civilization we need to understand these processes and reverse them before they implode in a “Supernova”.

In my video titled “Police Raid and my Confession by Alfred Schaefer” I tried to deconstruct the trigger control words, as this is an essential first step in regaining the ability to think independently. The trigger control words separate the compartments of the fragmented mind that no longer communicate with each other.

The compartmentalization of the mind produces results similar to a physical lobotomy. In my video, I refer to this condition as “induced mental illness”, which can be treated by careful exposure to truth and reason.

The purpose of these trigger control words is to prevent us from understanding and stopping the Hegelian Dialectics that will explode on us unless they are reversed and dismantled.

Kant and Hegel would be alarmed to see that the descendants of their beloved society have unlearned how to think at all.

Jonas E. Alexis: You said that “The German ministry of forbidden thought” sent their agents to search your house and steal things you had on your computer. Describe this for us in detail. In the process, tell us whether they had any legal right to do so. In your opinion, was there any organization behind this?

Alfred Schaefer: The actual trigger for the “Kriminal Polizei” to come to raid our house, was the video that I had uploaded on the 17th of June 2016 with the title “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust”. B’nai Brith sent out clear messages that “this guy needs to be taken down”.

In the search warrant, they stated that my offense was the “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” video. What is astounding is that they did not seem to have a problem framing an apology to one’s own Mom, as “incitement to racial hatred”.  This logic would certainly have had Hegel and Kant very alarmed about the state of mind of our people.

It makes no sense.  Actually, they then go on to state that the person in this video claims that there were no gas chambers and that the holocaust is the biggest lie in history. That is a simple truth. This is now common knowledge, so obviously we are now dealing with a religious tribunal determined to weed out all heretics. So again, philosophers of the past would be astounded at how far we have regressed in the year 2016.

The main purpose of this raid was to try to silence me. Ironically, this raid and its aftermath actually provided me with useful data for my latest video. As I stated in the video, “Police Raid and my Confession by Alfred Schaefer”, I think the physical loss of these devices was well worth the price for having an interesting story to tell. Their intention was obviously to make it more difficult for me to work, or to silence me, but it has had the opposite effect.

You ask, if this was legal and what is the organization behind it.

Allow me to respond with a question of my own: Was 9/11 legal, and what is the organization behind that?  The answer is the same in both cases.

Paragraph 130 in German “law” that forbids stating that the fake holocaust consists of lies, is a law that allows the totally arbitrary punishment of any and all dissent. If a law was enacted that forbade breathing, then those in power could use the “anti-breathing” law to arbitrarily silence or punish any dissent, no matter what it was. Everyone with a functioning brain and the courage to ask to most basic questions knows that the Jewish holocaust is nothing more than a fraud on an unprecedented scale.

But the law can now be arbitrarily applied to anyone they want to be removed from the scene, which gives them truly god-like power over all of us. For me, I would rather be physically locked up or die, than submit to this pathetic tyranny that reduces human beings to programmed rats.

Jonas E. Alexis: Describe how people in Germany and Canada can legally and effectively fight against the thought police.

Fighting the thought police legally and effectively is like trying to fight the inquisition with logic and reason.

It is not possible to fight an oppressor who labels “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust”, which is an apology to one’s own mother, as “incitement to hatred”, in a system where “law” is arbitrary and one-sided.

Thought laws as we have them now, in what was once our civilization, are pure tyranny. You cannot fight this tyranny with logic or laws that negate free speech and justice.

To fight “legally and effectively” with a “lawmaker” who is a Talmudic psychopath is like a sparrow asking the cat to negotiate.

A regime that imposes thought laws will not relinquish the power that thought laws represent. Our oppressors will never voluntarily relinquish power. This is psychopathic behavior, and it will continue on the same peak and crash trajectory that it has always experienced in the past. Peak and crash, peak and crash, peak and crash.

The past crashes were characterized by the expulsion of the Jews from either cities or regions. This is the first time that the magnitude of the crash can be seen as a life-threatening event that may put us back to something that more resembles the Stone Age than our present-day technological society and civilization.

Our best hope is for very large numbers of people to stand up and ignore thought laws by publicly announcing their defiance. A law becomes unsustainable when the productive people of the society openly defy these destructive and suicidal thought laws.

Any thinking person with the smallest amount of self-respect would not blindly subordinate himself to these bizarre thought laws. They are not accidental, harmless or irrelevant laws.  They are the shield behind which the Jewish mega criminals bring us death and destruction on a global scale.

Maybe the fear of being seen as too cowardly or too stupid to speak up needs to become greater than the fear of possible consequences for actually speaking up, before the lemmings join those who are now already speaking up. In any case, fear is the overwhelming force that is determining the outcome.

The danger of our present situation is, that the perpetrators have always seen this moment in time as the timeframe reserved for their long-planned “WWIII”. Their hope is that the traumatized remnants of this conflict will be in no more a position to resist the imposition of their long-planned “Jew World Order”, than were the Germans able to resist the imposition, by stealth, of the imaginary “Holocaust” as we have witnessed over the past decades.


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