by Preston James and Mike Harris
The new nation-state of Israel was illegally set up after WWII by World Zionists who hijacked it in 1815.
The Rothschild World Zionist Money-changers were able to hijack by deploying a very crafty covert op using the fake news that Napoleon had won at Waterloo, when he was actually defeated.
This fake news sent by carrier pigeon was released early before true reports were received of Napoleon’s defeat. This allowed Nathan Rothschild to collapse the British markets and buy up and gain control of most business and banking at a fraction of their value.
The stated reason these British based World Zionist Kingpins seized Palestinian lands illegally and gave it to these Judaics was to compensate for the Nazi Work Camps and persecution of Judaics in Europe.
Giving the Judaics back their falsely claimed homeland in Palestine was proposed as an equitable compensation for these persecuted Judaics, almost all of whom were actually Khazarians in the first place.
This whole strategy was, of course, conceived of and actuated by the World Zionists.
The real reasons these World Zionists mandated a small part of Palestine to be seized and gifted to these displaced European Khazarians turned out to be something far more sinister than helping their so-called fellow “displaced, persecuted and victimized” Judaics.
The roundup and placement of Judaics in Work Camps by Nazis provided a golden opportunity for the World Zionists (WZs) to mind-kontrol these displaced Khazarian Judaics into falsely believing they deserved to have Palestine. The false-narrative presented to do this was that “this is where you came from in the first place”.
This claim turns out to be one of the biggest lies ever told and has caused the genocide and mass suffering of millions of Palestinians who have had their ancestral lands stolen from them by World Zionists and “given” to Khazarian to call their own Biblical land.
And we know now that this claim was an obvious falsity because recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research has shown that 97.5% of these Judaics living in Israel actually have no ancient Hebrew Blood at all, none.
This false claim that these persecuted European Judaics of WWII had ancient ancestral rights to Palestine was, of course, a stupendous Big Lie. It was a very effective means to mind-kontrol these displaced Khazarians, fool them, and to use them to create a none-existent new race called “Jews”.
This false claim was an effective means to Mind-kontrol Khazarian Judaics whose bloodlines originated in King Bulan’s Khazaria and transformed them into a new protected race called “Jews”. And this new racial designation “Jew” could be used to make them believe they were a special race, God’s chosen ones, the ancient Hebrews when all they shared was a conversion to Judaism not based on any ancient genetic bloodlines.
This World Zionist “con job” of the new racial designation “Jew” was very effective in Mind-kontrolling these Khazarians into believing that they deserved special protection for all future time from any criticism.
The World Zionists (WZs) successfully convinced these persecuted Khazarians that they had already suffered as a people far too much in WWII. So when they would be later used as highly placed cutouts and tools for the World Zionists to fulfill their secret evil NWO agenda to destroy all societies, no criticism would be allowed.
And the WZs would make sure that the top positions in government and very lucrative business opportunities would be offered to them first as members of this new artificial racial tribe that Khazarian King Bulan had labeled as “Jews”. Certain selected leaders of this new racial tribe would thus become handsomely rewarded as they became initiated into the secret Babylonian Talmudic system of Money-Magick and Baal worship.
The concept Antisemitism as sophisticated WZ Mind-kontrol and the perfect defense against any criticism from “Goyim”.
Thus the WZs created the concept “Antisemitism” was to shield these Khazarians who now called themselves “Jews” from any criticism or prosecution for any of their crimes, tyranny or oppression of others such as continued land theft of Palestinian land, blockading and genocide of Palestinians and the mass-murder and suffering of 9-11-01 and all their wars.
Of course, this defense has now been shown to be nonsense for Judaics since almost all are Khazarians. But this has been claimed as Judaics’ main defense for Israel tyranny and genocide of Palestinians and theft of their land.
Anyone who has studied mind-kontrol technology in detail knows that in classic MK-Ultra (satanic or occult Babylonian Talmudic) the first step in to render the subject in a state of shock using major blood trauma, severe suffering with no escape. This step places subjects in a very suggestible state so they will easily be conditioned by the master controller. This process can be done to large groups at once by any government or rogue group.
Mind-kontrol is the reason of course that the False Flag of 9-11-01 was used by World Zionists to place the American People in a state of Blood Shock. This made them intensely suggestible and ready to be mass hypnotized by the USG that a foreign war on Terror in the Mideast being secretly waged for WZs costing Trillions of US Dollars and thousands of American soldiers’ lives and futures was necessary.
Of course, all such mass hypnosis is always predicated on a Big Lies, false-narratives, and government propaganda. No matter how big the lie, the American masses can be effectively mind-kontrolled to believe them if they are repeatedly broadcast and published by all of the “big six” Major Mass Media which actually serve as WZ mouthpieces.
For 9-11-01, the World Zionist-controlled Major Mass Media quickly declared that Osama bin Laden did it on behalf of Afghanistan and unless we declared an international war on terror and stopped it over there in the Mideast at its origin, much more and even worse attacks from these crazy Islamics were sure to come to America.
How post-WW2 Israel was created using lands stolen from Palestinians.
The British Rothschilds arranged for the Balfour Declaration and later moved these European Judaics (most actually were Khazarians) to a small part of Palestine that England illegally seized from Palestinians.
The Judaics were supposed to stay in a small designated land area, but quickly formed terrorists groups to murder Palestinians and steal more land. The British peace-keepers were blown up in their hotel and driven out by these Judaic terror groups.
The World Zionist leaders that ran this new illegal nation-state comprised of stolen Palestinian ancestral lands name it “Israel” like the ancient 12 tribes of Hebrews were called. This was done to keep these Khazarian settlers fooled into believing this Big Lie that they were of ancient Hebrew Blood and were a racially pure nation-state. Note that in the Torah Israel referred to the Twelve Hebrew Tribes as Israel, not a country.
The World Zionists who are actually secret followers of Babylonian Talmudism are best defined as Satanists and occult masters of the Black Magick, Money Magick, and the Black Arts of ancient Babylon. These Babylonian Talmudics (BTs) are a very crafty bunch and some have claimed to be anointed by Satan who they claim is the ruler of this world and is now rising to dethrone and become God Almighty himself.
Other BT’s believe that Satan (Lucifer) actually is God Almighty now and empowers those that are chosen by him, and willing to give him their souls in exchange for extreme power, riches, and status and are also willing to break all societal norms laws when necessary to serve Satan’s will.
The term “Jew” was actually first used in Khazaria in about 750 AD after King Bulan selected Judaism as Khazaria’s national religion.
Before that those that were believers in Judaism in Palestine were called Hebrews. After 750, most Hebrews were seduced into calling themselves “Jews” along with the much larger number of Khazarians (aka Ashkenazis). It is important to note that the Tribe of Judah was only one of the Twelve Hebrew Tribes and Khazarians have no blood relation to any of these tribes including the Tribe of Judah.
The history of the Hebrew Tribes after they gained their Promised Land is complex. Basically the Ten Tribes split from two tribes.
Some true Hebrew (non-Khazarian) Torah scholars believe that God Almighty divorced himself from the Twelve Hebrew Tribes and removed his gift of the promised land to them for their continued unrepentant idolatry.
Most of these true Hebrew Torah scholars do not believe that the new nation of Israel has any right to exist in Palestine and blame it all on WZs for setting this great lie up in the first place.
These particular Hebrew Torah scholars are dead set against World Zionism and all its evil works.
World Zionists (BTs) set up various rules to define this new artificial race (“Jew”) that they created in Khazaria in 750 AD and falsely claimed it came from ancient Hebrew Bloodlines. BTs defined what a real “Jew” was, including one must have a “Jewish” mother. It didn’t matter if the father was Jewish. This was done to protect any Jewish philandering males from blow-back due to fathering an illegitimate child from a Goyim woman.
The WZs convinced (mind-kontrolled) these displaced European Judaics of WWII that they were from ancient Hebrew Bloodlines when they were actually from Khazarian bloodlines from ancient Khazaria. Khazarians have sometimes been called Askenazis. This was the first step in creating this new artificial race of Jews and a new racially pure nation based on this Big Lie.
Khazarian King Bulan ordered his people to accept his choice of new national religion which was actually a perverted form of Judaism based on Babylonian Talmudism in about 750 AD. Fortunately, most Khazarians are secular and do not practice the Babylonian Talmudism that characterized the form of Judaism King Bulan accepted and practiced.
The WZs desired to set up Israel as a nation of Fake Hebrews (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) to serve as their key action-agents and also as a world sanctuary and base of operations for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM).
The mass deaths of Judaics in WWII and the Nazi Work Camps was then used by the WZs (BTs) to create this new mass role of victim for Judaics. Judaics were thus transformed forever into a special class of the persecuted that the whole world must defer to and protect forever. “Never Again” became the Judaic motto. No criticism in any form would be allowed and this would be labeled as a new social offense called “Antisemitism”. This new worldwide standard for protecting this new synthetically created racial tribe of “Jews” from any criticism or further persecution became law in many nations, especially in Canada and Europe due to WZ money power and purchased political influence.
The bottom line to all this is that the WZ creation of this synthetic new Tribal race called “Jews” provided great cover for WZs who were committed to: secretly practicing (without discovery) Babylonian Talmudism (Satanism) with child and human sacrifice; anti-human pernicious usury-based Money-Magick; and destroying every society on Planet Earth in order to create their Satanic NWO system.
The problem is that since 97.5% of these Judaics living in Israel are Khazarian blood (not Hebrew blood) like most living in America. It’s a sad fact that the WZs who created private Fiat pernicious usury central banking has appointed Khazarians as well paid cutouts to sell their nations out and run these WZ central banking systems. These Cutouts are usually Khazarians who wrongly refer to themselves as Jews.
To prevent any discussion or mass protests against the WZ hijacking and Bankster abuse of America by Khazarian Cutouts, Antisemitism has been fully utilized. Although any reasonable person knows that not all Khazarians are bad people, but certainly the evidence now available suggests that all WZs who are BTs are Satanists and by definition, anti-society, anti-human, sociopathic and pro-mass-death for their own gain. And that all Khazarians who serve as highly paid WZ Cutouts are habitual violators of the US Constitution and numerous US Law including RICO which are major felonies.
The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is the core group of Babylonian Talmudics running this new and illegal racist nation of Israel. The RKM is also known as the World Money Changers and runs the Satanic Pedophile Network. They are also the World Zionists.
Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) Money Power provides the muscle for World Zionism.
Creating and controlling most of the world’s money has provided a lot of continuing power and that is what these World Zionist do by issuing debt-notes no longer backed by any real commodities, gold or silver.
These WZ/BT World Moneychangers lend these debt notes (which are required by law to be accepted as “legal tender”) to the masses and charge pernicious usury (illegal under the Torah Law itself).
Obviously money should be owned by any nations own citizens in the first place, should be real, and no interest should be charged for using it, especially for these fake money debt-notes.
Obviously this RKM money-power Fiat central private banking system is the biggest scam in history. It has enabled the World Zionists to infiltrate and hijack many nations such as America and then use them to stage wars to make massive profits.
WZ money power is now in the process of being displaced by nations grouping together such as the BRICS. It makes take several years or it makes happen anytime overnight, but the RKM private Fiat central Banking system and the US Petrodollar, its illegitimate child, are going down for the count.
The post-WWII creation of the nation-state of Israel was based on a colossal lie and major land theft and genocide against the Palestinian People.
Yes, the post-WWII nation-state of Israel was created on one of the greatest lies ever told and is nothing more than high-level land theft by the world’s largest organized crime Syndicate, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). And this RKM are hardcore World Zionists who take their orders from a small secret satanic group the top Babylonian Talmudics (BTs).
Top BTs have claimed to be directly powered by pure satanic and demonic powers and each has their own personal demon consigliere appear to them if they continue to promote and cause enough blood sacrifice and human suffering.
This claim that Judaics had an ancestral right to Palestine due to their genetics was, of course, a monstrous lie. We now know for certain the vast majority (over 90%) these persecuted Judaics that survived this WWII European persecution carried no ancient Hebrew blood at all and were Khazarians (sometimes called Ashkenazim) from the area that is now called the Ukraine.
Most of these World Zionists, aka the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, carry no Hebrew Blood either and typically answer to the top Old Black European nobility Families. These Old Black European families that started and run World Zionism carry inter-generational satanism and practice secret occult black magick, trauma-based mind-kontrol, and numerous secret black arts.
World Zionists used the RKM to hijack America in 1913.
The World Zionists used the RKM to infiltrate and hijack America in 1913 by bribing members of the US Congress and the President to pass the illegal, clearly unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
Once these RKM had gained control over the creation and distribution of US money with no oversight or auditing ever, they could issue and print all the money they wanted as unbacked debt-notes and buy up, bribe or human compromise almost every single member of Congress and even most presidents.
Those they couldn’t they isolated, drove out of the office or if they deemed necessary arranged for their murder.
What have been the results of the hijacking of America by the World Zionists (WZs) in 1913 by the illegal and unconstitutional passage of the RKM’s Federal Reserve Act?
America became another World Zionist occupied nation-state just like England, France, Post WWII Germany, and so many others.
Once the WZs had control over the US Congress then they began to use America as their military and economic enforcer all over the world for their corporate partners.
This was explicated by General Smedley Butler in his famous book, War is a Racket. General Butler was the most decorated US Marine ever and was awarded two Medals of Honor for bravery in combat.
The sad secret is that most of the world central banks have been controlled by the WZs through their action-agent Cutouts the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). Any nation-state which tried to eject the RKM central banks or the US Petro Dollar becomes an immediate target for civil war, revolution or destruction by war using completely fabricated fake reasons.
This is done by deploying the Military enforcers which include the US Military, NATO members militaries and private mercenary armies like the CIA’s and many others including ISIS, Daesh, el Nusra, etc.
Israel become the WZ organized crime central.
Israel has become the world capital of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) only because it has been mandated by the World Zionists. This has transformed Israel into the world capital for sexual perversion, kidnapping for sex trafficking, murder for organ trafficking, and high-level financial crimes.
Recently the RKM has been ripping off their own fellow Israelis and many Israelis have had enough. Various Israel citizen groups are now working to get Netanyahu out of the office and to see that their laws for financial crimes are enforced.
There is a now a big split forming in Israeli politics. A significant number of Israelis are getting fed up with the corruption and with the persecution of Palestinians as well as and the continuing theft of more and more of their land.
Foreign based espionage groups in America have been deployed by the WZs.
All these foreign-based espionage groups in America that are now trying to create chaos like the ADL and SPLC are pretending to support minorities. And they have been set up, funded and deployed by the WZs through Cutouts and Mind-kontrolled stooges.
They do this in order to create a cover for themselves because once the average American finds out what they are doing to undermine America, they will demand that they become registered as foreign agents and even prosecuted under existing espionage laws.
When these Khazarians pretend to care for (and represent minorities) and create false-narratives of bigotry, persecution and racism, this provides a great hiding place for these Khazarians.
Most of the Judaics in America and Israel who call themselves “Jewish” are actually Khazarians and carry no Hebrew Blood at all. Therefore they are not real Semites compared to 80%+ of the Palestinians that do actually carry ancient Hebrew blood and are true Semites.
This hard reality means that these Khazarians pretending to be Hebrews can no longer legitimately plead Antisemitism when folks criticize them for their espionage against America.
The best antidote to the very crafty mind-kontrol of the World Zionists that is based on the lie that Khazarians are from ancient Hebrew blood is a frank declaration of the truth that 97.5% of Israelis who call themselves Jewish actually have no Hebrew blood at all.
Truth is the best immunization against the massive satanic two-faced lies of the WZs and their chief action agents the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). And we now know that the RKM is the world’s largest organized crime syndicate because it is fully empowered by the World Zionist Banksters who are Babylonian Talmudics.
Israelis have been deeply mind-kontrolled by the World Zionists to believe a very big lie that they carry ancient Hebrew Blood and have an ancestral right to Palestine when they have none. They have been set up to create conflict in the Mideast to prime the war machine pump for vast RKM Bankster profits.
But insiders know that unless Israelis wake up and began to understand how the WZs have played them, they will eventually be over-run by the rest of the world, one way or another. Israelis have been highly rewarded with America taxpayer dollars by the WZs for doing their will, but they, in reality, are disposable Cutouts, just the way many of their relatives were who were kidnapped and placed in Nazi work camps upon the orders of the WZs who set up both Nazism and Communism in the first place.
Just for the records, I am not an Anti-Semite. I love the Palestinians people and other true Semites. Actually I am not even anti-Khazarian but I am against how they have been mind-kontrolled and used by World Zionists to serve as Cutouts and do their dirty work. I am not even anti-Jew, but I think they need to be exposed for being mind-kontrolled Khazarians.
Sadly most Jews do not even know that they are actually of Khazarian bloodlines which are a combination of Turk and Mongol whose true ancestors converted to Judaism in Khazaria under King Bulan.
As a tribe, those calling themselves Jews have been kicked out of over 100 nations for some of the unsocial acts of their leaders who were empowered by RKM Fiat central Banking and have now been exposed for being responsible for the attack on America on 9-11-01. Thus many who have learned of how some top Khazarians willingly did the dirty work for the WZs, now have an intense dislike for “Jews” in general. The Jewish leaders (PNACers, top NeoCons, Israeli-America “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens) attempt to ward off this criticism and blame by claiming it is nothing but Antisemitism.
Actually, to be accurate, this anger and desire for justice to be leveled against the perps who did 9-11-01 could be called anti-Khazarianism and is well justified for all the illegal unconstitutional wars and associated mass-death, woundings, disabilities and mass-suffering it has brought about.
Its a fact that strong factions deep inside the Secret Shadow Government (SSG), the Secret Space War Program (SSWP), and the Pentagon now understand that it was the WZs, the Khazarian, the Dual Citizens and their lackeys who did 9-11-01.
This has produced a deep and growing split between true American Patriots and Khazarians in power and these Khazarians are being pushed aside and losing their power by the day.
The whole world is now organizing together to displace the World Zionists and their Khazarians Cutouts out of power. It will take some time, but now that so many inside the SSG, the SSWP and the Pentagon know the truth that 9-11-01 was actually an attack on America by the World Zionists, they are beginning to take covert actions against the WZs and their Khazarian Cutouts and their lackeys.
Israelis need to wake up and learn the facts about their Khazarian blood heritage and the fact that the latest peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic study shows that: about 97.5% have absolutely no ancient Hebrew blood at all, are not Semites, their Khazarian ancestors converted to a perverted form of Judaism under King Bulan in about 750 AD, and thus they have no ancient right to any of Palestinian land; while 80%+ of the Palestinians are true Semites because they carry ancient Hebrew Blood and these Semites do have an ancestral right to all of Palestine.
American Jews need to wake up soon too before they allow the WZ to destroy America, the goose that is laying their golden eggs of very high positions and high pay because they are part of the new synthetic tribe of “Jews” and have been used by WZs as their disposal Cutouts. When the great Federal Reserve System reaches its limits like any Ponzi scheme always done (and this may be quite soon), the Cutouts will always receive the blame while the WZ occult masters slip away.
Every day, more and more Americans and folks around the world are learning that the WZs used Khazarians to run the attack on America on 9-11-01 to motivate Americans to deploy their soldiers as disposable cannon fodder for the WZ’s Mideast wars of aggression, acquisition, and profit. And that these wars have produced millions of dead, wounded, disabled and displaced civilians.
ISIS et all, the private Israeli/CIA/Saudi mercenary army, has now been defeated by the Syrian military and Russian precision air power.
It won’t be long now until most nations of the world, especially Mideast nations gang up, Lebanize and Balkanize Israel. At that point, it sure seems that the USA will be too weak economically to defend Israel for the WZs.
And as oil prices continue to fall, Saudi Arabia’s days serving as a primary war and terror financing tool for the WZs are now limited.
The promising news is that there is now a growing number of actual Torah Jews, True Hebrews, and even a growing number of Khazarians around the world that understand Zionism and all the evil it produces. These folks now want to give the Israeli settlements back to the Palestinians, establish Palestine as a nation and push the crazy Likudists out of power in Israel.
A surprising number of young college-aged Khazarians actually support the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement (BDS) against Israel.
Every day more and more folks understand the evil that these WZ Babylonian Talmudic Baal worshiping Satanist do and have been getting away with.
Full exposure of all the evil done by these Satan worshiping WZs is now a certainty and no longer just a wish, thanks to the Internet, the World’s New Gutenberg Press.
So when you hear the term “Jew” used, think Khazarian synthetic racial tribe that is actually comprised of Khazarian converts to Judaism. Think Turk and Mongol bloodlines and no direct ancestry to ancient Hebrews or Palestine. And remember that about 97.5% of these folks that call themselves Jewish carry no ancient Hebrew blood at all and are thus not Semites.
And do not fall for their artificially created defense of Antisemitism for any criticism since it only applies to true Semites and not them, folks like the Palestinians and small remnants of the original Twelve Hebrew Tribes which were scattered around the world after diaspora with most interbreeding with other bloodlines.
It is important for Khazarians to realize they have been mind-kontrolled by the WZs and many of their relatives suffered persecution in WWII at the direction of the WZs who made money off the work camps where their relatives manufactured war materials for the Nazis.
When Israel becomes blamed for 9-11-01 and the Khazarian staffed Federal Reserve System fails, Khazarians will likely be blamed and persecuted once again unless they wake up now. And as always, the WZs slip away and their highly paid Khazarian Cutouts get blamed.
Mike Harris is the Veteran’s Today Financial Editor and radio show host of Short End of the Stick (Tues & Thur, 7-9 CST). Mr Harris has enjoyed 30+ yrs in the manufacturing, financial, and technology sectors. He’s been core to numerous domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions and mergers, skyrocketing profit margins through a highly co-operative/collaborative team approach. His sharp intellect and a fluid intuition was a significant boon during his 2005/6 run for the Governor of Arizona where he emphasized the need to initiate immediate, practical, working solutions to the issues at hand.
From 1995 to 2000 Mr. Harris served as a technical advisor to the Committee on Science and Technology of the US Congress, as well as sitting as Chairman of various boards over the years. With an MBA in finance, from a foundation of Applied Physics and Economics, he has proven an exceptional ability to function well-above and beyond “the box”. Dubbed “Iron Mike” through his many years as a martial artist, Mr. Harris has clearly demonstrated the resiliency to take blows and to come back fighting. He now brings this extraordinary skill-set to apply his ultimate Vision for a free, abundant, and prosperous society.

Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
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