What would Satan do if he ran America?


by  Preston James

Note: The question was posed to me, what is behind all this evil that grips America and Planet Earth? This article is an attempt to answer that question by identifying the root cause. Obviously this is not going to a popular article, but it is written to present truth as I can best determine.

It is like Jesus said when he verbally indicted a crowd of Pharisees who were after him:

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44 NIV)

Some years back, it was a fad in Christian churches for kids to wear bracelets that carried the message: “What Would Jesus Do?” The idea was that when in doubt, kids should act in ways that would please God Almighty by considering what Jesus would do in such situations based on his two final commandments: “Love God with all your heart and love your fellow man as yourself”.

Now we have a situation in America where our leaders and the folks that run the six Major Mass Media are acting as if their secret motto was “What Would Satan Do?” and then they do it. And they seem apply this modus automatically by instinct or inclination to in any situation they encounter. And they sure seem to follow Satan’s will. But of course, they continue to say all the right things and deceptively present themselves to the public as righteous folks, serving constituents, when that is just a false front.

They do this because they are caught in the inescapable World Zionist human-compromise occult trap – a trap that if they tried to break out of, they would be immediately smeared in the media, and would lose their elected office and most of their millions of dollars gained while in office.

These Cutouts are acting continually acting as sociopathic two-faced liars and deceivers and committing major RICO criminal acts for the World Zionists every day, many times a day.

What is the cause of all this? What earlier events brought us to this sad point in America?

According to respected Biblical historian Michael Heiser, the following events occurred much earlier in history and set the stage for the hijacking of Planet Earth by Satan, his fellow “Fallen Ones” and his Cutouts, the World Zionists, aka the Babylonian Talmudics.

Satan was the head Cherubim of God Almighty’s Ruling Council of lesser Elohim. God Almighty is the “first cause”, the Great “I am”, the “Creator of all”, the “Alpha and the Omega”.

These lesser Elohim were responsible for managing the universe according God’s policies and will. When Satan rebelled, 1/3 of the other lesser Elohim followed him. God Almighty kicked them out of “Heaven” (“the abode for Elohim”) and imprisoned them on Planet Earth.

In total violation of God Almighty’s edicts, two hundred lesser Elohim (“the Watchers”) decided to descend to Planet Earth at Mount Hermon to breed with the most beautiful Earth women to start their own race. Their progeny were called the “Nephilim” the great men of old, who were giants, 12 feet or more tall, had six fingers, six toes, two sets of teeth one in front of the other, red hair and long red beards.

These 200 Elohim (Watchers) knew they were violating God Almighty’s rules so they formed a joint pact together. They thought this joint pact to rebel together would protect them from God Almighty’s coming judgment.

These Nephilim were notorious warriors and evil to the core like their fathers, pure psychopaths. These Lessor Gods (the “Watchers”) were just like their head Lesser God, Satan, evil to the core. Soon the whole Earth was filled with evil and all flesh had become evil. God Almighty decided to destroy most of all human and animal life on Earth because of this.

The spirits of these now dead Nephilim became Demons (called D jinns by Islamics) but they had to continue their evil ethereally (inter-dimensionally as unseen evil but powerful spirits), activated through occult rituals and practices. That is, they had to be invited in by humans and could enter easily if someone lost their soul through practicing too much evil and their conscience becoming seared. It seems as if a certain small percentage of humans are born with no conscience as pure psychopaths.

It is well known that messing with the occult can open a person up to Satanic or demonic harassment or even possession if they continue into the black arts.

Those who enter the occult and began to practice its rituals usually reach a fork in the road with three choices.

One choice is to continue practice the occult for the strange events that occur which are quite entertaining while trying to maintain their current self. This often results in the occurrence of horrible accidents or events, usually a very bad eventual result. Messing around with the occult and its Black Magick arts can be very dangerous if one refuses to give up their soul. Satan will punish them for trifling with his powers.

Another choice is to delve deeper and eventually Satan will present himself and make an offer for them to give him their very soul in exchange for a promise of untold riches, power and status. There have been anecdotal tales for many years of certain rock bands being approached by Satan when high on drugs with some accepting his offer. The Rolling Stones was allegedly one of these bands, which afterwards, according to these accounts (if true), produced pro-Satanic albums – such items as Sympathy for the Devil, Goats Head Soup and Paint it Black, etc.

The Stones then supposedly went on to become the world wealthiest, most successful rock and roll band and are billionaires. Now they are still performing, sometime called the “Rolling Bones” because of their old age.

A third choice is to recognize the dangers and the evil of messing with the occult and walk away from it never to return. In many cases these folks are harassed by strange events and many seek religious help or if they have been exposed to Christianity, get serious about it.

America has been hijacked by World Zionists who have appointed Khazarians Cutouts to do their will.

And it is known that World Zionists are secret Satanists and followers and practitioners of the secret Babylonian Talmudic Rituals of Black Magick and Money-Magick, the art of making money from nothing through the Black Magick of pernicious usury.

In return for this evil service to World Zionists, the WZs make certain their Cutouts, the top Khazarian Tribal members and their Goyim recruits are very well rewarded. However, it is important to know who they really work for.

In the final analysis that entity is Satan, whether they know it or not and it has been reported from reliable, vetted sources that Top WZs and their top Khazarians and Goyim Cutouts end up having their own personal spirit guides that appear to them intermittently in private. These are actually demons, and for the top ones, Satan himself.

Many involved do realize this. The top World Zionists, top Khazarians Cutouts and top Appointed Goyim Cutouts have been recruited into the occult world of the Black Magick masters who practice pedophilia, child and adult sacrifice, blood drinking, child torture, child vivisection and cannibalism of certain body organs and cooked human flesh.

Note that according to CIA insider reports there are several restaurants in DC and NYC and around the world (including one in Saudi Arabia) that serve cooked child flesh as a secret and very expensive delicacy for top Satanists.

Yes, Pizzagate and Pedogate are real and the WZ controlled Major Mass Media has covered this all up which should be expected. Now with the exposure of Harvey Weinstein and other top Tribal Hollywood Moguls, these stories may be “driven” into the mainstream media, but expect them to be toned down.

Top Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard was offered initiation into the top “Illuminati” circles but refused when he was informed that the initiation involved Satanic child sacrifice.

Ronald Bernard described how this process of human compromise is used to control the world and has been used this way for thousands of years. He noted that one goal is to compromise new recruits into the “Illuminati” with these evil rituals so they are blackmail-able at any future time, if it ever becomes necessary. His full interview which is in four parts and is very lengthy is well worth watching for those that want more information about this. This man gives off no signs of deception and is obviously telling the truth.

To date this is the highest level, best public report of how human compromise involving satanic ritual and child sacrifice is used to control the governments of America, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the European nations and most nations of the world.


Bohemian Grove 1915 – a pivotal secret society still in operation

Satan is running America and most of the world through his World Zionist (WZ) Babylonian Talmudic occult network and appointed top members of its synthetically created Tribe, the Khazarians. These Khazarians were labeled “Jews” by the Khazarian King Bulan back in about 750 AD. Khazarians are a strange mixture of Turk and Mongol blood and a long history of Babylonian Talmudist based culture which has been described as grossly parasitic on others and blatantly sociopathic.

Despite the fact that these Khazarians (also sometimes now called Ashkenazis) converted as a Tribe to a non-Torah-based, grossly perverted form of Judaism (Babylonian Talmudism), they are not Hebrew, that is, they have no Hebrew blood at all and are not Semites.

This claim has now been well substantiated by a peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic study by a Judaic MD. It showed that about 97.5% of folks living in Israel claiming to be Jews have no ancient Hebrew genes at all, while about 80% of Palestinians have ancient Hebrew genes and are thus real Semites.

The amount of damage done to the world in general and America by these Khazarian Kingpins and Cutouts appointed by the World Zionists (who are Babylonian Talmudics, aka Satanists) is unfathomable.

Sadly, this kind of raw truth is so unimaginably evil that it is almost impossible for the average American to believe these facts when presented even with substantial evidence.

Almost every single member of the US Congress has sold out to the World Zionists. It’s a sad fact that they have signed the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel’s interests first even before America’s. This is why the USG provides about $30,000 in aid to every single citizen of Israel. Israel is a wealthy nation attempting to hijack the whole Middle East and the world for the World Zionists. They don’t need our money, we Americans need it.

And the Federal Reserve System, a World Zionist operation from top to bottom, is illegally and unconstitutionally charging us pernicious interest on their phony debt-notes, what should have been our own real money in the first place. This interest amounts to about 40% of our federal tax collections from American workers, and is the biggest financial crime in history.

Satan is a hijacker, a murderer, and a liar, and all evil is inspired by him. He dwells in any who invite him in, and for many of those who are willing to give him their very souls, he will reward them with untold riches, power and status. As long as they are willing to pedophile children and sacrifice them.

Satan knows that he is now under a death sentence by God Almighty, and is awaiting his final destruction to nothingness as if he never existed.

In the meantime Satan thus wants to destroy all humans because he hates God Almighty and all His creation. Satan is working desperately to create an Alien ET defense of advanced inter-dimensional weapon technologies, and hopes to be able to defeat God Almighty when He sends His Son Jesus to deliver final judgment to Satan and his Cutouts. This strategy of Satan’s is however doomed to failure because God Almighty cannot ever be defeated.

It is interesting to note that one of Satan’s recent ploys is to build up the Secret Space War Program of the Secret Shadow Government and turn it against the World Zionists private world Fiat banking System.

And history teaches us that whenever an evil kingdom become too powerful, God Almighty raises us another kingdom to displace it or crush it. That seems to be what is happening now to the World Zionist Satanic Kingdom which has hijacked America and engulfed the western nations with its private Fiat, pernicious usury and debt based central banking system”money” system.

So now we see the new rising power of Russia, China and their allies and they are forming their own non-Khazarian based monetary and exchange systems for trade.

And we have the new secret military alliance between Russian, Syria, Iran and yes Turkey too. Russia is going to allow Erdogan to believe he is the new Mahdi, as long as he stays within certain parameters.

So it looks like two other major Kingdoms have now been raised up against the World Zionists and their private Fiat central banking system, the Secret Space War Program and the New Russian, Chinese, Syrian, Iran and Turkish alliance. Soon it is expected Turkey will leave NATO or NATO will break up as the EU breaks up.

Looks like the World Zionists and their Top Khazarian Tribal Cutouts are going to be soon displaced and a new form of world government will now emerge. I expect it to be a NWO run by the this New Russian, Chinese, Syrian, Iranian, Turkish alliance, later to be followed by the Secret Space War Program’s new Cosmic Fascism form of world government with a Block Chain crypto monetary system.

The World Zionists are cornered and are now staging all these major False-Flag attacks to gain more power. They are also behind electromagnetic weather engineering that is used to create major weather events and are setting all the massive fires in the US west and Canada.

But even this will not be enough to regain power – they are doomed to being displaced.



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