Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War?

The current massive rise in populism in America is obviously an emergent byproduct of the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press and this new populism is now deeply challenging the power and control of the Ruling Cabal. But is it just another internecine war between individual Illuminati sub-groups fighting for supremacy over the rest? Or is it actually a serious challenge to displace the Illuminati itself, a secret Cosmic Space War against the Illuminati and all its sub-groups?


… by  Preston James

When I was briefed on Secret Space War matters over 20 years ago by a highly connected Intel man, it was not significant to what I was involved in at the time and I was unable to see much relevance to fully integrate it. To me it was irrelevant and just another set of defense contractor rip-offs of taxpayers and the use of Black funds obtained from illegal drug trafficking and weapon sales to dictators.

At that time the Secret Space War Fleet was just being assembled to run out of the four corners area of the USA from several Beyond-Black well camouflaged secret Military bases, all linked to Deep Underground Military Bases by high speed trains in an underground tunnel networking system connecting them.

Now many years later the Secret Space War Program runs in full functional mode with capabilities far beyond normal everyday societal expectations or awareness, perhaps best described in the fantasy content of Hollywood movies about Alien ETs, US Star Fleets, and secret space wars.
So now in the last several years, as all this information has been leaking out on the Deep-Black and Secret Space War Program, it turns out everything I was briefed on 20 years ago was very accurate. If you think the Deep-Black Secret Space War Program is the deepest of the Secret Shadow Government secrets, you would be mistaken.
There is a whole other deeper category referred to as Beyond-Black and these are solely contained in special access unacknowledged programs, not even known by the Board members of the Defense Contractors they lie hidden deep within because their security clearances don’t go high enough. These programs involve time warping, quantum technologies far beyond anything most can conceive of, including time projections from the Looking Glass and psychotronic and psi-powered mind-kontrol using miniaturized technologies, remote entrainment and hiving of the human mind.
Beyond-Black involves worm holes, deep space factional battles, and off-planet bases where some from deep within the Secret Shadow Government go to live to get away from Planet Earth and live out the rest of their lives which have been extended beyond normal with high technology. Right now Beyond-Black disclosures are still forbidden. 
Today to a certain degree (due to all the vetted witness disclosures), Hollywood production fantasies about Alien ETs have now intersected with actual public reality. For the first time we now have publicly broadcast validated reports from credible witnesses who have worked in these secret Deep-Black programs and can prove it along with valid, well corroborated reports about real Alien ETs and their back engineered anti-gravity craft.
And for the first time I can see what the Secret Shadow Government has been building and how a small but powerful Deep-Black faction appears to have deployed sophisticated technology and trade craft to take on the existing Ruling Cabal either to displace it or supersede it with its own command structure.
What I don’t know is if the Deep-Black Secret Space War faction has emerged as an independent entity with its own deeply secret highly sophisticated covert agenda to rule Planet Earth, or if it has been empowered and is mind-kontrolled to serve as disposable cutouts for a very powerful group of off planet based Alien ETs.
Without the emergence of the worldwide Internet, it is doubtful that such major disclosures like that provided by Steven Greer M.D.’s Disclosure Project and many other sets of personal validated testimonies would have penetrated into the masses to the degree that they now have.


Populism vs. Globalism

It is now obvious that the emergence of the Worldwide Internet which is functioning as the New Gutenberg Press has created a direct populist based threat to the Globalists’ plan to shove their NWO into place.

This battle has two apparent sides, the City of London-EU linked Globalists with their stateside Cutouts verses the populist masses which have emerged in many western nations from the Internet, most notably inside the USA around the Internet’s Alt Media.

It is hard to know whether this is just another battle for supremacy by two Illuminati sub-factions. Sub-faction battles that which has recurred so many times in history since ancient Babylon where the Illuminati and their Black Arts emerged and empowered a small set of bloodlines who practiced them at everyone else’s expense and lives.

Everywhere the Illuminati established secret rulership, mass death always results.

One thing for certain, the world has been ruled by Evil ever since the Illuminati families emerged in ancient Babylon and began practicing the Dark Arts of Satanism also knows as Babylonian Talmudism.

The Illuminati is a Death Cult, specializing in mass human sacrifice in order to purify the human race and obtain power from Satan for sacrificing humans. This is not theory but has been repeatedly reported by those who have studied this cult in depth and those who have been deeply involved in their activities and quit.

The European Common Market Headquarters is believed to be modeled after Nimrod’s Tower of Babylon?

Mass death by war and oppression has been the trademark of this group’s rise to prominence using these black arts which requires their willingness to give up of their very souls to Lucifer for mammon, power and status.

This actual information has been provided from those involved at the periphery of the Illuminati who turned away from it because of its blatant evil and hatred of mankind. Some historians who have researched this doubt that these illuminati families are even human.

How interesting it is that the Bloodline of Cain is not even included in the Biblically recorded genealogy of Adam even though Biblical history suggests he was born from Adam’s wife Eve. Adam is believed by Conservative Christians to be the first man created by God Almighty.

Some Biblical historians believe that Cain and Able were fraternal twins, with Able being Adam’s son, and Cain being the serpent Lucifer’s son. This is a different twist to the garden of Eden most Christians are used to but a careful study of the actual original language used in Genesis supports it.

Is America the Military Arm and Enforcer of a New Roman Empire?

America was hijacked in 1913 by the City of London “Moneychangers” and has been transformed into the enforcer and war machine of the Serpent System run out of the Vatican which has been described as a tripartite system of private nation states that govern independently: The Vatican, the spiritual head; the City of London, the financial head run by usurious private Banksters; and Washington DC, the military arm serving as the system enforcer. Each of these three nation states have their own set of Ambassadors.

This Tripartite Empire is generally considered the New Roman Empire, a covert extension of the original Old Roman Empire that went covert and spread to Europe and England when it was destroyed by the Huns. How interesting it is that DC was built on the city called Rome, Virginia and the City of London was supposedly built on 7 hills like the City of Rome where the Vatican was built.

The US military has been assigned to protect the opium crop in Afghanistan so it can be grown and sent to the USA to depopulate as many young Americans as possible for the Illuminati, while also raising billions of dollars for various Secret Shadow Government Black Programs, including their Deep-Black Secret Space War Program and 147 Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs).

Right now the USA is supposedly not at war, and yet the US Military is fighting in numerous Mideast and African nations and dropping about 121 Bombs a day, 80% of which kill innocent civilians.

This is an unprecedented ongoing and continuing, unabated mass slaughter of innocents, but for what? Is it to get the Lithium and Opium from Afghanistan, with the massive amount of opium trafficked into the USA to raise vast amounts of dinero for black ops.

Is this mass slaughter of innocents just another extension of Israel’s Greater Israel plan, easily mandated thought their Cutout the USA which their master controllers, the City of London, hijacked in1913 or is it also an Alien ET induced mass depopulation program?

Is it just another ploy to keep the 66 families who own the largest blocks of stock in the major Defense Contractors fat with funds, folks who need ongoing secret wars and mass murder in order for their defense corporations to be able to sell lots of war products and service military bases?

Remember the warning of the most decorated US Marine ever, General Smedley Butler who wrote the classic book, War is a Racket”, and warned that America’s soldiers were fighting to protect corporate profits and little else.

Approximately 21 Trillion USD is missing from the Pentagon and the US Military is running out of bombs to drop. But the US Mainstream Media, a six member Illuminati controlled News Cartel through a CIA Cutout is silent on this.

Harnessing Populism to get elected?

The Donald, whether you like him or not, was able to craftily harness this rapidly emerging populism to win the Presidential election. Have the forces he claimed to be fighting against been able to compromise him transforming him to fight wars for Israel he promised to discontinue?

Was he secretly deployed by a Deep-Black faction of the US Military to intersect with, and then neutralize the Illuminati, and then later on neutralize the powerful populism which is now emerging from the Internet? Time will tell.

In Western history from the 1600’s at least, all major battles for world control have actually turned out to be internecine wars which never directly involved attacks on the head of the Illuminati snake, the City of London and the European Old Black Nobility “moneychangers” behind them and the secret “Council of Twelve” hidden leaders that really run the Vatican and the whole system.

These battles have always been battles between Illuminati sub-factions, where the challenger is a rising power that is bucking the existing power distribution. And if and when they gain a place at the roundtable, they just appear to have become another Illuminati supporter as long as they get the power they are seeking.

Prior to the emergence of the Internet, no entity ever has directly challenged the Head of the Snake, the top Illuminati Ruling Council of 12 itself. Now it appears that there is a direct challenge and it is rumored many Illuminati are faking their deaths, moving to Paraguay or going off-planet, figuring Planet earth is now a lost cause.

Some have gone so far to suggest that the reason immigration is being pushed so hard in all forms and purposefully created by massive wars in the Mideast is to destroy the borders, language and culture of the European nations, but to also allow Alien ET hybrids and those ETs that look human to be mixed in without being noticed.

Illuminati sub-group battles always seem to involve the invocation of needless mass death, mass suffering and induced mass disabilities of innocent civilians.

Many wonder what the esoteric origins are of all these earthy battles for group supremacy which always end up utilizing and producing the mass slaughter of humans. If one carefully examines the works of Michael Heiser and others, one conclusion that can be drawn using historical guidelines is that there is a Cosmic battle in the heavens going on that intersects Planet Earth.

According to this narrative, 1/3 of the ruling council of angels (e.g. the lesser gods) were cast out of Heaven for following the head angel Lucifer who rebelled against God and tried to displace God Almighty, creator and first cause of all. According to Michael Heiser’s take on Biblical history, 200 of these fallen angels formed a pact to descend to Earth at Mount Hermon and breed with Earth women the fancied.

Some Biblical historians believe that these descended fallen angels operated under Lucifer’s authority to take down Planet Earth and capture and destroy all humanity so that Lucifer could install a new race of his own, a mixture of iron and clay, a new race of transhumans, machines merged with human genetic fragments so they could be hived to direct Satanic control.

So if this narrative is true, then it appears that these 200 fallen ones which bred the Nephilim (aka the Greatmen of old, the giants) cannot get along with each other and are continually battling for control of the whole Earth using different nations and political factions as cutouts to do their bidding.

Seems to me that the Illuminati are perhaps the recurrence of these fallen angel or Nephilim bloodlines. This would explain a lot.

But one thing that is certain in any case is that those powerful groups that ruin the world are obsessed with “thinning the herd” and creating mas-death to gain more power and this has been a way of life for their kingdoms.

How interesting it is that the Yale Skull and Bones Fraternity built on Opium money donated to the Russell trust meets in a dungeon-like building called the Tomb. When one enters the Tomb the first thing they see when they enter is a bunch of stolen license plates with the number 322 and very large letters spelling the word WAR on the wall.

Leaked information about what goes on inside the Tomb has given us a snapshot into how the Illuminati really functions and why.

Skull and Bones is a Satanic group that worship Lucifer as their god. Their secret task is to rule the world as a part of a super elite group and minister death to the masses to purify the human race and maintain power for Lucifer.

But now with the advent of the worldwide Internet, knowledge of the massive corruption and mass death and mass human suffering that is created by the Illuminati through their Cutouts is being exposed and has resulted in an emergence of a new and massive populism across the western world. This massive new populism is creating a massive attack on the Illuminati from all sides.

Is this the first time in modern history the “Head of the Snake” is being attacked through exposure and other sophisticated actions?

Is the current ongoing battle between Internet based emergent populism and the Globalists a direct battle with the head of the snake? Or is this a battle that was set up and is now being manipulated by a certain new and rising sector deep within the Secret Space War Program, a deeply secret sub-group of the Secret Shadow Government system that was able to gain immense power away from the Ruling Cabal’s control matrix and wants to completely displace the Illuminati Council of Twelve from world power which means bye-bye US Petro Dollar?

Is there a Deep-Black faction within the Secret Space War Program that has amassed enough advanced psychotronic and psi-based mind-kontrol power to entrain the masses to do their will but also enough power to entrain those who have been viewed as the “Head of the Snake”? Has this new secret and incredibly powerful faction decided to do an end run around the Illuminati and displace them from power.

Is this secret faction planning to release cheap zero point energy production technology and completely displace Big Oil? Does this faction have sophisticated medical treatments which will make most of modern medicine irrelevant and obsolete? Are they planning to deploy this to make Big Pharma and big medicine irrelevant?

Or has the very top leadership, the chief and single secret leader of the world that controls the Head of the Snake made a secret deal to destroy the old Bankster control matrix and push a new one in its place using Crypto currencies tracked forever by advanced unlimited block-chain quantum computer memory bank tracing.

And is this top ruling entity manipulating and fooling this new Deep-Black faction to do it dirty work, all the while believing it is saving planet earth and humans from certain destruction?

Insiders claim that the top Illuminati Satanists must always display the Mark of Cain as their secret symbol to assure business success and protection from Law Enforcement. Or at least they must supposedly use two X’s in their name to signify the double cross, i.e. the crossing out (neutralization)of the Cross of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, His rising from the dead, and victory over evil, sin and death.

This type of most drastic and unexpected action was done when the Templars were declared an enemy of the Vatican and mass-murdered. Tupper Saussy reported in this in his classic book entitled Rulers of Evil (Out of print, thankfully now a free .pdf download).

When the Templars were slain, they were later brought back stronger than ever to run the Bankster system out of Switzerland, France and the City of London. This time, will the Head of the Snake be displaced and not brought back, with a whole new kinder, gentler type of fascism shoved into place (at least at first)?

A whole new type of Fascism best called Cosmic Fascism is now emerging.

It sure seems that a whole new type of world fascism is now being shoved into place to replace the super-fascism we have had since WWII. This post WWI super-fascism occurred when the large international corporations stacked the USG and used it as means to access massive taxpayer funds.

Fascism in WWII and pre-WWII Germany and Italy was different. It was the merger of the State with the Corporation, with the state remaining in control. In this new emerging post WWII Super-fascism, the State merges with the Corporations but the Corporations stack the State and control it and use it for their own special interests and funding, using taxpayer monies for their own profit and empowerment.

In order to assure that they are completely represented by Congress they funnel many millions USD back to members of Congress as campaign financing, and large offshore set-aside allocations in numbered accounts.

Certainly DC has become a financial trough of almost unlimited taxpayer funding for many of these large, well-connected corporations that finance and control members of the US Congress and for certain favored nations like Israel which was set up by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia centered in the City of London which is a one square mile special financial district and an independent nation state like the Vatican and Washington DC.

But now there is a whole new radically different type of Fascism emerging and it is based on super high tech back-engineered Alien ET technology. Zbigniew Brzezinski referenced it obliquely in his book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.

Did he understand how far the development of Alien ET high technology to entrain the brains of the masses would go? Is he really dead or did he just fake his death like several other prominent folks have left Planet Earth and joined a break-a-way off-planet group, believing the situation here on Planet Earth was hopeless with Globalism and the NWO failing at all levels?

This newly emerging fascism is a different type of fascism has the power to overcome and displace the super-fascists (corporate) system now in place that controls the western world. The emergence of this new type of Fascism, based on high tech Alien ET technologies including mass mind-kontrol, zero point energy, and anti-gravity makes it appropriate to call it Cosmic fascism.

Disclosure is coming and with it will come this new form of world Fascism, Cosmic Fascism.

When this Deep-Black entity decides to mandate Disclosure, and we know it is coming, this alone will force these Alien ET high tech realities into the public’s awareness worldwide and will establish and solidify this new Cosmic Fascism in short order.

It is obvious this Deep-black group has already given the green light for Disclosure of the reality of Alien ETs, their crashed UFO’s which have been back engineered. Why? Because the last several years, for the first time those involved in programs working to back-engineer this Alien ET technology have been coming forth in mass and talking about it publicly without being murdered. Some have even been told it is okay to disclose certain such matters.

The following video was released by the KGB after the fall of the Iron Curtain and is believed by experts and insiders to be a real video of actual Alien ETs called “little Greys” taken in the 1940’s. This is the best actual video of real Alien ETs ever released.

Next there is the video of a crashed UFO inside the Soviet Union which is also believed to be real.

There is now irrefutable proof that official treaties have been made with certain Alien ET groups and certain large governments. These treaties involve Alien ETs sharing high technology with certain governments and receiving human and animal tissue and blood samples. Some treaties involve joint research projects to develop technology and synthesizer the human soul and create various super-soldiers with Triple Helix (self-healing) DNA.

Contrary to what most involved in these programs have disclosed, it is my best guess that these Alien ETs have their own secret agendas to depopulate Planet Earth and repopulate it with their own species and a new Transhuman creatures. I believe their agenda is to hijack Planet Earth by deception and then implement their secret agenda which is a lot different than the Moneychangers’ Globalist NWO plan and has no place for these Globalists in it.


The New Gutenberg Press by Preston James, published at Moon Rock Books ($20 plus shipping).

It is obvious that the worldwide Internet is truly revolutionary and is changing society as extensively as the Gutenberg Press did. Is this current world war between the Globalists and Internet based populists simply a very crafty con job to keep folks occupied while a new deep-black Cosmic Fascism is shoved into place displacing both the populist masses and the Globalists at the very same time?

Certainly the intention of both the Globalists and the Alien ETs appears to be radical depopulation of Planet Earth, and it does seem that massive Terra-forming is now occurring too which some have claimed is strictly ET based.

If the current covert world war is limited to a battle between the Populists and the Globalists, then that is quite nasty itself, because the Globalists’ stated agenda involves a 90% population reduction, as stated in white papers and in their Georgia Guidestones.

If alternatively this covert war is truly a very craftily disguised takedown of Planet Earth by Alien ETs who have fully mind-kontrolled a certain Deep-Black faction, then that is a whole different matter; and it means that the Ruling Cabal gets deep-sixed along with everyone else.

On the other hand, if the populists win because they organize and create massive “moral density” (powerful God-given psi-power) which cannot be overcome by the Fallen lesser gods because of Cosmic Rules of play in place, the Alien ETs will have to leave.

As a conservative Christian, I do not agree with David Wilcock’s specific beliefs about what Alien ETs are and where they came from, their purpose in being here, or his view of man’s origin, view of God and Jesus of Nazareth. But in the following short video clip, he hits a grand slam home run and is quite accurate in his assertions.

While I do not agree with many of his beliefs, his heart is in the right place, and he is basically a good man concerned with the welfare of others and is doing his best to capture the truth behind these secret Space War related issues. He is known to protect the identities of his confidants who wish to remain unidentified and has been trusted with very sensitive high level information.

These Alien ETs are only able to take over by use of deception and human compromise. They can only stay if they are given permission and consent by humans. Once the lies that empower their deceptions (like with the Ruling Cabal) their power evaporates and consent will be withdrawn.

It depends on what these ETs really are. Some appear to be soulless created androids, robotic and hived in nature. Some researchers believe these ETs are spirit beings created by Lucifer, carry “Reptilian Blood” and are here to take down Planet Earth, Terra form it and eliminate Humans as a race.

Soon perhaps we will find out because it is quite likely that Disclosure in some form perhaps significant but also somewhat limited will be occurring soon.


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  1. These “people” really do worship satan, they make blood sacrifices which in turn gives them power, wealth and longevity. Sometimes they are given visions of the future from certain demonic entities. Feeling as if “gifted” and of the bloodlines traced back to the fallen angels, they of course have taken every ET given technology for themselves to roam about and join forces with other despicable races that terrorize the galaxies.

    Luciifer’s m.o. is the degradation of humanity and the entrapment of souls. If as they do in Hollyweird, you sign your blood contract, and a family member or close friend is sacrificed, you will then be in the upper 1% financially but your soul belongs to satan. He doesn’t stop with corruption of humans, since the Reptillians have been here for thousands of years, they too do his bidding. The eating of certain glandular secretions, sodomy which is the antithesis of natural reproduction, and the growing of human tissue mixed with alien DNA are all the agenda of satan. The DNA websites are set up to gather DNA of willing humans to be used for their use in the endeavor of a new race of hybrids. Once you send it in, you have no rights to what happens to it.

    No matter which way you look at it, Lucifier sits at the top. Many in control of the SSP are satanists. They will not share technology with the rest of us. Eventually though, this will change.

    • We are made to believe that humans are inferior, corrupted, or methodically degraded or upgraded. The reason SO many ET races are here is because in all actuality, we are a highly sought after perfect creation. They want a piece of us….. They secretly revere us and watch over us like vultures.


      This movie may shed some light for some…
      It may cause more whistle blowers to come forward….
      But the fight to get them to release what they know
      will be an uphill battle because they are so far removed
      from the rest of us and caught up in the egoistic shadowy limelight
      they have created for themselves where they believe they
      are untouchable, above the rest, and will relentlessly protect what they have absconded with at the expense of humanity!
      I sincerely hope I am wrong.

  2. If one does appropriate web searches there are a lot of personal accounts out there given by folks who have worked in the Secret Space War Program and have validated credentials. The most prolific military, Intel and political author on the Internet, our own G, sometimes unloads some real info gems within his articles. Read this one very carefully and you will be surprised. And it really happened too, so you can interpret what it means the way you want.

  3. Awesome analysis as usual.

    The challenge in this time is in developing our ‘Gift of Enki’…the gift of our natural human psi abilities to help us determine fact from fiction. Truth has a ‘feeling’…

    Also as more information comes out, as contactee Enrique Barrios was told, we need to keep our own extremism in check. We should remember, no group anywhere is monolithic. That includes ET groups influencing planet earth. They have been here longer than realize…groups who are good, bad, and indifferent. Now that more info is coming out, discernment is the key…not just assuming any Et is good or bad from what limited knowledge we have.
    Please include more about developing our discernment and our innate psi abilities in your writing.

    Thank You

  4. Most Americans are totally oblivious to the current wars conducted by the U.S. because the draft has been basically abandoned, they have no loved ones being killed in this fight except those who joined voluntarily, it is not costing them more in taxes because the money is being borrowed and added to the massive debt and finally the corrupt media is not reporting all the death and mayhem from these illegal wars. War is not needed to destroy the country. All that is needed is for the electric power to shut down. We and most countries are totally dependent on electric power. Imagine all gasoline pumps suddenly off. No gasoline or diesel. No refrigeration or air conditioning. No lighting. This country would turn to anarchy very very quickly. Even limited amo and guns would not be enough to fight this war. Roving gangs of thugs.

  5. Well this is an interesting but scary take on possible end time scenarios. Before five and a half billion of us go to our final reward; I hope we wake up. Unlike our deep state cabalists I won’t be heading off world or to a deep underground base. I’ll be stting on the porch here in Maryland. Somehow the Orwellian distopia that I grew up fearing has radicalized into an X-Filian nightmare. Preston, in your writings you always are hopeful that good will triump over evil. I hope you are correct.

    • Harry Haller, the reason I am hopeful is because every great evil empire in history has been displaced after a time. Evil empires compete and consume each other. This life is short and when we die we cross over. I just happen to believe that there is a God Almighty, the Creator of all that somehow was always here, the great “I am”. I have seen his goodness and His love and seen Him overcome evil many times. I have seen His creation which to me is proof He is real. I just happen to be a conservative Christian believer and I believe that “love covers a lot of sins”. I know that the two commandments of Jesus of Nazareth to love God Almighty first and then to love your neighbor as yourself produces harmony and peace. Treating others the way one wants to be treated is a good way for all to live. But the power mongers, the greedy, the haters of mankind want it all for themselves and want to control everything. They learned the ancient Babylonian Black Magick arts that require that they sacrifice children to Baal to receive power over earthly things and the masses, so they do it and lose their souls and then when they die eventually they lose their immortality. One cannot make mammon their god without losing their soul and their immortality unless they wise up and turn from it, and few ever do that.

  6. Truth Seekers Ministries Presents…
    The Mystery of Stonehenge,
    Gene Scott

    files download page:

    On one of Gene Scotts’ live broadcasts from Los Angeles he started a rant on The Arch Angels that built the Great Pyramid. He described them as “Giants, some with wings”. He described breeding with humans and an inevitable occurrence of cannibalism, Giants eating humans, because the Giants ran out of food provided by humans and their environment …

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