Have The Chinese Had A Vaccine All Along?

Michael Shrimpton picks up on a curious anomaly in the Chinese Covid-19 stats and asks what Peking have been hiding.


Have the crafty Chinese had a vaccine all along? As the Coronavirus pandemic has developed a curious fact has emerged: aside from the initial outbreak in Wuhan, which killed many thousands, the rest of China got off comparatively lightly. There have been no reports of mass casualties in Shanghai or Peking. China’s leaders, notorious for their sense of self-preservation, have even been seen wandering around Wuhan with only light protection. What do they know that we don’t?

Communist China has always been a secretive state. Built on a lie – that the notorious pedophile Mao Tse-Tung was a communist – successive leaders have cultivated the art of deception. Not even Germany can match China’s record of lying and contempt for the truth.

Mao was of course a German operative, reporting to Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the notorious and bloodthirsty Abwehr intelligence organisation, forerunner of the DVD, the most murderous intelligence agency in history. Canaris even had two operatives on the Long March, Rudolf Bosshardt and Arnolis Hayman. Their cover story was that they were ‘missionaries’.

German agent Rudolf Bosshardt

Officially Bosshardt and Hayman were ‘prisoners’ of the 2nd Red Army, which officially ‘captured’ them. Like hell! In years to come we will wonder at the staggering naivety of those like Wikipedia editors who fell for the missionary story, hook, line and sinker. There are even staged photos of these two clowns tied up, for the benefit of the camera, of course. (One of the first things you learn in photo-interpretation is to ask who has taken the photo and why, in other words to look behind the lens.)

Think about it. You’re a bunch of commies and you’re about to go on a 6,000 mile route march with 85,000 men, 80,000 of whom are going to die, and no motor transport. You haven’t even got enough horses. What’s the first thing you’d want? A couple of Christian missionaries, of course. Why? To say Grace before meals?

In his lengthy career as a political criminal, child molester and mass murderer I seriously doubt that Mao Tse-Tung obeyed even one of the Ten Commandments. I’m no saint, but even I’ve managed to obey a couple. The idea that he’d want a couple of missionaries along on the Long March is ludicrous, yet this nonsense has gripped the fevered imaginations of historians for the best part of a century.

I’m not saying, by the way, that Mao was totally without personal qualities. Although I’ve only ever dealt with a couple of people who knew him, I gather that in private he could be quite charming, rather like Adolf Hitler in fact, arguably still the nicest Chancellor that Germany’s ever had.

Anything coming out Peking has to be viewed with suspicion. They only tell the truth by accident. Cellphone data suggests that there was a serious incident in the Wuhan Institute of Virology on or about October 6th, 2019. In all probability that was the original Covid-19 containment breach.

Peking didn’t come clean about Covid-19 until January. It’s now clear that there was a massive cover-up. It’s also clear that there were mass casualties in Wuhan, but only in Wuhan. Atmospheric data suggests that there were a large number of cremations in the Wuhan area from around the end of October, but there are no other hotspots in China.

What was going in the Middle Kingdom in the last three months of last year? We know that UNC at Chapel Hill, USAID, CDC and CIA were involved at some stage in the Chinese Coronavirus weaponization program. It’s highly unlikely that the boys at UNC thought they were developing a bio-weapon. It’s far more likely that they were working on a vaccine.

Vaccines and antidotes are commonly developed alongside bio-weapons. That’s because of the risk of blow-back. As the Chinese themselves have discovered bio-weapons have a nasty habit of turning on their creators.

Communist China has never been transparent. No one in the West knows exactly how much gold the Chinese have got, most of it owned by the ancient families who still wield huge influence in China. All we know is that gold has been continuously mined in China for at least 5,000 years and very little of it has been sold.

High-yield trading programs seem to have been developed in the 19th century as a way of using these vast gold reserves without actually selling the gold. Much of the funding for World Wars I and II was generated on the back of Chinese gold. Stopping the programs, which massively increase the money supply and have been the principal source of inflation in the Western world for nearly a century, must be a priority.

America is in a strong position here since she has in President Trump a leader capable of understanding the programs. Boris Johnson is economically illiterate, no offense intended, and would be hopelessly out of his depth. Essentially China’s economic growth has been funded by the West, like the German and Japanese ‘economic miracles’ before it.

China of course is reluctant to buy our products and believes in one-way trade. That’s why Peking are backing Biden, indeed they probably see Covid-19 as a golden opportunity to get a weak and ignorant president into the Oval Office to replace President Trump.

There’s no chance, ever, that Peking would tell the truth about the links between the Abwehr, Mao and Chou En-Lai. They’ve been lucky so far in that the Western world has tended to be led either by intelligence illiterates or German agents. They’ve also encountered a series of weak or compromised leaders who’ve been happy to sit back and watch Chinese imports flooding in, whilst China went in for industrial espionage on an industrial scale. That’s why they’ve been so shocked by President Trump. They don’t know how to deal with a President who is actually willing to stand up for America.

With a country as secretive as China and second-rate Western intelligence agencies like MI6 and the CIA, no offense intended, it’s easy to see how Peking could organise a mass vaccination program without tipping off the West. Apart from anything else you wouldn’t have to label the vaccine as a Covid-19 vaccine. If it comes to that a Covid-19 vaccine could be combined with another vaccine.

What’s the betting there’s been a big vaccination program in China since October, labelled ‘anti-flu vaccine’ or some such? The idea that a brutal dictator like Jinping, no offense intended, would be incapable of staying quiet whilst hundreds of thousands of mostly old folk in the West died only has to be stated for its absurdity to be apparent.

Not a nice way to go.

I can’t answer the big questions in life, such as why were none of the Norman Kings of England called Norman, or did Vlad the Impaler use lubricant, but I try my best with some of the smaller ones. On balance I think that the Chinese have been running a covert vaccination program and are holding out on us in the hope of inflicting mass casualties and huge economic disruption in the West. I also think, on balance, that Dr Death, sorry Fauci, knows it.

Hong Kong

Peking’s new national security law marks the end of the ‘one country, two systems’ nonsense that they and the Foreign Office have been touting since China seized control of our colony of Hong Kong in 1997. They wouldn’t have been able to, of course, had the Chinese spy Sir Percy Cradock been spotted in time. He was the architect of the disastrous Sino-British Declaration which paved the way for the surrender of Hong Kong.

Sir Robert Armstrong – a seriously dodgy Cabinet Secretary, if that is not a tautology.

Sadly my old friend Margaret Thatcher trusted Sir Percy. No one, least of all the then Cabinet Secretary Sir Robert Armstrong, a dodgy character if ever there was one, no offense intended, told her that Cradock was a Chinese spy. (Sir Robert was infamous for the line in the Spycatcher trial about being “economical with the truth”, something he was throughout most of his life.) Interestingly, Sir Robert decided to pop his clogs last month.

Smacking the commies about

As I’ve observed before on these pages it’s high time that we started smacking Johnny Communist about. We British would like Hong Kong back for starters! Both the UK and the US should recognise Taiwan. That would almost certainly provoke Peking into breaking off trade and diplomatic relations, but if they don’t we should take the initiative.

UK defense posture in the South China Sea needs to be raised, with an aircraft carrier permanently on station. The UK should also formally lay claim to the Spratly Islands, which are of course British. (Where do they think Captain Spratly came from? Shanghai?) Peking need reminding who won the Opium Wars!

The neo-imperialist running dogs also need to be booted out of Tibet. We need to crack down hard on North Korea, China’s client state on the Korean Peninsula. A breach in trade and diplomatic relations would mean no Chinese nationals coming to the UK or the US, greatly cutting down China’s opportunities for intellectual property theft. Denial of visa facilities would also limit Chinese opportunities to spread Covid-19 and other bio-weapons still in development. Losing control of Covd-19 at Wuhan in October could turn out to be China’s biggest mistake.

Sir Stirling Moss OBE (1929-2020)

Arguably the greatest racing driver who ever lived, and certainly the finest never to become World Champion, Sir Stirling sadly died last month. No more will rozzers be able to ask a speeding motorist ‘who do you think you are, Stirling Moss?’

We never met, but we did speak on the phone when I led the Customer Buy-Out consortium for Rolls-Royce and Bentley. A patriot, he agreed to be a non-executive director of Bentley Motors had we succeeded – the plan was to put him in charge of motorsport.

He wasn’t just a Grand Prix driver. He raced to a famous win in the 1955 Mille Miglia, a gruelling race, more than half an hour ahead of team-mate Juan Fangio, no mean driver himself. He came second in the 1952 Monte Carlo Rally and won the Isle of Man TT.

Question marks remain over the near-fatal crash at Goodwood on 23rd April 1962 which effectively finished his career. Goodwood is a challenging circuit (I know – I’ve actually driven a racing car, a Formula Ford, around it) but Moss was a brilliant driver. Was his Lotus sabotaged?

We know that the Germans had a campaign against Britain’s world-beating racing drivers. GO2 assassinated Mike Hawthorn on the Guildford By-Pass in 1959. The DVD did for two-times World Champions Jim Clarke in 1968 and Graham Hill in 1975. It stands to reason that they might want to assassinate Stirling Moss.

If sabotage is confirmed – which after this length of time could only be from GO2 or DVD records – then Sir Stirling’s son Elliott should be made a baronet in his father’s honor. Getting our own back by wiping out a Jerry driver simply wouldn’t be playing the game of cricket.

This week’s TV review: Homeland (8th series, airdate February 9th 2020)

The long-running intel series Homeland has finally finished – the 8th series ended in the UK a few weeks ago. As usual production values were superb. The final series was probably the most exciting of them all, with a grand finale.

Just in case you missed it first time around and haven’t got round to a Coronavirus binge-watch, I won’t spoil things by giving away the final twist in the plot. Even I didn’t spot it, and I’m not exactly new to the intelligence game.

I never found Carrie Mathison to be a particularly sympathetic character. I was always much more well-disposed towards her boss, Saul Berenson, brilliantly portrayed by Mandy Patinkin. Costa Ronin is a fine actor, but his portrayal of GRU officer Yevgeny Gronov grated. In my experience the GRU are much nicer, and always behave like gentlemen!

The portrayal of Gronov as double-dealing and untrustworthy betrayed Homeland’s great weakness – Russophobia. Leaning towards the twisted CIA/Democratic Party worldview, Russia is portrayed as an adversary, rather than as a former ally and potential friend. Former DNI Admiral James Clapper would no doubt applaud (pun intended), but the series’ view of Russian intelligence is a nonsense. I tried not to let the weaknesses of the plot spoil my enjoyment of the show however. It is after all entertainment, and Homeland certainly entertained.


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