Palestine: International Protection and Trusteeship


Special Introduction. Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the PLO, Fatah, and PA, announced the suspension of all contacts with Israel, an empty statement since it was not accompanied by the formal diplomatic protocol as required by international laws. The PLO leadership failed miserably in the armed revolution and failed in the never-ending “ peace process”. If I know how the PLO operate for sure, they did not think of all the consequences that have to do with transport, electricity, the water supply of materials and consumer good. Formally revoking all agreements with Israel also means the disbanding of the Palestinian Authority, the effective management of the Israeli Occupation.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivers a speech during the Handover Ceremony of the Chairmanship of the Group of 77, at the United Nations Headquarter in New York, United States on January 15, 2018. Photo by Thaer Ganaim

Here is the problem. Not so sure how these international forces will work and whether the US on orders from Israel will veto such a proposal and whether the UN Security Council at the mercy of the US veto will ever be able to carry on such demand, let alone a resolution.

More importantly, how this will fit with the PLO and Mahmoud Abbas 80,000 Palestinian security forces, which eats more than 60% ($1.3 billion annually) of the PA annual budget and which in 25 years failed to provide any safety or security for the Palestinians. The PA/PLO Was unable to prevent one single attack by illegal settlers, failed to stop one Israeli targeted killings, failed to prevent one house demolition, failed to prevent the forced entry of Israel security forces into a village, or even a house. Worst was unable to prevent the burning or uprooting of one single olive tree or prevent a separate attack on a mosque or a church.

How can anyone make sense demanding international protections when the PLO and Fatah security forces failed to provide such protection. Of course, we all need to understand that the Palestinian Security Forces, as agreed to in Oslo was to provide protection for and assist the Israeli Occupation with its mission in the Occupied Territories, providing auxiliary security for the IDF and armed Israeli settlers.

One can understand the need for such a force in Gaza, which may require the disarming of both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, provided these international security forces can prevent Israeli attacks and can defend the people of Gaza from Israeli jets, tanks, and drones and end the siege of Gaza.

And whether such security forces will have the necessary military gears to withstand an Israeli assault. This means the opening of the port and airport and all international access for the people of Gaza. It is best to make access through the ports and airports without having to worry about Egypt closing its borders.

However, all this will make sense only if the UN Security Council with no veto from the US push through for an “international trusteeship’ to take charge of both the security of the Occupied Territories (Gaza and West Bank) and also the administrations of the civil affairs of the Palestinians under Occupation.

This, of course, means the end of the PLO and Fatah as managers of the Israeli Occupation and the loss of very lucrative contracts that made all leaders of these organizations multi-millionaires, and it also means that Hamas must give up both the security and administrations of Gaza.

Already Israeli agents within the US governments and in other countries like France and UK with seats in the UNSC will become very active, making sure that such things never happen. Giving excuses that Israel by killing, murdering hundreds and wounding thousands of unarmed civil demonstrators is defending itself with the similar editorial in both the New York Times and the Washington Post standing up for Israel’s right to kill and murder innocent and unarmed civilians who were, by the way, demonstrating within their own besieged Gaza and never close enough to cause worry for the massive Israeli snipers deployed.

Until such time the PLO and Fatah decide it is time to end this tragedy, conspiracy, and perpetual fraud on the Palestinians and the world for the last 60 years, give up its financial interests in the continued occupation, no hope for such things to take place. For sure, the PLO will stand in the way as the sole and legitimate representative of the Israeli Occupation.

The international trusteeship will guarantee Israeli will evacuate the Occupied Territories, toss to the garbage can Oslo Accord, disarm all Israeli settlers and trespassers, disarm all Palestinians factions including PLO Security Forces. For an interim period of 5-7 years during which the hope for the new Palestinian leadership to emerge to replace this corrupt, incompetent and illegitimate leadership that hijacked the Palestinian cause for the last 60 years.

The new leadership should work with those Israelis who are willing to give up their Zionist apartheid racists state for the OneState for All of its people. It will happen as this is the only solution forward.


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  1. You know, it isn’t the PLO’s fault, nor is the SATANIC MASONIC ZIONISTS NAZIS … PERIOD!!
    The Jewish people came from Eastern Russia in Kazakhstan. They are the KARZI MAFIA. England had no RIGHT to give Palestine to the Jewish people. PERIORD ! The USA did NOT agree to that back in 1895 when the Zionists Theodore Herzl held their meeting and came up with the “6 million Jews” in Nazi Holocaust still decades away from that little confab. Israel is an ILLEGAL country as much as Obama was an ILLEGAL President since there is VERY much actual PROOF in New Jersey Court testimony by Obama White House Lawyers. The Protocols of Zion clearly point out that JEWS in general think of “goyim” as pigs. cattle and goes all the way back to 929BC. Read it yourself it’s available on Amazon. ‘Wandering Jews’ are nothing more than Banksters Gangsters.

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