Cannabis for Veterans: How Can It Improve Your Life


As more and more discoveries are being made on the beneficial impacts of marijuana, we are seeing more and more legalization across the world both medicinally and recreationally. Far ahead in legalization is medical marijuana because of many of the ailments it helps treat and manage for patients and the alternative it provides to many harmful medications.  

Veterans of war are another category of people that experience different challenges when they are trying to return to normal life. Some suffer injuries and anxiety that make it difficult for them to adjust back to normal life. This makes them resort to prescription drugs that sometimes end up becoming addictive and create an unhealthy dependency that further worsens their problems. Marijuana is an interesting alternative for veterans that is showing promise in many areas. The market has grown immensely in the past few years, and an abundance of products are now available on the market, so choosing the right one shouldn’t be a problem. Online head shops like provide a wide selection of all kinds of devices, so no matter the preference, there is something for everyone. 

In this post, we will share some of these benefits to veterans.   

It Can Improve Mental Health  

Veterans go through some horrific experiences at war that can be hard to forget. They are constantly reminded of traumatic events through flashbacks and nightmares. They relive these moments regularly which impacts how they sleep and can lead to depression and anxiety. These effects on the veteran have additional negative effects on their families, work, and friends. Cannabis has become a great option in relieving some of the negative effects due to its anxiolytic effects which means it reduces anxiety. Additionally, cannabis works as an antidepressant. Flashbacks can also be reduced by the effects of cannabis since it causes short-term memory impairment. 

Finally, cannabis has a calming effect on the brain that alleviates the constant state of emotional arousal that veterans constantly face. This state of mind without the help of cannabis can lead to outbursts of violence and anger.    

It Can Provide Pain Relief 

Many veterans suffer from PTSD, anxiety, and sleep disturbance that manifests themselves in the body through pain. Sometimes, this pain can be debilitating which can make functioning normally through the day difficult. In some cases, it develops into chronic pain. Cannabis provides relief by calming the musculoskeletal centers through the entire body that enable it to relax. This leads to less psychological and physical pain that translates into a better livelihood in different life aspects such as work, socially, and recreationally. This allows them to function normally within society and enjoy their day-to-day activities like other people would with less harmful effects from their wartime.  

It is a Safe Alternative  

After experiencing war, it is understandable that veterans would look for some relief through different substances that may not be good for them. A moment of relief from the memories that haunt them can mean so much especially when they have returned to normal civilian life that is completely different from the experiences of constant tension they faced at war. These may seem helpful in the short term but usually turn out to be detrimental and worsen the effects they suffered while on deployment.  

One of the many negative effects war has on veterans besides the psychological, is substance abuse. They tend to have a higher prevalence of debilitating substance abuse than ordinary civilians. A 2021 study showed that 32% of vets suffering PTSD were on treatment for substance abuse. These substances include alcohol, cocaine, and other harmful substances. Cannabis is a safe alternative that can substitute these harmful substances as well as alleviate the psychological and physical effects of war. It calms and relieves pain while avoiding some of the irreversible negative health consequences that harmful substances cause. It is a win-win for the veteran.  


Cannabis, on first thought, may not seem like the best option for veterans due to its history but that is far from the truth. It is becoming more and more commonly used as a medical drug but also recreationally by society with minimal negative effects. One of the primary beneficiaries of the benefits of using cannabis are veterans that have to adjust back to normal life after experiencing the trauma of wars. Veterans can experience relief from pain, improvements in mental health and have a safe alternative to harmful substances such as cocaine and alcohol that would impact them negatively. With these benefits, veterans can enjoy some normalcy after their war experience.


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