New Zealand Singer Lorde vs. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

What we are witnessing is that the “anti-Semitism” ideology is now a dying breed because its proponents have not been able to shoulder the burden of serious proof required to put it through.


…by Jonas E. Alexis

New Zealand singer Lorde seems to be realizing that there is more to the “anti-Semitism” ideology than meets the eye and ear. The pop star has decided to cancel a planned concert in Israel to protest the Israeli regime’s genocidal project against the Palestinians, also known as the settlements.

Roger Waters, Peter Gabriel, Tom Morello and Brian Eno have all supported Lorde. They wrote a letter which read in part: “We write in support of Lorde, who made public her decision not to perform in Israel and has now been branded a bigot in a full page advertisement in the Washington Post.

Guess what? According Shmuley Boteach, “America’s most popular rabbi,” Lorde should never have chosen to cancel the concert. Lorde, says Boteach, has joined a growing number of anti-Semites out there who have nothing to do but to attack Israel.

Boteach’s perverse move here is obviously pregnant with meaning. What he invariably ended up saying is simply this: Lorde could not choose to cancel her own concert. Thought-police like Boteach did not give her that freedom. She has broken an unwritten law, therefore she had to pay the consequences.

The 21 year-old singer is now a full-blown anti-Semite. This bitter hatred, we are told over and over in books and articles, has infested Europe and much of the West for centuries. As Daniel Jonah Goldhagen has incoherently argued, it is “the devil that never dies.”[1] Boteach said:

“In choosing to ally herself with those committed to Israel’s fiscal destruction, Lorde broke with some of the greatest names in modern music….”[2]

Boteach, who is a frequent contributor to Steve Bannon’s Breitbart News, added: “Let’s boycott the boycotters and tell Lorde and her fellow bigots that Jew-hatred has not place in the twenty-first century.”[3]

How about ethnic cleansing? Does it have a place in the twenty-first century? How about the settlements? Should anyone with a rational mind support this essentially diabolical enterprise? Here Boteach just proves again and again that the Zionist or Israeli ideology is against all mankind and therefore invalid.

Roger Waters, Peter Gabriel, Tom Morello and Brian Eno again remind the world that Boteach “has nothing to teach artists about human rights. We deplore the bullying tactics being used to defend injustice against Palestinians and to suppress an artist’s freedom of conscience.”

But it gets even better. Boteach moved on to say that Lorde ignored the Syrian war and prejudicially concentrated on Israel. Lorde should have accepted the challenge. In fact, Israel is almost exclusively responsible for the war in Syria. If this sounds far-fetched, then perhaps we need to bring in Israeli ambassador Michael Oren once again, who said unequivocally that Israel preferred terrorist cells in the Syrian government over Assad. Oren:

“We understand that they are pretty bad guys. Still, the greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc. That is a position we had well before the outbreak of hostilities in Syria. With the outbreak of hostilities we continued to want Assad to go.”[4]

That the Israeli regime supported terrorist organs in Syria was not a secret operation. They bragged about it.[5] Put simply, if Boteach wanted to be honest, then he wouldn’t have brought up the Syrian war issue at all because that essentially ruined any point that he was trying to make.

What we are witnessing here is that the “anti-Semitism” ideology is now a dying breed because its proponents have not been able to shoulder the burden of serious proof required to put it through.

  • [1] Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Antisemitism (New York: Little, Brown & Company, 2013).
  • [2] Chloe-lee Longhetti, “Oh Lorde! Kiwi singer slammed as ‘a bigot’ in controversial Washington Post ad… after cancelling show in Tel Aviv,” Daily Mail, January 1, 2018.
  • [3] Ibid.
  • [4] Herb Keinon, “Israel wanted Assad gone since start of Syria civil war,” Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2013.
  • [5] Rory Jones, Noam Raydan, and Suha Ma’ayeh, “Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels,” Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2017; Jack Moore, “Israel Secretly Paying Salaries of Syrian Rebels on Golan,” Newsweek, June 19, 2017.



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  1. When some one calls me anti Semitic, I thank him for the complement, because he means I do not agree with Israeli policies which is a fact. The joke is that people who are not Semitic call Semitic people as anti Semitic.
    Any one with little knowledge knows that they get lot of media coverage so the only thing left is just don’t bother about the anti Semitic comments. If every one starts ignoring it the whole facade will fall.

  2. Garry, I have a similar story to tell, I met a US navy guy many years ago, when working along side the US Navy,we talked for hours about hot cars etc,I ended up as best man for him at his wedding, a few years ago I sent him an article on the USS Liberty,he replied with a photo of a skinny dead inmates at a German labor camp. We haven’t spoken since.


    What rank chutzpah to accuse anyone of Antisemitism when the book of the Jewish Talmud is not only read, studied and condoned containing as it does and then some, Rabbinical delirium/hysteria in the form of anti-Christian writings or anti-Goyim fulminations – enough to stir in mitigation of a wholly natural fury the FACT of arrant hypocrisy and churlish arrogance. The world still holds its breath after fifty years waiting to hear the Rabbinical response to Nostra Aetate of the Second Vatican Council. As the cliche goes, the silence is deafening.

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