Texas Prepares to Execute Rodney Reed…Proven Innocent


DEKE PIERCE WAS wearing civilian clothes as he took to the lectern in a narrow press room inside the Texas Capitol in Austin last month, but it was still obvious that he was a cop. He stood with his feet wide and his arms slightly away from his body, a stance molded by years in a uniform encumbered by heavy gear. He was there to make an extraordinary announcement: He and 12 other members of law enforcement with more than 250 years of combined experience had filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a Texas death row prisoner named Rodney Reed, slated for execution on November 20.

“We each care deeply about the criminal justice system and the rule of law. While that often means holding wrongdoers accountable, it is the equally important goal of the criminal justice system to avoid punishing the innocent,” Pierce told a group of reporters. “Not only would moving forward with Mr. Reed’s execution be cruel and immoral, it would also undermine the rule of law and the legitimacy of the very system we as law enforcement officers swore to uphold.”

Their brief argues that Reed’s conviction was tainted by common problems in law enforcement — forensic errors, “weak facts,” tunnel vision, and “community pressure that can distort an investigation.” The officers argue that in this case there is “uniquely compelling” evidence that Reed is innocent.  Read more…




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  1. Recent frequent cases of murder and violence against children in Russia have generated a wave of public discontent. The death penalty was abolished (to please Western “values”) in the 1990s. But the Russians are demanding the return of the death penalty for maniacs, pedophiles and child molesters. Crimes against children must be punished cruelly. Otherwise, people themselves will do lynching courts right on the street, where the offender was caught at the crime scene. Bastards, encroaching on the lives of children – do not have the right to live. In other cases, a respite should be made: in the case of the Rostov maniac Chikatilo (back in the USSR), 4 innocent people were shot by mistake of the investigation.

  2. Read the book: “IBM and the Corruption of Justice in America” by Earl Carey,
    Bismarck House, St. Louis, 1992. Carey was an engineer. He acted as his own lawyer Pro Se. All he wanted was a simple jury trial in his dispute with the Computer Giant. He tried every legal means; every legal means failed. It took four years of his life. He even tried to have 42 federal judges arrested by the FBI. Lawyers are trained to lie, cheat and steal in Law School. The whole system is fixed. Carey recommends lawyers be banned from holding any government jobs period. Reed should be immediately released. This is what gives the South a bad name although the same thing goes on everywhere. How about Epstein in New York?

  3. I don’t know how anyone can sit on a jury and convict anyone in this country, given that the criminal enterprise known as the US government has placed itself above the law. Don’t sit on a jury!

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