The beginners guide to write an essay- steps and example   


Essay-writing can both be a hobby or a profession. Be it writing a journal or a thesis, writing is an elegant skill. Essay-writing itself has a set of rules and regulations that decide how it is received by a reader. If you have the required skills, knowledge, and language prowess but fail to follow the basic principles, your piece of writing gets degraded in quality. Whatever the type or purpose of your essay might be, you can get it written by best essay writing services available online. Check out one of such essay writing service review of Masterpapers at Here is a little guide on writing a technically perfect essay.

  1. Preparation

Every task starts with preparation and essay-writing is no different. The quality of an essay can be determined even before you’ve started writing it. That is based on how good you are prepared. Being prepared in case of essay-writing involves thought processes and research.


Before writing you need to think about what topic you are writing on. It should be related to something you are knowledgeable about or meets the needs of your readers. You should also think about what facts and statements you want to include in the essay.


If you don’t have the authority to choose and are assigned a topic instead, it is extremely important to research about it before you start writing. Even for the topic of your choice, it is important to research for a factually correct and accurate essay.


When you are done with thinking, the next step is to plan. You have to plan and structure how your essay should look. It includes both the arrangement and the length of your essay.

  1. Writing

The writing part is where everything’s at. Doesn’t matter how good your topic and research are, it doesn’t make a difference if you can’t back it up in your writing. You have to write according to the outline you have created and it usually consists of three segments; an introduction, a body, and a final conclusion. If you are having trouble with this part you can hire an assignment writing service.


The introduction of an essay should be given extreme importance. The introduction is the first thing a reader comes across and it can determine if the said reader will read further or not. The introduction should be catchy and attractive. The best way to start an essay is by making a bold statement regarding the topic of the essay. For example, if you are writing something about the internet, you can start with something like “The Internet is a global phenomenon that is taking the world by storm. ”

An introduction shouldn’t be longer than 10-20% of the whole essay.


The body of the essay is where you put all your research, knowledge, and statements together. It should take up around 60 to 80% space in your essay.

The body should be structured well with the use of paragraphs. Different paragraphs keep the essay from looking clustered and make it easy to read.


The conclusion is where you sum up everything you have stated in your essay. In a conclusion, you should make a final statement in support of your arguments. For example, if you are writing about how the internet has impacted the world, you should end with something like “The Internet has indeed changed the world in many ways”. You should never present doubts in your statements in the conclusion. The conclusion should only contain needed information and shouldn’t be stretched. The size of the conclusion should be 10 to 20% of the essay.

  1. Revision & Proofreading

When you are done with writing, now is the time to confirm of it is correct from top to bottom or not. You should look out for different errors after finishing before you send out your essay where it is intended for.


First, you need to take a good glance and confirm if you want to make any changes to your already correct statements. You can think of better phrasing or better structuring. In revision, you take up the role of a reader instead of a writer. Then you make changes that you feel should be made from a reader’s point of view.


Proofreading involves looking out for different types of mistakes you have made along the way. The mistakes are usually grammatical or factual. You need to check for wrong spellings, verbs, and punctuations. You should also recheck and confirm the facts you have presented.

Mistakes To Avoid

There are various mistakes you can make while writing an essay, especially as a beginner. It involves basic spellings and grammatical mistakes first of all. You should also always write in the correct and required tone of the essay; formal or informal. The length of the essay should be always moderate as well. Not too long, not too short.

Detailed steps of essay writing have been explained above with suitable examples. So are explained the typical mistakes that beginners and novices make while writing. If you have got the hard skills of writing covered, all you need to write a perfect essay is following these steps and avoiding the mentioned mistakes.


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