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Tag: sars_2

Covid, Italy’s Govt approved Mandatory Vaccines for Health Operators. Italians become...

In the cover pics Mario Draghi, former ECB president now PM in Italy, and Bill Gates, emperor of vaccines after creation of Big Pharma...

Scandal in SARS-Cov-2 Inquiry! Inside WHO Task-Force a Gates’ Partner who...

Summary 1 - The Smoking Gun is Gone in Wuhan... 2 - Farce Investigation on the SARS-2 Ghost Animal 3 - New York Financier of Wuhan-Chapel Hill...

Pandemic Secrets: Consumers Association asks Arrest for WHO Italian Boss tied...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy Versione originale in Italiano «Arrest for Ranieri Guerra and extension of the investigation towards the Ministry of Health....

WUHANGATE – 8. “SARS-2: Virus GMO built with HIV”. Breaking Study...

Report Summary 1 - "CoVid-19 is GMO" according to ex NATO lecturer 2 - Mystery of the 2013 viral strain registered only in 2020 3...