Your Radiation This Week No 55

Black-Rock-Desert Nevada
Black-Rock-Desert Nevada

(San Francisco) May 7, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the Top Recorded Radiation Highs that affected people for the last week around the United States.


War Crimes in Progress

There is no way to recover from these kinds of exposures. There is no medicine and there is no cure. Millions now possess a shortened life span due to their radiation exposures. What city or country will be next?



Black-Rock-Desert Nevada
Black-Rock-Desert Nevada

Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

The Top Reporting Radioactive Cities are listed. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last.

Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are a portion of the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

1,545 CPM,309 Times Normal,Raleigh, NC.Beta, Gamma.
1,435 CPM,287 Times Normal,Little Rock, AR.Beta, Gamma.
1,424 CPM,284.8 Times Normal,Colorado Springs, CO.Beta, Gamma.
1,345 CPM,269 Times Normal,Portland, ME.Beta, Gamma.
1,333 CPM,266.6 Times Normal,Navajo Lake, NM.Beta, Gamma.
1,295 CPM,259 Times Normal,San Diego, CA.Beta, Gamma.
1,226 CPM,245.2 Times Normal,Idaho Falls, ID.Beta, Gamma.
1,183 CPM,236.6 Times Normal,Spokane, WA.Beta, Gamma.
1,117 CPM,223.4 Times Normal,Phoenix, AZ.Beta, Gamma.
1,089 CPM,217.8 Times Normal,Worcester, MA.Beta, Gamma.
1,082 CPM,216.4 Times Normal,Tucson, AZ.Beta, Gamma.
1,065 CPM,213 Times Normal,Hartford, CT.Beta, Gamma.
1,055 CPM,211 Times Normal,Harrisonburg, VA.Beta, Gamma.
1,053 CPM,210.6 Times Normal,Memphis, TN.Beta, Gamma.
1,050 CPM,210 Times Normal,Billings, MT.Beta, Gamma.
1,013 CPM,202.6 Times Normal,Pittsburgh, PA,Beta, Gamma.
1,001 CPM,200.2 Times Normal,Denver, CO.Beta, Gamma.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]


The Count

Raleigh, North Carolina is in First place in the countdown to the end of time. Other cities have the radioactive “contagion,” just not as severe,  even though the listed cities all exceed 1,000 CPM.


Changes – War Crimes in Progress

The subtitle for YRTW is changed to add the phrase: “War Crimes in Progress.” Let’s not pretend this much Rad for this long is not a War Crime punishable by Hanging. It is purposeful and with intent.

The perps do not care that people are killed and maimed by their self made poisons. I call for War Crimes trials and prompt Hangings for all of those involved.


Rad Measuring Units Removed from Service

Some 24/7 Rad measuring units are flaking out or are removed from service for various reasons, including political reasons. I encourage the EPA to return them to service. Hundreds have now suffered this fate of oblivion.


New Category – MIA 18MthHigh

“MIA 18MthHigh” is a new category under the column labeled Type of Rad. It means “Missing in Action – 18 Month High.”



I salute the brave scientists, physicists, techs and support personnel who continue to bring us the latest radiation numbers. Their work is valued and appreciated.


Te132 – Something Nuclear in Europe Detonated or Exploded

The American East Coast from Virginia to Maine was Rad Assaulted on and around May 4, 2016 from Rad originating in Europe; specifically Te132, a fission product. Something in Europe exploded or detonated. EU officials have had no comment.

The 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation was detected by EPA Rad Monitors in the following East Coast cities: NYC, NY; Shirley, NY; Dover, DE; Baltimore, MD; Hartford, CT; Providence, RI; Portland ME, Richmond VA, Philadelphia, PA; Wed 5-4-2016.  – Animation and Subscriptions

You are again encouraged to view daily the animation on their free, public site. The above referenced 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation lit up the subscriber’s page like a Xmas tree.

For those with more serious scientific interest, I highly recommend that you subscribe.   The cost is around US$20.  It is well worth it.


Rad Contagion in the States

Raleigh, North Carolina joins Colorado Springs, Miami, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Billings, Montana as the recent victims of truly spectacular Radiation Counts per Minute (CPM) on EPA Geiger counters and radiation measurement systems.

No action has been taken by the US Government, however. The nation destroying strength of Big Time Rads cannot be denied; but, the Rads can be ignored till they kill you. You can run; but, you cannot hide, the Rads always win.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.


Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols at .

Notes and Sources

1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.

2. The EPA based reporting of an LLC.

3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.

4. Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.


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