Subjects and Serfs of the Lesser Gods (Part I)


by Preston James


Statues of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. It’s a good guess that the Greek and Roman Gods were based on legends from earlier times of lesser gods interacting with humans.

[ Note: If you have no interest or knowledge of background in Secret Space War matters, the secret and almost completely hidden machinations of the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), or the incredibly dark, evil, etheric non-corporeal entities which they serve in order to get their power, you are probably wasting your time reading this article. For those interested, this is a long article and you can save time by reading the bold print and then the conclusion. Doing this you will get the most important points of this article.

global chess

Thanks to a major world power shift that has occurred, the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been significantly checkmated and is now being progressively and incrementally deconstructed. The KM’s biggest secrets have historically been protected by their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which refuses to publish the facts of their extreme evil because the KM Moguls that run it follow KM policy that has been set by the KM Top Chieftains.

Instead of publishing the truth, the CMMM publishes KM big lies, false-narrative and USG propaganda, and by doing so has created a false social reality which makes the truth implausible to most. Since the KM assassinated JFK, this false reality has traditionally caused most Americans to view truth nuggets dispensed by the Internet’s Alternative Media as mere “conspiracy theory” by whacky “conspiracy theorists”.

Gander Canada Flight from Egypt
Gander Canada Arrow Air Flight from Egypt

All secrecy is now ending, and there are so many breeches from all over the world that it cannot be stopped. Some new KM-mandated laws have slowed this process down somewhat, but those too are becoming quite ineffective. Even so, many of the most serious secrets are so obtuse, so deviant, so incredibly evil, few will be able to fit them into their heads, once told. The biggest secrets that the Top KM Chieftains live by and keep are so nasty and so esoteric that they are incredible to all but a very, very small group of those who have worked at their periphery and who have well-corroborated information and evidence they just can’t ignore.

The most closely guarded secrets of the KM Chieftains and their powerful associates are their private intersections, associations, subordination, and operational “slavery” to the unimaginably evil, ethereal, non-corporeal world they have sold out to. Strangely, the KM Top Chieftains and their associates do not understand that they have lost their very souls and have become slaves of the the evil spirit guides (lesser gods) they serve, and that this path leads to only one thing — judgment and their final demise. In becoming slaves of the hidden realm to evil lesser gods (fallen ones), they have been granted the power to rule over evil on Planet Earth and have made serfs out of most of whom they rule over.

Men who were lost that day on Gander Canada Arrow Air Flight from Egypt
Men who were lost that day on Gander Canada Arrow Air

This three-part series of articles is dedicated to all who have been murdered on the orders of the KM Top Chieftains using evil subordinates who run their Intel Agencies, such as the CIA, the FBI’s Div. 5, MI-5&6, the Mossad, to mention a few.

Their blood cries out from the ground for judgment against these KM Top Chieftains. Because of twisted, sick and demonic policies the KM Top Chieftains (due to their subordination to evil non-corporeal spirit entities), these notorious world’s worst criminal sociopaths have been producing all the illegal unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared wars of aggression and acquisition for the benefit of the KM and its associates.

This article is also dedicated to all the Intel agents and federal whistle-blowers that have been “terminated with prejudice” by the secret notorious “signed findings”, and also members of Seal Team Six recently murdered by their own commanders to keep them from leaking the fact that the man they terminated, murdered by a secret “dead or alive” warrant, was actually a Colonel Tim Osman double, when the real Osama bin Laden died in late 2001 long before.


This article is also dedicated to the murdered US Special Forces soldiers of the Gander Canada Arrow Air Flight from Egypt, the murdered eleven US Special Forces “Spooky Teams” in South America, the murdered DIA Agent Tiny McKee and his four other team members on Pan Am 103 at Lockerbie Scotland returning to America to expose the massive CIA/Pan Am drug Trafficking pipeline into America, all murdered by orders from CIA commanders and their superiors in sinister “ends justifies the means” cover ups.

The blood of all these fine American Soldiers cries out from the ground demanding justice be brought to those responsible for their murders. Anyone who would order the murder of a brother in arms is the worst kind of soulless traitor there is and deserves justice and final judgment to be delivered no matter what. And this is the typical kind of person that sits in the top Command positions inside the CIA and the Pentagon right now and continues to betray American Soldiers and Intel agents every single day. They violate their Oaths of Office and betray We The People. They deserve to be fully and publicly exposed and dealt with by federal RICO prosecutions, as well as prosecutions in International Courts for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the tortures and murders of innocent kidnapped teenagers at numerous black prison sites, including on the notorious black prison ships. PJ ]


Demiurge represented by the lion-faced serpent
Demiurge represented by the lion-faced serpent

The Plutocrats and Oligarchs who rule us do so by means of their secret, hidden associations and strong personal relationships with other Plutocrats and Oligarchs, but they share one thing in common.

In order to obtain their status they have risen through specific occult-based initiation rituals which become increasingly evil.

At some point when they near the highest initiation into the KM Hierarchy, they will be approached by non-corporeal entities in the hidden spirit world and will be asked to enter into a contract, selling their very souls in exchange for extreme power over others, incredible riches and high status in society.

But they have to perform seriously deviant, criminal acts in secret against the masses in order to be so empowered and to maintain their level of power attained. These acts are parasitical and required by the lesser gods they serve.

In so serving these lesser gods these Plutocrats and Oligarchs have been able to create a secret kingdom, an Establishment Hierarchy which they must maintain through covert political manipulations and exercises of their secret power that has been given them.

Hollywood proudly promotes the Demiurge at every opportunity
Hollywood proudly promotes the Demiurge at every opportunity

To protect this kingdom of power, wealth and status they have built up a pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy. This Establishment Hierarchy is the world’s largest organized crime syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia.

These Plutocrats and oligarchs who are the Top Chieftains of this KM Establishment Hierarchy syndicate have created their own Intel agencies and used them to protect their Establishment Hierarchy.

In addition they have also created numerous secret, top secret, above top secret, black, deep-black and beyond-black programs hidden in various defense contractors (usually as Intel proprietaries) to create even more tools to control society and pursue technological developments that will aid their cause.

These Plutocrats and Oligarchs have hijacked the American State; formed close relationships, groups and associations; and routinely invoked the false-cloak of so-called “National Security” as cover for their evil, illegal and unconstitutional deeds, which are necessary to keep We The People under control.

Some of the most hidden of their secret programs are deep-black and beyond-black “unacknowledged special access programs”, often not even known by the defense contractors in which they are embedded.



These deep-black and beyond-black programs, like so many covert operations of the KM’s Intel Agencies, are financed by “black money” raised through large corporate/state bust-outs, bailouts, corporate welfare schemes, international arms, and large scale narcotic trafficking and other illegal rackets.

Some of these deep-black programs have gone rogue and become a major secret power to themselves, independent of the Top Chieftains of the KM who set them up or authorized them in the first place.

Raising Black funding for black programs is a very big, well-protected business of the KM.

The reason the country of Mexico is a narco state and a totally failed nation is because the CIA started and built up the Mexican drug Cartels and has used them them to raise immense amounts of black funding. When one cartel gets too big and too powerful, the CIA builds up a competitor, and then covertly provokes a drug war between them. This weakens them and keeps them in check and thins the herd by producing thousands of murders, many of innocent civilians.

Meanwhile they keep using these cartels to provide illegal drug profits for their large wall street banks to launder for them. Just take a wild guess why casinos have been so popular with the CIA, the world’s largest narco-trafficker that is totally controlled by the Top Chieftains of the KM.


Some deep-black and Beyond-black programs have developed a life of their own, gone into secret arrangements with Alien ET groups, and have gone rogue.

And some of these beyond-black programs have spun out of control and developed a life of their own, running parallel to the Power Control Group that is supposed to control them, the world’s largest organized crime syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

At least one of these programs has been transformed into a faction actively working against the KM at many levels through very sophisticated psyops, covert ops and ultra high tech psychotronics, mimicking what the KM is doing to the American masses in secret, but likely much more proficiently.

alien-midway1 (2)

In some of these beyond-black special access, unacknowledged groups, those involved have been deeply mind-kontrolled and now serve as agents of these Alien ET leaders and are helping them attain their own agenda, which plans to make an end run around the Globalist NWO Agenda of the KM.

It is not too hard to imagine all the trouble this is now causing the Top Chieftains of the KM. Stay tuned, because much more is on the way.

Some of the slickest covert operations in history are going to be deployed against the KM. It would be great if this Alien ET Agenda were one supportive of We The People and the human race. But so far it looks to be something just the opposite. They appear to be doing some of the things We The People want, but with what overall goal in mind, that’s the rub, because they seem to have an endgame that is anti-human and may just be clearing the field of the major power players so they can move in their place and take over openly in some form, perhaps through new Cutouts.

The agenda of this certain group of Alien ETs is substantially different than the Top Chieftains of the KM, whom this Alien ET group has been using as disposable cutouts to gain control over the nations and major institutions that run humanity.

Once they have done that, then they plan to dispose of humans in three intermingled ways.

They plan to deploy war and disease taking a toll of 90%. This was sold to the KM Top Chieftains as necessary chem-trail spraying, high tech eugenics in the food, and vaccination poisoned healthcare, and purposeful pollution and radiation spills and contaminations.

They plan at some point to start deep-sixing all the KM Cutouts and Doofuses and useful idiots who sold out their fellow humans for temporary power, riches and status, as soon as they are no longer necessary and these spirit guides (lesser gods) have set up the necessary means to relate directly to the masses and elicit a world populism they control. They will manipulate the masses to become lemmings, while the eugenics and mass deaths from war take their intended toll.

Depleted uranium effects

The Alien ET Agenda seem like the KM’s Globalist NWO Agenda, but is actually far worse and evil beyond the imagination of most.

The Alien ET Agenda is actually a secret agenda of the lesser gods, the fallen ones that rebelled against the God Almighty and were cast down and quarantined upon Planet Earth and its surrounding space.

A certain group of Alien ETs are well organized “spirit entities” (lesser gods–Dracos) and have an age-old plan to repopulate the earth with their own new race of strange creatures that are Alien ET/human hybridizations. They intend to genetically engineer these new creatures and enmesh A.I. computers and “machine components” in their genetic structures, which will be triple helix-based and thus self-healing.

Jupiter Ascending 11_zps4yandrpv

Their special new race will be the merger of “clay and iron” will be hived by quantum A.I. capabilities built into their genetically engineered CNS. These creatures are intended to have advanced psi-powers, IQ’s of 200 and over, and will serve the group mind, preventing deviance and rebellion (as well as free will) in this new race of hived man/machine/Alien ET hybrid.

Obviously much of this subject would be either incomprehensible, unimaginable to those who are not up to speed on the history related to these subjects. But there are numerous vetted witnesses who have spoken out on the US Secret Space program, Alien ETs and relationships between deep-black unacknowledged, SCI proprietaries.

Slowly but continually over the last 50 years significant reports and actual USG documents have leaked out and we have anecdotal reports of those at the fringes of the KM who have talked about the incredibly deviant initiation ceremonies of the KM’s Establishment Hierarchy.

There is a group of vetted, highly trained ex-military and government witnesses who have come forth in unity and spoken out against their secrecy agreements, because these secrecy agreements are null and void because of criminal behavior of those who administer them. This is Steven Greer’ MD’s Disclosure Project. I don’t agree with all his conclusions, but the evidence his group presents is rock solid as are his “first-hand” witnesses.



Because there is a major cosmic correction now on the way, this sinister plan is doomed to complete failure; but because these entities running this are soulless beasts driven by evil instincts, they cannot process the truth or stop themselves from heading toward judgment and destruction.

The coming break point when the KM Top Chieftains and their KM are going to be dis-empowered and taken apart at the seams is now approaching. As these monsters who walk free are de-throned, they become confused and wonder what went wrong.

In Part II, the powerful effects of the worldwide Internet in exposing the unimaginable evil of the Khazarian Mafia and their counter measures will be explored.

Brit Intel


This can be a negative and depressing subject so I have included some great entertainment from the very best Blues man out there who has an uplifting back-story to share.

Besides being the world’s top stage performer and top Blues Guitarist, Joe Bonamassa is a populist. His story is one of incredible success despite enormous odds against him. He refused to sell out to the music industry and started his own company after deciding to create his own following and his own business. He deals directly with blues lovers and has a very big following because he shares so much personal information and so much great music. Joe has overcome almost impossible odds and risen to the top independently outside the mainstream corporate music industry, a feat that almost never occurs anymore.

Joe has his own website, tells his full story openly and provides lots of his best music for free to those that can’t buy his excellent DVDs and CDs and cannot attend his shows. He has the best video and audio techs, records everything now in HD and has the best sound engineering and video production possible. He has made several videos on his life story and those he works with which are very interesting.

Joe has the very best in his band. He doesn’t care what their age, race or sex is, he will play with them if they are the best. His music is ever expanding and some of his new work is amazing. Joe started out as a guitar prodigy and after extensive voice lessons by the best, he has progressed to the very top. What he has done is almost impossible but early on he decided to always pick quality people to work with. If you look closely you will notice Joe is playing a guitar previously owned by the great Albert King. When Joe performs it is obviously he puts out 100%, everything he’s got, and this man is oozing with raw pure talent. His popularity is growing by the day and his following who frequent his website is international in scope now. He has just recently reached top superstar status by dealing directly with the people, having the best performances anywhere and recording and selling his own videos in HD without the big recording corporations being involved. He never seems to run out of great new material and each performance seems even better, harder hitting than before. This incredible artist deserves all the success he has now attained. He worked very hard for every bit of it and its taken 25 years of hard work and dedication to attain this success which has placed him at the very top.

Here is one of his new recordings from his new DVD Live at the Greek Theater, and it is pretty amazing.



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