Your Radiation This Week No 79 and 80

Note to Self,
Monday, October 31, 2016,

Well, Well, what do you know!?

Forlorn little old Bismark, ND, sits up there guarding the country’s border. Against what?

I just watched the entry of detected and Un-detected Rad particles of the Beta and Gamma kind, sneak in over a period of 6 hours. Of course, as always, no alarms were sounded – Anywhere, that made it to the public.

The Combined B&G CPM count was 634 cpm to start. Six hours later it had increased 796 cpm for a combined total of 1430 cpm. [634+796=1430cpm]

Wow! That’s Bad!

The sad part is that this Rad Poisoning is not even a record high increase I have recorded from epa Rad detection machines.

We’re all getting Rad Fried… does anybody give a shit?

I have determined that it is necessary for
Public Health and because the many nuclear
reactors are Venting radioactive gases and Steam
at nights and on weekends that all residents
must stay inside at Nights and on weekends.
Especially hard hit are the cities listed as
above 1000 CPM by the EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency.) See YRTW for a recent
list of Contaminated Cities.

(San Francisco) November 5, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week” for the past 2 weeks. These are the Recorded Beta and Gamma Combined Radiation Highs that affected people around the United States. YRTW  is published every two weeks on Saturday. The next publication dates are November 19 and December 3, 2016.

Radiation CPM * City State

See New Video:  All Reactors Leak All Of The Time

Listed in Counts per Minute by EPA, a Count is one Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument. The Top Reporting Radioactive Cities are listed. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last.

Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are a portion of the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM these past 2 weeks. 47 Cities are Reporting Radiation Above 1,000 CPM. Take all necessary precautions.

Rad Cities in CPM Order

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

1,559 CPM, 311.8 Times Normal, Colorado Sprgs, CO MIA Recent High Yes
1,549 CPM, 309.8 Times Normal, Navajo Lake, NM. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,513 CPM, 302.6 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,500 CPM, 300 Times Normal, Pittsburgh, PA, Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,477 CPM, 295.4 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,440 CPM, 288 Times Normal, Portland, ME. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,432 CPM, 286.4 Times Normal, Kansas City, KS. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,430 CPM, 286 Times Normal, Bismark, ND. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,420 CPM, 284 Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,380 CPM, 276 Times Normal, Louisville, KY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,376 CPM, 275.2 Times Normal, Pierre, SD. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,368 CPM, 273.6 Times Normal, Augusta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,360 CPM, 272 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,345 CPM, 269 Times Normal, Denver, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,331 CPM, 266.2 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,323 CPM, 264.6 Times Normal, Harrisonburg, VA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,282 CPM, 256.4 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Beta, Gamma.  
1,271 CPM, 254.2 Times Normal, Hartford, CT. Beta, Gamma.  
1,248 CPM, 249.6 Times Normal, Fresno, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,224 CPM, 244.8 Times Normal, San Diego, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,218 CPM, 243.6 Times Normal, Billings, MT. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,202 CPM, 240.4 Times Normal, Mason City, IA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,146 CPM, 229.2 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,171 CPM, 234.2 Times Normal, Rochester, NY. Beta, Gamma.  
1,167 CPM, 233.4 Times Normal, Yuma, AZ. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,164 CPM, 232.8 Times Normal, Wichita, KS Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,161 CPM, 232.2 Times Normal, Shreveport, LA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,158 CPM, 231.6 Times Normal, Laredo, TX. MIA-2Mth High Yes
1,342 CPM, 268.4 Times Normal, Kearney, NE. MIA 7 Yr Record Yes
1,145 CPM, 229 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,143 CPM, 228.6 Times Normal, Worcester, MA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,129 CPM, 225.8 Times Normal, El Paso, TX. Beta, Gamma.  
1,112 CPM, 222.4 Times Normal, Casper WY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,131 CPM, 226.2 Times Normal, Boston, MA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,087 CPM, 217.4 Times Normal, Los Angeles, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,083 CPM, 216.6 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Beta, Gamma.  
1,075 CPM, 215 Times Normal, Oklahoma City, OK Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,068 CPM, 213.6 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,068 CPM, 213.6 Times Normal, Riverside, CA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,066 CPM, 213.2 Times Normal, Lexington, KY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,062 CPM, 212.4 Times Normal, Lubbock TX. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,059 CPM, 211.8 Times Normal, La Crosse, WI Beta, Gamma.  
1,049 CPM, 209.8 Times Normal, Providence, RI. Beta, Gamma.  
1,034 CPM, 206.8 Times Normal, Charleston, WV. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,024 CPM, 204.8 Times Normal, Anaheim, CA Beta, Gamma.  
1,023 CPM, 204.60 Times Normal, Concord, NH. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,000 CPM, 200 Times Normal, Lincoln, NE. Beta, Gamma. Yes

Count – 47 Cities Reporting Radiation Above 1,000 CPM

Rad Cities in Alphabetical Order

1,024 CPM, 204.8 Times Normal, Anaheim, CA Beta, Gamma.  
1,068 CPM, 213.6 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,368 CPM, 273.6 Times Normal, Augusta, GA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,513 CPM, 302.6 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,218 CPM, 243.6 Times Normal, Billings, MT. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,430 CPM, 286 Times Normal, Bismark, ND. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,131 CPM, 226.2 Times Normal, Boston, MA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,112 CPM, 222.4 Times Normal, Casper WY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,034 CPM, 206.8 Times Normal, Charleston, WV. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,559 CPM, 311.8 Times Normal, Colorado Sprgs, CO MIA Recent High Yes
1,023 CPM, 204.60 Times Normal, Concord, NH. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,345 CPM, 269 Times Normal, Denver, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,129 CPM, 225.8 Times Normal, El Paso, TX. Beta, Gamma.  
1,248 CPM, 249.6 Times Normal, Fresno, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,282 CPM, 256.4 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Beta, Gamma.  
1,323 CPM, 264.6 Times Normal, Harrisonburg, VA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,271 CPM, 254.2 Times Normal, Hartford, CT. Beta, Gamma.  
1,420 CPM, 284 Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,432 CPM, 286.4 Times Normal, Kansas City, KS. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,342 CPM, 268.4 Times Normal, Kearney, NE. MIA 7 Yr Record Yes
1,059 CPM, 211.8 Times Normal, La Crosse, WI Beta, Gamma.  
1,158 CPM, 231.6 Times Normal, Laredo, TX. MIA-2Mth High Yes
1,066 CPM, 213.2 Times Normal, Lexington, KY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,000 CPM, 200 Times Normal, Lincoln, NE. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,331 CPM, 266.2 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,087 CPM, 217.4 Times Normal, Los Angeles, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,380 CPM, 276 Times Normal, Louisville, KY. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,062 CPM, 212.4 Times Normal, Lubbock TX. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,202 CPM, 240.4 Times Normal, Mason City, IA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,549 CPM, 309.8 Times Normal, Navajo Lake, NM. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,075 CPM, 215 Times Normal, Oklahoma City, OK Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,145 CPM, 229 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,376 CPM, 275.2 Times Normal, Pierre, SD. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,500 CPM, 300 Times Normal, Pittsburgh, PA, Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,440 CPM, 288 Times Normal, Portland, ME. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,049 CPM, 209.8 Times Normal, Providence, RI. Beta, Gamma.  
1,360 CPM, 272 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,068 CPM, 213.6 Times Normal, Riverside, CA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,171 CPM, 234.2 Times Normal, Rochester, NY. Beta, Gamma.  
1,224 CPM, 244.8 Times Normal, San Diego, CA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,161 CPM, 232.2 Times Normal, Shreveport, LA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,146 CPM, 229.2 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,083 CPM, 216.6 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Beta, Gamma.  
1,477 CPM, 295.4 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK. Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,164 CPM, 232.8 Times Normal, Wichita, KS Beta, Gamma. Yes
1,143 CPM, 228.6 Times Normal, Worcester, MA. Beta, Gamma.  
1,167 CPM, 233.4 Times Normal, Yuma, AZ. Beta, Gamma. Yes

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

Count – 47 Cities Reporting Radiation Above 1,000 CPM


EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year

Health Jun. 08, 2016 12:33PM EST

EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year

“…The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly issued proposals Monday to allow radioactive contamination in drinking water at concentrations vastly greater than allowed under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The new guidance would permit radiation exposures equivalent to 250 chest X-rays a year. Environmental groups are calling the proposal “shocking” and “egregious”.

The Bush Administration in its last days unsuccessfully tried to put forward similar proposals, which the incoming Obama Administration pulled back. Now, in the waning months of the Obama Administration, the EPA’s radiation office is trying again.

Kill the Sperm and Eggs – Kill’em

A Reader wrote and asked if the DU bombing was “deliberate”. Oh, it was deliberate all right. But, not to kill the majority. It WAS designed to sicken, maim, lower immunities and kinda destroy the societies. Quite on purpose, too.

General Nichols [no relationship to author Bob Nichols] worked directly for Gen Leslie Grove, the head of the Manhattan Project. He was Tasked to develop an alternate bombing plan using DU if the atomic bomb was a dud and did not work. The plan became the Army’s current Bomb by Dose for Specific Effects Plan.

The guts of the plan was to bomb to a measured dose of Becquerels of Radiation per Square Kilometer to produce the desired physical and mental deficits in the population, including population control. It was simple, really. Just dial in the desired effects.

Works too! Cheney’s office ran the Dose measurement and DU Bombing campaign for Central Asia, or world wide, really. The DU Bombing really slowed down the “Tiger Economies” of Western, Central and Eastern Asia – Population and Birth Control the good old fashioned US Army way.

Boomarang Effect

Oftentimes a radioactive hot particle set loose at one spot on Earth will catch a ride on the local Jet Stream and get swept  thousands of miles or kilometers around the world to return. The deadly radiation may zoom around the world many times before settling on a random unsuspecting person’s head.

Many Billions of Lethal Doses swarm around the Jet Streams now and the number is growing. Since there are only about 7 Billion Humans alive on the planet at this time, we [Humans] are seriously outnumbered and outgunned right now; and will be for an eternity.

Now the Rad has struck in a big and very visible way. One of the major effects of Rad is the killing of the most defenseless humans among us: fetuses and newborns – those kids less than Five [5] Days old. The killings last showed up in the 2015 Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate in Texas. Nothing will come of their sacrifice, of course.

Puzzled – Again?

Quoting now: “Indeed, the report said it was “puzzling” that Texas’s maternal mortality rate rose only modestly from 2000 to 2010 before doubling between 2011 and 2012. The researchers, hailing from the University of Maryland, Boston University’s school of public health and Stanford University’s medical school, called for further study.” [9]

These “researchers” are the same kind of chicken shit company owned dudes who were “puzzled and befuddled” when the giant whales were and still are croaking all over the world for no apparent reason. They know, they just chose to lie and take the cowards way out; they are to be despised and shunned.

On the other hand, these are ordinarily brilliant, capable and highly verbal people. Something or someone has scared them out of their skins. Now, who is capable of generating that kind of fear in unrelated collage researchers around the country?

There is only one answer to that question and you have to find it yourself. Go right through the big government door marked the Chaos Agency.


New Item – Effective October 8, 2016 issue  “Rad Cities in Alphabetical Order” is an addition to the Rad List. It includes the exact cities as the first list that is Ordered by the Rad CPM number. The only difference is the way they are Sorted.

The Combined Beta and Gamma Radiation numbers publication dates are changed to publication twice a month. The next publication date for the reporting cities’ Radiation Numbers are October 22 and November 5, 2016.

The YRTW Table of poisoned American cities has changed by adding a Column on the Right hand side. It is labeled “Corrupted?” The purpose of the column is to provide guidance as to the reliability, consistency and truthfulness of an individual city’s High Rad reading for the last 2 weeks.

Since a city’s report is subject to many strongly felt opinions that can affect Rad Readings, whether or not the Rad Unit was reporting at least 336 Hours (24 Hours x 7 Days x 2 Weeks)  takes on additional importance. The number of hours the machines work in a week is not an opinion, it is a fact. Of course, it may be falsified. That is a crime and may be prosecuted.

The Actual Number of Rad Readings is a number, a measure of efficiency. The unit either reported publicly; or it failed to do so 100% of the time. It can’t do both. Of course, it may be falsified.

There should be One Reading per Hour for the 2 week period, that’s 336 Rad Readings. The corruption may originate with a machine error, programming glitch, human intervention or change, intended or not. Of course, it may be falsified. That is a crime and may be prosecuted; but probably not. Will it instead be rewarded; yea, probably so.


The response may be “Yes” for “Yes, it is corrupted.” The entry will be “Left Blank” for “Not Suspected.” The most common departure from normal radiation reporting is reporting less than 168 times a week or 336 times every two weeks.

New Category – MIA 1YrHigh

“MIA 1YrHigh” and “MIA 7YrHigh” are new categories under the column labeled Type of Rad. It means “Missing in Action – x Year High.”

Follow Bob Nichols on Blog, Twitter and Youtube now

Follow blogon Twitter @YourRads and on YouTube at Your Radiation This Week Nichols on Nuclear – Fukushima and More

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.
Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols at .

Notes and Sources

1  The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2. The EPA based reporting of an LLC.
3. These station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.
4. Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.
5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3, 2015.
6. Radiation destruction of chitin, IAEA, by Ershov, B.G.; Sukhov, N.L.; Nud’ga, L.A.; Baklagina, Yu.G.; Kozhevnikova, L.G.; Petropavlovskii, G.A. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow (Russian Federation))
7. “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa, AIPRI Blog, Aug 19, 2016,
8. “Radioactive Fertilizer,” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa, September 23, 2016, AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs, 
9. “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds,” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT. 19, 2016,
10. EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year
11. Forty-five (45) years later, the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything, everywhere, for all time. No tolerance given.[10] In the never ending war between the suits (politicians) and the physicists, the suits win yet again; by changing the rules. It takes more than logic to fight these animals and win.”
[12] US Gov: Walk Slow  May 24, 2013   




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