Immigration Reform Will Be a First 100 Days Priority for Trump

Bad Moon Rising or Sun Shining?



By Johnny Punish

Now that we have a US President-Elect and new Congress coming that will be controlled by same party, there is simply NO EXCUSE left to NOT get Immigration Reform done.   And they know it!

Trump promises in first 100 days to take action.  He will be meeting with Mexican President Peña-Nieto ASAP to start the process.

Lots of unanswered questions here that have been lingering for a while ie…

  • Will Trump become pragmatic and bring in real solutions that are effective?
  • Or will he continue to bloviate senseless silly unworkable actions just to placate unrealistic red meat eaters putting millions upon millions of human beings into a trail of tears humanitarian disaster that will cause a global crisis?

At this point, nobody knows yet.

Regardless of Trump the man’s personal racism and his penchant for extremist rhetoric, this practical activist is hoping he finds political religion and chooses to govern and not be a reality TV show host but a President of the USA.

They say once a person gets into the White House and sits at the desk, there is a fundamental change that occurs as the weight of the awesome responsibility pushes down on any irresponsible reactionary impulses one may have had.

With Trump, during the campaign, he was supposed to pivot to become a serious candidate after the primary but that did not happen until, at the very end when his campaign people wrestled his Twitter account away from him.  So that leads me to believe its’ going to be hard to get that old dog to do a new trick.  But it’s possible!  Anything is possible.  So we wait to see which version of Trump shows up to really govern and do the job.

Now if he chooses to govern the United States of America and be pragmatic, he could be a super hero to both the USA and Mexico.
That’s the best case scenario!

If I was his consigliere, I would be appealing to his narcisstic ego and presenting a what if scenario that would make him the hero he sees himself as and boom, we’d get a serious win/win solution.   But we don’t even know yet who is real consigliere will be.  So we wait.

Now if Trump goes full Adolf Hitler and deploys a GESTAPO deportation force to seek and find 15 million people who are directly family connected to 50 million American citizens, he will find a 50 million strong American citizen insurgency within the USA itself that he won’t be able to control.  And no Racist Sheriff Joe Arpio to lean on to get those “dirty human beings” to put on pink underwear.

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So yes this is quite serious.  It’s not a time for campaigning and throwing red meat into the arena but a time for serious governing!  Can Trump make the real pivot and be a real President?

Now assuming he chooses to be pragmatic and deal from a serious deck but yet his base supporters yell for red meat, he needs to tell them to shut up because we need to deal in reality and not pretend this is the Jerrry Springer Show!

In closing, I will be on the Mexican side of the border speaking to locals and government officials on this issue to provide a both sides of the issue look.  So stay tuned and look for the Johnny Punish Show on VT Live.

Comments are open so get in on the discourse.  Feel free to disagree with any position I have taken.  All is welcome…just don’t lob personal insults or call me a dirty Mexican.  After all, Johnny Punish has a NO RACISM ZONE here!  Let’s talk!

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