Israel Bashes Russia Through Stratfor/WikiLeaks/Infowar

George Freedman

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Long ago, we managed to put groups together whose origins were much the same, CounterPunch, Global Research, Stratfor, Debka, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, Wikileaks and Infowars among others.  You can add to the group the Syrian Human Rights Observatory, the Fox News organizations, PJ Media, the Heritage Foundation and others, so many others.

All are Israeli propaganda fronts.

When Stratfor had burned itself out as “corporate intelligence,” which in the real world means selling free open source material to idiots, WikiLeaks was asked to “hack them” and make a reputation for them as a “player.”

Building the interlocking Mossad run platforms and making money with them at the same time is very much “War by Deception” played fairly well.

From a corporate standpoint, the big guy is Booz Allen Hamilton and the Broadcast Board of Governors, who run Radio Liberty, the Moscow Times, and the organizations known in the US as the alt-right including

This is a big one, where George Freedman is playing a simplistic psyop on the Russians and, in the process, totally “busting” Israel as the root of Russia’s problems.

Israel was behind Ukraine, not George Soros, the virulent anti-Zionist or other childish and bizarre fake news tales spread across the internet.

What you are seeing here is a ploy, part of the Trump/Netanyahu move to leverage Putin, playing him for a chump.

They caught him by dancing an end to sanctions in front of him before the election and are now sticking it to Russia bigtime, and wearing Putin’s reputation inside Russia as much as possible in the process.

It seems they have a plan and allies inside Russia to move against Putin.  George Freedman might be able to tell us about that, it would be fun to learn.




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