VT is running its own special investigation, not only in Manchester, UK, but in Libya, where Adamus has been running training operations for the last two years. Evidence is piling in, a repeat here of at least two well established mind control attacks – the Gabby Giffords shooting and Fort Hood shooting incidents. In both of these cases the individuals involved left an irrefutable trail to Department of Defense psychiatric experimentation programs.
By Ann Diener
In my last article, Flashback to 2000: Terrorism & War, Manufactured Constructs for Neocons, Israel, it is clearly shown how the “War on Terror” was manufactured in 2000, with the foundation clearly being laid for the start of terrorism, originally based on very little, in fact terrorism was at its lowest in 7 years in 1999. With the foundation set for the “War on Terrorism,” terrorism was influenced and financed into a global conflict, where it can now clearly be seen who is behind ISIS. Organized crime has been seen to have infiltrated government positions, hidden at times by Federal Judges.
The next step to breaking down the “War on Terror” is to identify the means, the how, for which lawmakers and intelligence agencies are lulled into slumber when faced with critical facts that are counter to the official narrative, yet choose to do nothing against the actual enablers of war and terrorism.
One potential means for discouraging critical thinking and insuring the controlled narrative continues may be found in Artificial Intelligence and that which is all around us – technology. Invisible boundaries exist between us and the things we use daily – our Smart phones, the Smart Grid, Debit cards, etc. These devices may be able to identify our behaviors, provide data to corporations, powerful individuals and governments, then target people through perception management and ultimately shape people into being compliant in the face of criminal acts, illegal wars and falsely created terrorism.
An interesting book was written in 2002 called the Tactical Reality Dictionary by Konrad Becker. It describes Information Peacekeeping “as the ‘purest form of war’ in the extensive military literature on information war. From cold war to code war, the construction of myths, with the intention of harmonizing subjective experience of the environment, is used for integration and motivation in conflict management. While ‘intelligence’ is often characterized as the virtual substitute of violence in the information society, Information Peacekeeping, the control of the psycho-cultural parameters through the subliminal power of definition in intermediation and interpretation is considered the most modern form of warfare.
“It is a boom time for intelligence agencies, not only state but private intelligence. Mass-surveillance, dataveillance, and information processing has grown into a major intelligence industry. While state intelligence is protected by secrecy in the interest of national security, prohibitive fees and large payments affordable by corporations only, guard access to economic intelligence.”
Mass surveillance and behavioral monitoring can also potentially be seen in what was just acquired by Google, who now has access to every debit and credit card purchase made offline, which may give the company the ability to model each consumer/user based on his/her purchases.
According to the LA Times in the article, Google starts tracking offline shopping — what you buy at stores in person, “The offline tracking scans most credit and debit card transactions to help Google automatically inform merchants when their digital ads translate into sales at a brick-and-mortar store. Google believes the data will show a cause-and-effect relationship between online ads and offline sales. If it works, that could help persuade merchants to boost their digital marketing budgets.”
In a recent video by attorney and philosopher, Mireille Hildebrandt, On the Algorithmic Condition, “Everything that we used to think of our actions has to be translated into something more reductive, something that can be modeled, that can be read by machines, which we have called for a very long time in psychology, behaviors. So that means you take an external perspective, you assume that the behavior is just out there to be measured and registered.
“You are translating something that is happening into something that machines can read. Relying on a very specific mathematical theory about what information is.”
These systems are then are continually anticipating our behavior and are built to preempt our behavior, according to Hildebrandt. Once our behaviors have been captured into data, this enables “nudging.”
Nudging is defined as “any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.” (Thaler & Sunstein 2008, p. 6)
Behavioral psychologists and macro-economists have tried to make nudging appear solely beneficial, however the key question is who determines the direction to which people are being nudged? If those determining the direction of the nudging include those backing criminality, false wars and faulty terrorism assessments, then policy makers may be basing decision making on falsely constructed viewpoints and propaganda.
“There is an artificial agency where the nudging and machine learning come together, artificial intelligence and nudging come together. We are surrounded by that and it is very difficult for us to anticipate how all these systems or networks… how they are anticipating us,” said Hildebrandt.
In the Tactical Reality Dictionary, Becker sites an interesting example on how perceptions were created back in the 1950’s & 1960’s through the creation of progressivism, as what appears to be a form of controlled opposition to counter the “communistic threat.”
“Interestingly there were specifically efforts to support progressive and liberal positions as bridge head against the ‘communist threat’. If one chooses to believe some contemporary investigative historical analyses, it seems that there was hardly a major western progressive cultural magazine in the Fifties and Sixties that would not have been founded or supported by a cover organization of intelligence services or infiltrated by such agencies. In the light of this, the claim made by Cuba at the UNESCO world conference in Havana 1998, according to which culture is the ‘weapon of the 21st century’ does not seem unfounded.”
This aspect of setting up controlled opposition in the 1950’s and 1960’s may clearly lead to the point that has been taken by VT, where the concept of a “liberal media,” one supporting the people, is nothing more than a controlled mechanism for the Right.
But we digress, this creation of “culture” has accelerated in the age of computing and microtargeting to shift behaviors as was seen in the last Presidential election with Cambridge Analytica/SCL.
First microtargeting was used with Ted Cruz’s Campaign and later was involved with Trump’s campaign.
From the article, Internet Privacy: Republican created slave reality on its way in one can see how powerful big data combining itself with microtargeting can be in affecting behavioral change.
“Any company can aggregate and purchase big data, but Cambridge Analytica has developed a model to translate that data into a personality profile used to predict, then ultimately change your behavior. That model itself was developed by paying a Cambridge psychology professor to copy the groundbreaking original research of his colleague through questionable methods that violated Amazon’s Terms of Service. Based on its origins, Cambridge Analytica appears ready to capture and buy whatever data it needs to accomplish its ends,” according to Scout in an article The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine.
“Your behavior is driven by your personality and actually the more you can understand about people’s personality as psychological drivers, the more you can actually start to really tap in to why and how they make their decisions,” Cambridge CEO Alexander Nix said to Bloomberg’s Sasha Issenburg. “We call this behavioral microtargeting and this is really our secret sauce, if you like. This is what we’re bringing to America.”
Thinking about who is investing in Artificial Intelligence, one would have to wonder about the significance of Jeffrey Epstein‘s investments in OpenCog and into artificial intelligence research with a focus on “cognitive synergy.”
“The theory behind this ‘cognitive synergy’ is that humans have multiple thought processes going on simultaneously, prioritizing one’s over others in order to function,” according to an article that sites Epstein’s contributions to OpenCog which seems to be using AI for virtual reality games and to create sentient programming for building a child like robot, however is there a possibility that this research may also be used to analyze and control physical reality through the manipulation of cognition with AI, or are they just focused on building a child like robot with “multiple cognitive processes associated with multiple types of memory to enable an intelligent agent to execute the procedures that it believes have the best probability of working toward its goals in its current context. In a robot preschool context, for example, the top-level goals are simple things such as pleasing the teacher, learning new information and skills, and protecting the robot’s body,” from the journal article, OpenCogBot: Achieving Generally Intelligent Virtual Agent Control and Humanoid Robotics via Cognitive Synergy
We have to constantly work to be aware of the world around us. Originally we were told computers and interactivity would bring freedom and increase our ability to advance society, beneficially, however we are learning that we are very vulnerable to perception management, microtargeting and how our personal behavioral data is used.
“Most of the early hopes of emancipatory practice in a society based on information exchange seem to have vanished and turned into gloom. Instead the potential of information and communication technologies for political control and repression seemingly has no boundaries, as its practical applications become more ‘normal’ and manifest reality every day. The use of information technology for the deterrence of civilian dissent opens up a new dimension of political and cultural control,” according to the Tactical Reality Dictionary.
“Echelon communications interception system set up in 1948 remains one of the secrets of western intelligence agencies and out of the reach of democratic accountability. Increasing proliferation of technologies of surveillance and control is not only useful for its potential to contain segments of society that fail to be integrated into the economy of machinic symbol manipulation but the long-term effects of social homogenization through the command/control structure of technology are also highly desirable for globalized markets and opinion management.”
If these systems and technology are used by organized crime to monitor, control and alter our behavior, we may finally now see why no one gets caught.
Now, who’s going to wake up the sleepers?
{p}Journalist, former publisher of The Military Beat magazine – serving active duty and retired military personnel in the Northwest US through 2001, Thinker, foreign policy analyst and renewable & advanced technology developer aiming to provide water, food, housing & energy for all.{/p}
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