Even some Irish are supporting Islamic terrorism

Declan Hayes, center in light shirt, holding court with our Homs security team
Declan Hayes, center in light shirt, holding court with our Homs security team – Photo Jim W. Dean

…by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor

Our briefing and Q&A with Tala al-Barazi, governor of Homs province (Photo credit: Jim Dean)

[ Note: I first met Declan Hayes, a modern Irish rebel, as a fellow election monitor at the Syrian 2014 elections. We were both in the group assigned to go to Homs, one of our choices. We started the day heading out in two vans and with two van loads of soldiers to speed us through the endless checkpoints.

Once there, we got an hour briefing and visit with the governor, and then headed out to visit a half-dozen polling stations. We were given free rein to interview anyone we wanted. As I was grabbing photos and video media, I got a lot of media of Declan, as he is a non-stop talker.

He has done a huge amount of work in Syria via his organization, with numerous and extensive visits, raised cash and donated all of it to a variety of relief organizations in Syria. Needless to say they love the guy. But such is not the case with the Irish government, which has wined and dined their version of state-sponsored terrorists – local backers of groups like the White Helmets.

Yes, Ireland officially is anti-Damascus and Assad, and has bought into all the Assad killing and gassing of his own people, for whom Irish officials want war-crimes investigations, but are not interested dishing that out to the Irish Muslim groups supporting terrorists in Syria – the ones that serve Western interests.

One of Declan’s tactics is to put high government officials on notice that he is onto their game and getting that officially on the record so that they can never say they did not know. Declan is a master at writing these, as passionate as VT’s own Kadir Mohmand, the former Mujaheddin commander, now living in Toledo.

Syria used paper ballots, where both opposition parties had their eyes on the ballot boxes until all were counted, a system the US should go back to.

I would take issue with the claims below of the US civilian slaughter of 40,000 in Mosul, but less so in Raqqa. In Mosul, Declan missed that all the strikes were cleared with the Iraqi military, with most of them being called in by them to lessen Iraqi military losses, which have been very high in the Mosul campaign.

A post-war, fair investigation would find that Iraqi AF bombings would be killing as many civilians per sortie on average, in populated areas. That is the brutal arithmetic of “human shield” urban conflict, which ISIS has practiced extensively.

After all, with the backing of Saudi Arabia religious terrorists, ISIS has run a sex slave auction market even for pre-teen girls.

But I understand Declan’s anger at the US coalition having a number of state sponsors of terrorism enjoying their new toy of using low cost, disposable proxy terrorists for destabilization and regime change. It’s a nasty world, and the US has contributed to that significantly, with a virtual free pass from our fake media ... Jim Dean ]

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Oireachtas – the Irish Parliament

–  First published  …  July 22, 2017

Mr Simon Coveney, TD,
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dublin 2.

Dear Minister Coveney

Minister Finian McGrath’s attached letter of 4th inst. refers. Irish passport holder and senior Ahrar al-Sham godfather Eyad Shaar masterminded this massacre of Shia children; the White Helmets murder gang, which the Oireachtas [Note: this is the Irish legislatgure] welcomed on very many occasions, were also centrally involved.

This massacre took place in the Idlib Caliphate which GOAL funds to the tune of tens of millions of euros.  Prominent Irish-American Syrian resident, Ms Lilly Martin, can fill you in on the war crimes of Irish citizens Mahdi al-Harati and Housam “Sam” Najjair, both of whom helped found, in Dublin’s fair city, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), which perpetrated the recent Manchester and London terror attacks as well as countless war crimes in both Libya and Syria.

Although these Irish guns-for-hire were hailed as heroes on the Late Late Show and in the Irish Times by colourful columnist Mary Fitzgerald, Syria’s Armenians regard Ireland’s Tokyo Rose and her head-hacking heroes as 1st degree war criminals. If it is war criminals you want, shop local.

If it is bigger fish you want to fry, then look no further than Ballsbridge and/or Co Clare. Although the USAF, thanks to their abuse of our neutrality at Shannon airport, recently murdered a staggering 40,000 civilians in Mosul and a further 20,000 in Raqqa, neither the US Embassy nor the US Ambassador have come in for the fanatical fascist attacks the Russian Embassy and the Russian Ambassador have had to endure in “neutral” Ireland, in your own Oireachtas included.

The Russian Ambassador, HE Maxim Peshkov, has repeatedly assured me that Russian special forces will supply, gratis, armed protection for any group of Irish politicians wishing to visit the Syrian Arab Republic to assess the situation there for themselves.

Because the Syrian authorities, together with their religious and civil leaders, are likewise ready to assist as, of course, am I, you, your colleagues and your civil servants should really visit Syria to formulate a worthwhile and independent policy rather than colluding in the discredited policies of the Pentagon, the Muslim Brotherhood and MI6, all of whom, as the current trial of Sir Mark Allen, MI6’s former boss, shows, have serious 1st degree war crimes charges to answer themselves.

Taking the Road to Damascus, actually going there, is essential to formulate any worthwhile or independent positions on the Syrian and Yemeni genocides. Your olagoning of “the denial of access to humanitarian and medical assistance in Syria” would cut some ice if Ireland was not, at NATO’s behest, imposing criminal medical sanctions on Syria, killing thousands of innocents in the process and berating Syrian surgeons and Syrian cardiologists who visit here to appraise you of the apocalypse your sanctions have visited upon their Syrian homeland.

You boast you have given 100,000€ to bring war criminals to book. Because Major General Issam Zahreddine, the latest high-profile Druze Syrian to be added to your EU list, has been totally surrounded by ISIS’ crack brigades in Deir ez-Zoir since October 2013, there is absolutely no way Zahreddine could have been involved at any level in the April 2017 Khan Shaykh crimes the EU’s war hawks say he helped orchestrate.

Regarding the claims of ex British Army squaddie and certified psychiatric patient Paul Conroy that Zahreddine was involved in roughing up peaceful protesters in Homs, I have visited Homs’ Baba Amr neighbourhood where Conroy and his cut throats were holed up. I have met the locals who were made dig their rat tunnels at gun point and I have stood in a kindergarten which they blew up the following day, with massive loss of little innocent lives.

The only reason that Zahreddine is only now being targeted for allegedly roughing up protesters in 2012 is because the Syrian Arab Army have won the war against Conroy’s killers in Homs and Zahreddine’s 104th Brigade are on the verge of winning it in Deir Ezzor too.

Once we return from Syria in early November, other Irish members of our delegation of your acquaintance will give you and your colleagues their take on how stands Syria. For my part, I will be preparing to spend Christmas Day as well as the Greek and Latin Easters in Syria, where we will help those who have survived thus far Irish jihadists, Irish sanctions, Irish collusion on the Golan and Irish foreign policy.

Because I believe that you, your government and your party can do much better than that, we will continue to help open the door to peace in Syria and hope you will avail of it.

Finally, though I hope you  enjoy U2 in Croke Park tonight, spare a moment to think of the victims of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in Manchester, London, Libya and Syria

Dr Declan Hayes
Dublin 5



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