Intel Drop, Friday January 13, 2017


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh, Managing Editor

Today’s talk is not in any way intended for the general public. They are being allowed to see it and the most vocal are going to continue demonstrating why the world may well be better off without America, why America has become dangerous and unreliable, militarily, financially, why America is now quite the “criminal state” that Jeff Gates accused Israel of being so many years ago.

All here will be proven reliable intelligence and historical narrative we are more than capable of defending. Some will be exclusive material based on partially declassified intelligence.

To begin with, whatever is wrong with the US, without Vladimir Putin, Russia would have long been taken over by the same gang that Trump is dragging into Washington with him. Let’s do some short background here, in a limited way. Back in 1990, the CIA began a takedown of Russia through its currency and banking system. The Wanta story is part of it. I have some personal familiarity with the banking aspects as I was part of the delegation that met with commercial banking representatives at that time and helped bring them on a tour of the US. I can quote word for word from the meetings if need be. That is a warning.

The CIA had set up a penetration of Russia through Poland and Gdansk, taking over the port with the trade union there and then using that to smuggle commercial goods, Marlboro cigarettes, into Russia in partnership with the KGB. Thus, when Soviet bankers came to the US, their security detail fed them to the CIA who was working with organized crime, a group of congressional officials tied to banking and the New York area bankers, New York and Cyprus, who would build a home for the Russian mafia and select oligarchs.

I met with two US senators, a CIA chief, Russian banking officials and the heads of crime families in Astoria, Cyprus, Toronto and Detroit, along with GOP finance officials. The subject was looting the Soviet Union and using the cash to revitalize the American economy. I only saw a few hundred million dollars move, Wanta says he handled trillions, but all of it went into the Bush family, Washington officials, more Democrats than Republicans, and began a massive banking/money laundering empire that stretched from New York to London to Cyprus and Israel.

The end result, other than to frame the times we live in, was to build a domestic crime empire that overwhelmed the FBI and to set up a capability, taking the Iran Contra and BCCI deeds of the Reagan years to a new level. At that time, key US officials got their beaks wet through looting nearly $1T from thrifts, in what was called the Savings and Loan Scandal. A few went to prison, 5 Senators were burned, and lessons were learned.

What Washington really learned is that the same formula would work, over and over, across the planet, by manipulating events in order to quash the public investigations that nearly jailed President Reagan and threatened to take down half of congress, putting them behind bars where, quite frankly, they all belong. We will touch on this methodology again, from time to time.

Congress began passing laws insulating themselves from lawsuits, prosecution for crimes and any campaign finance issues culminating with the Supreme Court 5/4 decision called Citizens United. All was made possible when organized crime gained a 5/4 rock solid majority in the court, bringing about a constitutional crisis that endures to this day. Thus, the only investigations congress was to engage in would be as punishment for those who step out of line, never to examine, for instance, how trillions disappeared from the DOD budget prior to 9/11, or why the F35 doesn’t fly very well or why the littoral combat ships are multi-billion dollar junk heaps. It can get worse, drugs in Afghanistan, billions in missing weapons in Iraq, in fact almost 40% of America’s trillion dollar defense budget vaporizes each year. Ah, but we do know all about those missing emails, don’t we?

Jumping ahead, we are going to be talking about Trump and the “dossier” and how there is no methodology for dealing with a president elect who may or may not be controlled by a foreign government. Call this an odd coincidence, but there is an almost identical dossier on John McCain, put together by Army Intelligence Colonel Earl Holliman, accusing McCain of being controlled by Russia, blackmailed by videos taken by Russians while McCain was a POW in Vietnam.

Since we brought it up, the Trump materials which Russia Today is humiliating themselves in their attempts to discredit, are high quality intelligence with multiple interlocking confirmed sources that coincide with a very well known history of Trump’s working with Russian cash, strong admissions here from 2008, and his connections with Russian oligarchs.

Past this, the highly detailed and extremely well documented Slate article, tying him to the Alpha Group, and demonstrating how Trump stayed in constant direct daily contact with Russia through the entire campaign, well this is only a small part of the story.

The real concerns could and should be not just that Trump is “influenced” or as has been proven, far more than that. What the confirmation hearings and the wild denials of the dossier are telling us, denials coordinated and backed by by Russia, and nothing could be as stupid as this, is that Trump is alone, reaching out to what is out there, the lowest rungs of DC’s sewer, and that his capabilities are at an end.

This is what is going around DC now, and why some are reading how Trump is being “reined in.”

First I begin with Russia. We are going to be going into more detail here but suffice it to say, if Russia is running Trump, we haven’t defined which “Russia” we mean. Trump is solidly connected to Russian oligarchs, some capable business leaders, many gangsters, but nearly all more part of Zionist organizations, more Israeli than Russian.

Please note that we are going to mention “Zionist” from time to time and even mention international banking cabals and the Rothschild family. If I upset some people, they can just perhaps wait a bit for an apology or more likely, be thankful we aren’t having this discussion in person, if you get my meaning. Suffice it to say we are going to dish out enough historical context here to dismay a few, using hard scholarship in the face of smears and intimidation, the real controlling factors in giving us the narrative that has led us to the sad state we are in today, where a transition of power subsequent to an election is impossible while maintaining a republican form of government. The original name really shouldn’t be used anymore, perhaps American Empire simply because “kleptocracy” is too hard to spell.

Today’s conspiracy theories are engineered to obscure and dilute the historical context that would allow people to correctly identify their enemy, the guiding hand behind the evil schemes. Wikileaks, Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, “Fake News”, they all exist to obscure and dilute real knowledge.


Revolution and Counter-Revolution as tools to achieve hegemony

What most people in the world, even Russians, consider the Russian Revolution was, in reality, a counter-revolution at the hands of Bolshevik Zionists and the Rothschild bankers – that same ‘imaginary conspiracy’ outlined in the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion. Why do you think anyone who mentions the Protocols is slammed silent, almost as though they were Holocaust deniers, oh yes, we may well have just touched another one. Now we go into an aside, you know, the American Articles of Confederation and that Revolutionary government, set up by the real founding fathers was knocked off in similar fashion when Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton and fledgling American organised crime cobbled together the monstrous Constitution that finally crashed and burned the American public only a few short weeks ago. Historian Charles A. Beard outlines this process in his Economic Interpretation of The Constitution published by Colombia University Press in 1935.

We might mention myriad other occasions when this Zionist ploy has been successfully carried out – the Glorious Restoration of 1688 that destroyed the British Royal line, placed a Dutch army officer on the throne and enslaved Britain under a “financial cabal” hegemony that continues to the current day; the Congress of Vienna in 1822 that reordered Europe or in more recent times, the very many CIA-sponsored coups from Chile to Iran, the NATO destruction of Serbia in the 90s and most recently, the Maidan coup in Ukraine that installed a Neo-Nazi anti-Russian regime in Kiev.

Great humanitarian or virulent anti-Semite?

How many are aware that Poland was overthrown and replaced with a military dictatorship not unlike the one that attacked Germany in September 1939? Oh, that version of history, the Ford/Rockefeller rewrite. Did Egypt invade Israel in 1967? Former ITV correspondent and VT staffer, Alan Hart was there.

We should also remember the occasions when they have failed such as in Germany in 1919 when the Communist revolution lead by Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht and their Bolshevik gang was defeated by the Freikorps or the similar events in Hungary the same year where the Royalist forces of Admiral Horthy, with Romanian assistance were able to defeat the Communist takeover of Bela Kun and his murderous ‘Lenin’s Boys’. Now that we have outlined the methodology, let us go on and see how they did it to the Russian people in 1917.

A group of Lenin Boys in their trademark leathers, they subjected Hungary to a murderous 133 days of ‘Red Terror’

The Russian Revolution of 1917 is an event that is grossly misunderstood by most people, not just outside Russia, but inside Russia too. The Revolution took place in February 1917, when the Russian army finally broke after suffering millions of casualties and joined forces with the workers who were starving due to the privations of three years of war. The Tsar resigned, a provisional government under Kerensky was formed that was largely both socialist and liberal, at this time the Bolsheviks were a tiny, powerless group, one of many. Kerensky’s government was never popular and crippled by infighting, but worst of all, for the Russian people, it refused to end the war with Germany and Austro-Hungary. The Russian Army could finally take no more, and after one last offensive ordered by Kerensky ended the same way almost all the others had – with no gains and immense numbers of dead Russians, the army broke, shot many of it’s officers and started to head back home, leaving the trenches abandoned.

Which brings us to October 1917 and the situation on the streets of the Russian cities is akin to a powder keg as mutinous soldiery, striking workers and political agitators of all colours mingled and grumbled. On one key point however, they were all in agreement – the war must come to an end.

Now the conspiracy is set in motion, not in Russia, but thousands of miles away in New York and Berlin. The part that everyone knows is that Max Warburg (father of Paul Warburg, creator of the Rothschild owned Federal Reserve Banking system in the US), the head of the Kaiser’s intelligence services and also the head of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, the largest German bank, hatched the devious scheme to pluck Lenin from his Swiss exile and transport him via sealed train to St Petersburg, tasked with becoming the frontman for the Bolshevik coup d’etat. However, the crucial part that most are largely unaware of is that another Zionist agent, a far more dangerous one, had already been dispatched from the US to Russia to be the real leader and organiser of the new order to be imposed on post-revolution Russia. I am referring of course, to the Marxist revolutionary Lev Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky. The history books all record that Trotsky returned to St Petersburg and during the summer of 1917 organised and planned the Bolshevik coup that seized power in November of that year. Stalin summarised Trotsky’s role in a November 1918 article for Pravda:

All practical work in connection with the organization of the uprising was done under the immediate direction of Comrade Trotsky, the President of the Petrograd Soviet. It can be stated with certainty that the Party is indebted primarily and principally to Comrade Trotsky for the rapid going over of the garrison to the side of the Soviet and the efficient manner in which the work of the Military Revolutionary Committee was organized.

After the fall of Bolshevism and the Soviet Union, Russia has enjoyed a resurgence of Christianity unparalleled in America and Western Europe. Why is that never spoken of?

What is not included in the mainstream histories is that Trotsky did not arrive in Russia alone, he brought with him a large amount of gold, financing for the revolution provided by Wall St under the guidance of Paul Warburg, brother of Max. Along with Trotsky and the Wall St. finance were 100 Jewish emigrees who, like Trotsky, had emigrated from the Russian Empire after the failed 1905 revolution and were now returning to carry out a new coup aimed at seizing control of the Russian Empire.

The Bolshevik Revolution is one of the most mythologised moments in recent history, most of the ‘facts’ about it are mere fabrications; rather than being a popular uprising of the people, as seen in the films of Eisenstein, it was a simple coup d’etat launched by a group of Talmudic Bolsheviks who were as cunning and murderous as they were scant in number.

When one thinks of the ‘October Revolution’ the images that spring to mind are most often those of the workers, peasants and soldiers of the Red Guard storming the gates of the Winter Palace, seizing the seat of government at the point of the bayonet after a hard fought battle. Stunning filmmaking but pure propaganda with no basis in reality. This is little more than the precursor of the historical narrative that Hollywood has long since hijacked.

In reality, the Winter Palace had been securely defended by 2000 loyal troops – loyal guardsmen, young officers, cadets and a women’s battalion. However, by the time of the Bolshevik coup, most of those defenders had left, driven out by the desperation of starvation having received no food or supplies for days. The Reds took the Palace with barely a shot fired, all that was left defending the place were the remnants of the women’s battalion. The same story applies throughout St Petersburg – it fell to the Bolshevik coup almost without a fight. Trotsky then had to defend the city from loyal cossacks that tried to overturn the coup, in this he succeeded. Now, while Lenin made the stirring speeches, the evil mind of Trotsky carried out the Zionist scheme to totally destroy the Russian Empire and replace it with a police state enslaved under a Marxist totalitarian regime.

First a peace treaty was signed with Germany, taking Russian out of the Great War and fulfilling Lenin’s prime task given to him by Max Warburg. Then a terrible 5 year civil war was fought where Trotsky led the Bolshevik Red Army in a murderous campaign against loyalist Whites, ‘Black’ anarchists and nascent nationalist movements in Poland and Ukraine. By 1922, hundreds of thousands of combatants had become casualties and the Russian nation was exhausted. Drought, famine and disease added millions of deaths to the untold millions of Cossacks, tsarists and others declared ‘enemies of the people’ who were slaughtered at the hands of Trotsky’s murderers. The Bolshevik takeover of Russia was one of the most bloody and massive genocides in history, perhaps only rivalled by the campaigns of Genghis Khan.


Stalin and the overthrow of the Old Bolsheviks


Putin and the Oligarchs

It is alleged that Mikhail Fridman, the Russian-Israeli oligarch who founded the Alfa Group, has been financing Putin since the mid-90s when Putin was deputy mayor of St Petersburg.

Fridman also has very close ties to Benjamin Netanyahu. This is where we break new ground. The original working hypothesis involved gleaning, from patterns in dissemblement, some from Russian sources, Trump’s own tweets and outbursts and the “mosaic,” tell a very different story than Trump as a Russian asset tasked with destroying NATO and bringing down the United States.

OK, that part does seem to be true, that NATO is to be cast aside for some other regime and that the US is to suffer economic and social upheaval, a gutting of entitlements, increased militarization domestically and a “madman without a plan” at the helm. No amount of wishful thinking can put a good spin on what has happened, a full and total break in transfer of power and chain of command, a total end of constitutional processes, long gutted and minimized by his predecessors anyway, now gone and the Bill of Rights with it.

There is nothing about this that serves Russia, nor Russian interests. And, though there are now proven ties between Trump and “Russian” handlers, it has also become clear that, in fact, less is clear than we thought. Trump’s Russian masters, and they are easy to find, as Slate outlines for us in considerable detail, are not the rulers of the Russian state, certainly not Putin, more a quiet statesman and easy handed humanitarian, when honest analysis is brought to bear.

When the bland promises of “reset” with Russia were made some months ago, it was expected that detailed policies would emerge by now, certainly the markets require it and the confirmation processes now ongoing do so as well. Yet Tillerson and Mattis came before congress, empty handed, no policy exists, nothing on sanctions, nothing on Syria, nothing on Crimea, only vague tweets and unbalanced snippets about NATO.

Were Russia “handling” Trump, there would be a plan, there would have been ground rules set and preliminary meetings. Yes, there are meetings, being denied now of course, because one thing is clear, if the reset were real or if Russian control is real, it would have manifested itself in a competent and cohesive manner by now. Yet, now, all we see is evidence that Trump is being handled, tasked with burning down NATO, with cracking America wide open, with leaving America a shambles, disgraced, shunned, almost as though Trump were, as we have managed to construct, the monkeyboy of the Russian oligarch mob, Al Capone and the Talmud on steroids.

Mikhail Fridman “is closely tied into the Muscovite Solntsevo (Solntsevskaya) Organization, one of Russia’s largest and most powerful organized crime associations, via funding from Alfa.” Fridman, the real “Teflon Don” moves like a ghost, from Russia to his home in the Mayfair district of London.

Fridman is the founder of Russia’s Alfa Group, and the “other end of the phone” for the Trump “hotline” of encrypted chatter discovered by the White Hat hacker/volunteers:

This spring, a group of computer scientists set out to determine whether hackers were interfering with the Trump campaign. They found something they weren’t expecting.

In late July, one of these scientists—who asked to be referred to as Tea Leaves, a pseudonym that would protect his relationship with the networks and banks that employ him to sift their data—found what looked like malware emanating from Russia. The destination domain had Trump in its name, which of course attracted Tea Leaves’ attention. But his discovery of the data was pure happenstance—a surprising needle in a large haystack of DNS lookups on his screen. “I have an outlier here that connects to Russia in a strange way,” he wrote in his notes. He couldn’t quite figure it out at first. But what he saw was a bank in Moscow that kept irregularly pinging a server registered to the Trump Organization on Fifth Avenue.

More data was needed, so he began carefully keeping logs of the Trump server’s DNS activity. As he collected the logs, he would circulate them in periodic batches to colleagues in the cybersecurity world. Six of them began scrutinizing them for clues.

The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

A 2007 Stratfor report that was leaked through Wikileaks reads: “Alfa Group is now involved in transporting drugs from Southeast Asia through Russia into Europe, laundering money of Colombian drug cartels, and bribing organs of justice in Russia…”

“The Russian Alfa Group, ran by a number of Zionist oligarchs, has deep ties to Israel and the Mossad, the CFR and Russia’s notorious Solntsevskaya mafia.”

“Fridman is believed to be at least partially responsible for many of the assassinations that plague Russian society, particularly regarding journalists.”

Fridman was about the only one of Putin’s inner circle that was not included in the sanctions over Ukraine, thus preserving his wealth


But perhaps more significantly, the Mother Jones website reported Monday that Trump himself was cultivated as an asset by Russia. A former senior intelligence officer claimed that he contacted the FBI in early July to warn them of the influence Putin had over Trump.

In his first memo, reviewed by Mother Jones, the agent wrote that the “Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.” The memo also claimed that Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.”

The memo stated that Trump had been “compromised” by Russian intelligence on his visits to Moscow, making him susceptible to blackmail.

In August, the FBI reportedly asked the agent for all his information and sources. The agent told Mother Jones that “it’s quite clear there was or is a pretty substantial inquiry going on.”

A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump

how the hell did we miss this….
31st October
we missed it because the Comey affair happened at the same time
clearly, the Comey letter release was timed to distract everyone from the revelation about Trump and Russia

In June, the former Western intelligence officer—who spent almost two decades on Russian intelligence matters and who now works with a US firm that gathers information on Russia for corporate clients—was assigned the task of researching Trump’s dealings in Russia and elsewhere, according to the former spy and his associates in this American firm. This was for an opposition research project originally financed by a Republican client critical of the celebrity mogul. (Before the former spy was retained, the project’s financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.) “It started off as a fairly general inquiry,” says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, “there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit.”

Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer’s conversations with Russian sources, noted, “Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.” It maintained that Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.” It claimed that Russian intelligence had “compromised” Trump during his visits to Moscow and could “blackmail him.” It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on “bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”

His oligarch peers from the 1990s have been incarcerated, exiled or had their assets seized, but Mikhail Fridman lives a charmed life, retaining much of his wealth without falling foul of the Kremlin. Now the Alfa Group founder has moved to London and is seemingly defying an edict to repatriate Russian wealth by splurging billions on foreign assets.

The key to Fridman keeping on side of the Kremlin has been his suave partner Petr Aven, who joined Alfa in 1991 after serving as Russia’s foreign minister.

Aven regularly meets with Putin at the President’s Novo-Ogarevo residence and was even conferred with a state award for corporate citizenship personally by Putin in May last year. Berezovsky, who was once known as the Godfather of Kremlin, admitted that it was Aven who introduced him to Putin.

A former Alfa executive tells bne IntelliNews that Fridman and his partners were allowed to keep the $14bn proceeds of their sale of TNK-BP offshore. “Abramovich was allowed to keep his proceeds from the sale of SibAl and Sibneft, and Fridman/Alfa were allowed to too,” said the former Alfa executive. “This is probably driven by their personal relations with Putin.”


Putin has clearly learned from the mistakes of Stalin and Hitler as he has not repeated them. Hitler made drastic economic, political and social reforms that ultimately, lead to his destruction. No leader of a nation who dares to abolish usury, who places the creation of currency in the hands of the government rather than a Rothschild bank, who removes from all positions of power the agents of the Rothschilds and their Zionist movement is allowed to remain in power, the bankers always see to it that they are destroyed and through their control of media and academia, thoroughly demonised as the most evil men in history. Mayer Amschel Rothschild, scion of the Rothschild clan once stated ‘Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.’ Hitler tried to break this Rothschild Zionist control via usurious currency manipulation and the German people paid the price of failure.


Putin is clearly well aware of the limits that he must stay within to avoid being overthrown, in effect, he has to engage in a series of dances with various oligarchs and political opponents, both foreign and domestic.

If Putin were Hitler, Israel would have been obliterated long ago. Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938 to save the Sudeten Germans from ethnic cleansing, a year later in September 1939 he invaded Poland to save the Germans living in the border regions of Poland from genocide, therefore we can clearly see the justifying ‘spin’ Herr Goebbels would have put on a German attack on Israel – it would be to save the Palestinians.

Putin is now locked in a dance with yet another Zionist oligarch, or rather, a frontman for the Zionist oligarchy, in the form of Donald Trump.

Trump – an asset of Russia or Israel?

In October last year, Fridman’s Alfa bank was discovered to have been communicating in secret with the Trump organisation via covert emails.

Whatever the truth behind the alleged link between Donald Trump’s organization and the Russian financial firm Alfa Bank, the real surprise is that Alfa’s name has taken so long to work itself into the world’s most garish narrative of 2016.

On Monday, Slate had published a story about communication between a server hosting Trump Organization domain addresses and a server owned by Alfa Bank. Cyber-security firm Mandiant, a unit of FireEye Inc. (FEYE, -0.23%), said there was no conclusive evidence of “substantive contact” between the two, according to The Guardian. But even if there were, Alfa Bank would make a very strange conduit for illicit traffic between Trump and his favorite foreign leader.


Was Page the shadowy messenger between the Kremlin and Trump Tower, or was he the nebbishy, not-very-successful man trying to profit from the arbitrage between what Trump said—he’s my adviser—and what his associates said—“Who?” Maybe I wasn’t doing this right, and maybe everyone was lying to me, but it was hard not to come to the conclusion that, regardless of whatever game the Russians were running, Page was firmly in the latter camp.



Trump is a modern day Lenin – a widely known public figure chosen to be the frontman for the Zionist criminal cabal.


Israel and the Holocaust

Modern day Israel is a Zionist totalitarian police state, very much like the one Trotsky created in Russia

Desert Storm was intended to destroy the potential for ANY investigations into the empire that had been built that had taken control of Congress, the Supreme Court and continually manipulated events in order to dominate every news cycle and to quash any investigative journalist, any whistleblower, any broad move against them. Towards this end, they took control of any and all narratives and dominated, eventually culminating in Wikileaks, which calling a ‘CIA front’ is the over-simplification of all time.

The history of this movement begins with the Ford Foundation in 1947, tasked with creating a false historical narrative to describe WW2; it began with taking control of all textbooks and funding international studies organisations at every university by either Ford or Rockefeller.

America’s universities for the next ten years, bloated with selected Paperclip émigrés brought from Russia, Eastern Europe and The Balkans – ratlined through fake university chairs, France and Canada. Combined with this was an open CIA programme on every American campus, an example of this is MSUG from East Lansing, MI that setup the Diem police state in Vietnam or the history department there, which ran CIA operations across Africa and the Middle East; a massive parallel organisation was built through USAID and the BBG (Broadcast Board of Governors) awash with endless Cold War black funding.

The methodologies are seen every day, if an election is questioned or someone is alarmed at a few trillion missing dollars, on demand we see a terror attack or a need to go to war with one of the CIA’s cardboard lotharios, so today when the Israeli air force provides cover for an al-Qaeda attack inside Syria, we are taken back to Fort Lee, NJ and the summer of 2001. There, the Saudis who now fund ISIS and their Israeli partners who run al-Qaeda together plotted the largest terror attack in history, safe in that endeavour, as if they were in their mother’s womb, protected by an FBI eaten by the Russian Mafia, swallowed whole, in the early 90s.



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