
Wiltshire Police have now published their report on Operation Conifer, the investigation into Sir Edward Heath’s pedophilia. There are two reports, the Summary Report, which is in the public domain, and the Confidential Report. The latter has gone to the failing Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), who won’t pay too much attention to it. This is far too hot a topic for IICSA, no offense intended.
I have read the published report, which runs to 109 pages. It is already in the public domain that I was consulted by Conifer detectives. The Sunday Times, which supports Heath and EU membership, tried to embarrass the inquiry by linking me to it, complete with the absurd claim, based on my bogus conviction, that I was a ‘hoaxer’ and a photo of me in my MCC blazer.
This was part of a concerted campaign of pressure on Wiltshire’s able chief constable, Mike Veale, which included a silly letter to the London Times from a former Cabinet Secretary, Lord Armstrong. He was the guy, you may recall, who coined the phrase “being economical with the truth” during the Spyhunter litigation in Australia. Lord Armstrong on that occasion was probably baffled by appearing in front of an unbiddable judge, Mr Justice Powell, a rare experience for a Cabinet Secretary.
The Sunday Times article backfired, partly because the great British public never bought into the idea of a ring-back bomb hoax. The prosecution looked exactly what it was – a pathetic attempt to cover up the truth. The MCC blazer of course is a stylish, tasteful and discreet item of clothing. All that photo (which did not come from me) probably did was to increase the sales of blazers in the MCC shop.
Mike Veale, to his immense credit, did not cave in to the pressure from Whitehall. He’s a good copper, with respect, arguably the best in the UK. Most of our chief constables are lily-livered Cabinet Office stooges, no offense intended.
The Cabinet Office are probably a bit baffled. They are used to rolling over police forces and probably thought that Wiltshire Police were a bit rural and easy meat. For once in a criminal inquiry the Cabinet Office’s control of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) didn’t come into play. The chief suspect, i.e. Heath, died in 2005 of complications from the pulmonary embolism he suffered in 2003 in Salzburg Austria after the DVD warned him that MI5 were on to him. There was never any question therefore of a prosecution, although some of his accomplices are still alive.
It was yours truly, BTW, who put MI5 onto Heath. I don’t think the DVD ever told him of my role in the investigation into him by British Intelligence, of which I am not of course a part (I just help out occasionally). Heath didn’t like me anyway, in fact I think he feared me. He would have liked me even less if he’d known I shopped him to MI5. Knowledge of his treason during World War II ruled out a State Funeral, of course.
Although I never liked the old bugger, I always treated him courteously. I strongly disagree with those who say that he should have been hanged in World War II. He held the King’s Commission and was entitled to the military courtesy of being shot.
Sir Edward Heath KG MBE
Sir Edward was born on July 9th, 1916, the son of a carpenter and a maid. His parents were probably very nice people, but in this case the apple fell some way from the tree. A grammar school boy, he went up to Balliol College Oxford in 1935.
Balliol was a hotbed of German intelligence activity. Heath, who was gay, was quickly compromised sexually and recruited by the Abwehr. He was also paid £250 a year by our community partners, a not inconsiderable sum for a young man at Oxford in the late 1930s. With Abwehr encouragement he opposed appeasement. The last thing that the Abwehr would want would be for one of their protégés to openly support Nazi Germany.
Heath always preferred younger sexual partners. He was supplied by the Abwehr’s busy gay brothel in Oxford. In 1937 a young British teenage boy on the Abwehr payroll accompanied Heath to the Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany, where Sir Edward met Adolf Hitler for the first time. Of the two, Hitler was undoubtedly the more charming.
Heath also met our community partner SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler at a drinks party thrown by the Reichsführer. Heath later claimed that he thought that Himmler was the “most evil man he had ever met”, which was odd coming from a man who met Hitler, Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl. My sources, which include someone who was at the drinks party, say that Himmler actually hit on Heath and the two of them seemed to get on quite well together. Heinrich knew that Heath was working for Admiral Canaris of course.

Heath was part of the infamous Oxford Spy Ring, along with Roy Jenkins, Madron Seligman and Tony Barber, all of whom studied at Oxford either before or after the last war. His first major task in World War II was to organise a spy ring in Liverpool to pass on shipping intelligence to the Abwehr via the German Embassy in Dublin. Heath worked hard to ensure victory for the Axis Powers and helped get many good men drowned and good ships sunk.
He went to Europe after D-Day, but tried to avoid killing Germans if he could. An artillery officer, his battery was probably a fairly safe berth. Fellow German agent Sir Edward Bridges arranged a military MBE for him at the end of the war, which in Heath’s case truly did stand for ‘Minor Bloody Effort’.
After the war Heath became a protégé of the notorious German spy Harold Macmillan, working hard to reverse the Allied victory in 1945 by getting Britain into the EEC. Although frustrated by de Gaulle’s veto (Heath didn’t know that de Gaulle was also gay and that British Intelligence were able to lean on him, by which I mean offer him valuable guidance) first time around, he got us in in 1973. He made effective use of strong-arm tactics, including having his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Iain Macleod, murdered by GO2, after Macleod worked out that the terms being imposed by Germany were ruinous.
Macleod’s replacement was Heath’s fellow Abwehr and DVD agent Tony Barber, who had handed his Spitfire over to the Luftwaffe in 1942. You won’t see that in Barber’s Wikipedia entry, of course. As ever Wikipedia are covering for German Intelligence and are still pushing the lie that Barber ran out of fuel. With typical intellectual dishonesty they get around the fact that his Spitfire PR Mk IV was later photographed at the Luftwaffe test center at Rechlin by choosing not to mention it.
Barber sabotaged the British economy and Heath’s premiership was a disaster. He deservedly lost not just one but two general elections in 1974 and was replaced as Leader of the Tory Party by the great Margaret Thatcher. Heath never accepted his defeat and maintained a grudge against Margaret for the rest of his worthless life.
He retired to Salisbury, Wiltshire, where he was regularly supplied with young boys by a brothel-keeper, who admitted as much when prosecuted in 1994. No doubt under Cabinet Office pressure the CPS ensured that the prosecution did not proceed. It was when this came to light, from a former police officer, that Operation Conifer was started.
The IISCA inquiry was partly triggered by revelations about the late BBC pedophile Jimmy Savile, who was the head of a ring organised out of the Cabinet Office and which supplied boys to both Heath and the Cabinet Secretary of the day, John Hunt. The inquiry has been reduced to a farce, with one chairman following another. The current chairman is a social worker, with no intelligence expertise whatsoever, no offense intended. I’m sure that she’s a nice person but she’s hopelessly out of her depth and has probably never even heard of the DVD or GO2.
The inquiry has been so discredited it’s scarcely worth discrediting it any further. There is no chance that it will get at the truth and if it did stumble on the truth accidentally, no chance that it would publish it. The only good thing to come out of IICSA is that is has damaged public confidence, not before time, in the whole concept of official inquiries.
Operation Conifer’s Conclusions
The inquiry team, led initially by Detective Superintendent Sean Memory, an able officer who was then smeared, and then by Detective Superintendent Steve Kirby, under the supervision of Gold Commander Assistant Chief Constable Paul Mills, concluded that there was enough evidence to justify arresting Sir Edward Heath, were he still alive, and interviewing him under caution, in respect of seven alleged sex offences. These were all offences against males, mostly boys, one as young as 11.
The allegations included one of rape, against a young rent-boy, although it’s important to emphasise that the allegation is one of statutory rape ‘only’. Penetration under English law, as in many American states, becomes rape if the victim is too young to give consent. So far as I know the encounter was paid-for, consensual sex. Illegal, and not good, but not as dramatic as the word “rape” suggests.
This is where the legal establishment is getting its comeuppance. It’s been pursuing stale sex allegations for years and messing around with the definition of offenses to make them sound more serious. Now it’s come back to bite them, as the perpetrator in this case happened to be the Prime Minister who dragged us into the EEC.
The inquiry team have exploded three myths about Heath, assiduously propagated for years by the Cabinet Office:
(1) That he was asexual.
(2) That he was invariably accompanied by protection officers, and
(3) That he could not drive and did not own a car.
They established that he had consensual sexual relations with adult men (young ones, I bet). In fact it seems that he had a voracious sexual appetite and was a sexual predator of the worst sort.
Heath did not receive 24/7 protection until shortly before he became Prime Minister in 1970. Moreover, he seems to have been adept at giving his protection officers the slip.
He also owned two cars at various times, a Vauxhall Viva (an odd choice) and a Rover 2000. No doubt he would have preferred to drive something more Hunnish, like a Mercedes, but he was pretending to be on our side, the bastard.
The Conifer team have done excellent police work. I have no hesitation in saying so, although they have not gone as far as I did in Spyhunter and have not reached any conclusions on the more serious allegations against Heath. His activities for the Abwehr were outside their remit.
In relation to the boys who went missing off Heath’s yachts they were hampered by a lack of co-operation from some of the crew, the Cabinet Office and the intelligence services. No one complained about the boys going missing because they were in care and their files were lost, on Cabinet Office orders. The reach of the Cabinet Office into local government in Britain is deep.
Not a single intelligence file on Heath was handed over. None of the team, so far as I know, was an intelligence officer. Sensibly they concentrated on living victims, not having bodies (which is why the poor boys were weighted down with lengths of anchor chain after they were murdered and then thrown overboard by GO2 agents). Naval Intelligence had a source on one of the yachts, but that file is buried deep. They saved an entire Crown Colony (British Honduras) with the bio-leverage they thus acquired on Heath. You don’t hand that sort of file over to the rozzers, however good they might be.
With limited cooperation and no access at all to intelligence files, ACC Mills and his team have fact-checked three Cabinet Office lies about Heath. They have also shown some of his victims that there are police officers out there who care about them and the rule of law, and who are not frightened of Whitehall.
Update on the Las Vegas shootings
The single shooter theory has now collapsed completely. Only the FBI and the mainstream media are still running with it, but then they’re still claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy.
I respectfully agree with the range figures, based on audio analysis, highlighted elsewhere on this site by my colleague Ian Greenhalgh. We have one shooter/team of shooters in the Mandalay Bay and another closer in. We probably have two different types of round involved, .223 Remington and 30 cal. It does not follow of course that one of the shooters was Paddock.
As presently advised, I am thinking .223 gunfire from the Mandalay Bay to implicate Paddock and 30 cal. belt-fed from one of the potential sites identified by Ian. A single 30 cal. belt-fed machine-gun can cut down a large number of unarmed and unprotected civilians in a short space of time.
Sonoma County wild fires
How many times do I have to say it? Starting wild fires was an al Qaeda and is now an ISIS modus operandi. Years after I picked that up it was confirmed in the 2011 Seal Team Six raid on the bin Laden family compound in Pakistan. Nobody congratulated me of course.
Nothing was done to warn communities. Homeland Security ignored the threat and allied countries also at risk, like Australia, were left to swing in the wind. The Fibbies aren’t in the least bit concerned – so far as the FBI are concerned it would seem that US citizens are no more than cannon-fodder.
Nobody in the media has the intelligence to link the Sonoma County fires with Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the Mexico City earthquake and the Las Vegas mass shooting. Most journalists have never heard of the DVD, let alone scalar high energy weapons systems. To them, disasters are things which just happen.
The same applies to politicians. Margaret Thatcher’s government was hit by disaster after disaster, but nobody in the Cabinet worked out that German intelligence was behind most of them. I respectfully agree with Dean Simonton (UC-Davis) about the IQ of politicians. The current British Mensa Magazine (October 2017, page 12) has a useful article summarising his work.
The optimum level of a political leader’s IQ is a maximum of 1.2 standard deviations above the group mean, i.e. around 120-125. Put shortly, smart people tend not to get elected. This is how we end up with Presidents like Bill Clinton and Prime Ministers like Tony Blair, no offense intended.
Indeed, it is almost impossible for highly intelligent people to get elected. They’re too different. This basically means that democracies are run by comparative idiots.
That’s bad enough. Problems really arise however when the idiots in charge don’t understand what idiots they are and fail to listen to their much more intelligent advisers, or appoint themselves experts. There’s only one elected leader in the world, e.g., who knows anything about intelligence, and that’s Vladimir Putin. He’s almost the only politician whose opinion about intelligence matters is worth listening to.

I hope the people reading this with access to President Trump who are blocking Spyhunter or intelligence about the DVD from reaching him know the quality of some of the people whose lives they are throwing away. One poor couple burnt to death this week had been married for 75 years. I am sure they were good people. Another was a Navy veteran, a former F4U pilot.
As I said last week, we’re in a quasi-war with Germany, folks. We may not know it, but the Germans, who started it, sure do. How many more skyscrapers, how many more mass-shootings, how many more wild fire victims, before we wake up and smell the coffee? Sadly, I predict that the deaths last week will not be enough to wake up our brain-dead media and political class. They will carry on sacrificing lives, like World War I generals unaware that Asquith, Lloyd George and Hankey were working for Germany and handing over our war plans to the enemy.
At least some of the lives the generals threw away were their own. Over forty British general officers died in World War I. The politicians aren’t taking any risks with their own safety, but they’re happy to keep throwing away other people’s lives. It’s easier to sacrifice the life of somebody you don’t know than think about what you are doing.
There is no chance of a serious official inquiry into the California fires. Law enforcement is wedded to the fatally flawed concepts that terrorism is not a state-sponsored phenomenon and that wild fires are started by discarded cigarettes.
There is however a slight chance that one of the insurance companies being asked to stump up serious money for this nonsense (ditto the insurers for the Mandalay Bay) might start asking questions. Many insurance policies have clauses excluding terrorism. These could probably be invoked re the California fires.
I act for an insurer and I’m happy to advise others! There’s no law against insurers employing investigators with a brain. Even the FBI are not barred by Act of Congress from employing intelligent agents. It’s just custom and practice not to.
This Week’s Reading: Churchill and the Admirals
Captain Stephen Roskill RN, 1977, Pen & Sword 2004
This well-known work of naval history has helpfully been republished by Pen & Sword Military. I’d like to devote more space to analysing it, because it’s been an influential book.
The late Captain Roskill worked for the Cabinet Office after the war and unsurprisingly always took the Cabinet Office viewpoint. He’s an admirer of the German agent Lord Hankey. In this well-known work he really puts the boot into Winston Churchill.
Winne, whose grandson I knew, had his faults: he didn’t drink nearly enough and smoked far too few cigars for one thing. Some of his brainwaves were wildly impracticable and I share Captain Roskill’s analysis that he was first and foremost a military, not a naval officer. He served in India and on the Western Front but never at sea.
However Roskill’s criticisms of him are far too severe, and wholly ignore the role of Abwehr assets, including Hankey and Sir Edward Bridges, in undermining him. Bridges, e.g., lied to him over the sailing of HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse from Singapore. Stephen Roskill was a fine gunnery officer, and in a particular a very good naval AAA specialist. On balance however he should have stuck to gunnery.
I don’t think that he was a German spy, even though he worked for the Cabinet Office. He just wasn’t a good enough intelligence officer, with respect, to spot the German spies he was working with!

Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University.
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