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The Superconsciousness Series. Chapter excerpts from the book: “The Power of Choice, Success and Your Life Purpose” by Steve Robertson
Since childhood I’ve always wondered and asked myself two big questions: “Why am I here and what is my purpose.” I grew up obsessed with and succeeding at almost every traditional sport I played until, at age 13, I got my first motorcycle, a 50cc dirt bike. My world revolved around riding this bike until I literally wore the engine out on it. The next bike my father bought me was a larger 125cc motorcycle, an actual racing motocross bike. I begged my father to let me race. Eventually he agreed and in my first race I got a third place trophy. There was no looking back from there. My father I went to the races almost every weekend after that. Later I moved to the 250cc bike class raced in the expert class. I would win many races before turning pro at age 18.
Then one day, while driving my race bike van, I began to ask inwardly “how could I become a top pro?” With this question there was an immediate response which spoke clearly from a voice deep within: “Limitations are bound only by the mind, the mind is bound only by our perception of those limitations.” The words seemed from a very profound and wise place. I immediately pulled the van to the shoulder of the road and wrote down this message. From this moment forward I resolved to live my life from this insight which I interpreted to mean: If I could imagine something I could accomplish it. From then on I began listening and pay very close attention to the wise insights of this small still voice within.
This Superconsciousness Series represent select chapters from my book “The Power of Choice, Success and Your Life Purpose.” This book, my first, reflects my devoted commitment to asking big questions about the meaning of life and taking detailed notes on answers that I received.
Thoughts, Spoken Words and Creating New Realities:
Each moment of the day, nanosecond after nanosecond, we are co-creating a reality from which we are either conscious or unconscious. To the degree we are conscious, lovingly paying attention to the moment, our co-creativity tends to reflect a flow of ease and grace in our experiences. To the degree we are unconscious, we reactively and retrospectively discover the fearful hand that has scripted the dramatic sequences of our existence.
Curiously, we wonder how it is that certain people, places and circumstances show up in our lives. Some of these experiences show up and bring peace and joy into our lives. Others experiences seem to bring sadness and anger. For the most part, these experiences appear as a random series of events over which we seem to have little or no control. As a result, we feel either lucky or like a victim.
Various religious and spiritual texts have for eons pointed toward the reality of how we each can and do co-create our realities. Often, even the most current and evolved of teachers and new thought leaders miss a most critical part in the co-creativity equation… that of how thought, and more importantly, our spoken word, calls into form the reality of our envisioning. In order to understand the power of the spoken word, let us reflect:
“In the beginning was the word,” (the “word” translates into “primary harmony,” according to John the Evangelist of the first century A.D.) “and the word was with God,” says John 1:1. “Then God said, Let there be light,” says Genesis 1:3. Buddhists call the primary harmony “OM.”
Specifically, the ultimate point to bring awareness to is that every word is made of letters and every letter has its own specific phonetic sound based on whether it is a consonant or a vowel. Therefore, when we combine various letters into words and speak these words, it is analogous to striking several keys on an instrument to form combinations of notes. When such notes combine, they unite into a vibrational musical cord or unified sound. Make sense?
Certain words, by their very definition, have high intension vibrations while others lower. As we bring deeper awareness into our lives, consciousness tends to transition from a passive state of hearing into an active, participatory level of listening and paying attention. As a result, we become more sensitive to how things feel, such as our own thoughts. We begin to pay attention to the words we select to communicate, how they impact people, and we listen to how the communication of other people affects us.
With this new awareness, we suddenly find it paradoxically curious when a friend responds to an invitation to participate in something we thought they would value, by saying “No, I would love to do that,” or “No, that’s a great idea.” Similarly, we begin to feel a drain around a reactive proclaimed goal of “I need to create more money,” or “I should have a better job or career,” or “I have to,” or I must do… (whatever the subject might be).” Occasionally, we feel a sense of joyful empowerment around the excitement of proclaiming “I will create more money,” or “I choose to create a better job or career,” or “I want to,” or “I desire to… (whatever the subject might be).” What’s the difference?
For a moment let us consider the word “need.” When you think of the word “need,” does it feel closer to the definition of abundance or lack? If as most, you conclude that it feels closer to lack, then let us ask next: If the word “need” is closer to lack, does this word feel closer to the definition of love, or fear? If you conclude fear, as do most, then let us ask does the word “fear” feel closer to response or reaction? If again, if you are like most, you will conclude that the word “fear” feels closer to reaction. This process of logical deduction and the granulation of words’ core definitions ultimately empower the understanding that anytime we or someone speaks the word “need” (should, have to, or must) within the context of a core creative command, then we are commanding into form the future possibility from an intent of fear, lack, and/or reactiveness. This paradox becomes frustratingly apparent when we continue to ask for, or command, a more positive future through using these words that are defined by fear, lack and reaction. In essence, the carrot of our desire seems ever out of reach, though we proclaim it more loudly and forcefully.
Now for a moment, let us consider four new command words such as: I will, I choose, I want, or I desire (or, that’s “required”). When you think of using these words to call forth a future possibility, do they feel closer to abundance and empowerment, or lack? If closer to abundance and empowerment, do they feel closer to love or fear? If closer to love, then do they feel closer to response or reactiveness? Choosing command words that reflect the authority of an intent of self-empowerment, reflects conscious awareness and co-creativity.
Choosing command words that are based in fear and lack reflect an unconscious choosing from what someone ultimately does not want to create. It is like the hero who wants to leave the village in pursuit of his or her dream, and yet fails to find the courage to take the first step because of the fear of the unknown. Choosing command words that proclaim self-empowerment and authentic choices reflects the wise intent of creating from the end goal of what one actually does want to create. Ultimately, this clear volition is liken to the hero who does leave the village in pursuit of their dream and as they cross the bridge of no return, they courageously turn to it and burn it to the ground, so there is no form of retreat to the past.
Their singular commitment is to create from the clarity of what they really do want to create, there is only a looking toward and forward to the future.
Humanity appears to be at a pivotal time where we are transitioning from the “persona” — which in Latin means to “pump air through one’s mask” into becoming the “heretic,” which in Latin means “one who knows that they can choose.” If we listen carefully to our truest inner selves and speak with a greater presence, we can empower ourselves to create exciting new possibilities and become a witness to the reality of our heart’s greatest desire come true.
The Power of Your Thoughts and Spoken Words.
Physics of How Power of Your Thoughts and Spoken Words Co-Create Reality: People, Places, Circumstances and other items of the material world.
Discover Your Life Purpose and Empower Your Life. Inspire a family member or a friend by purchasing and/or gifting my eBook: “The Power of Choice, Success and Your Life Purpose.” ONLY $5.00
***Includes special bonus video materials***
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See what Top National best selling authors say about my book just below.
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Your $5.00 book purchase helps to support the articles I write for VT and also what I accomplish through ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org.
National Best Selling Authors proclaim:
Steve’s book is … “A TEXTBOOK for the Soul” – Caroline Myss, PhD (National Best-Selling author of “Anatomy of the Spirit” – Oprah guest some 40 times)
“Robertson is a Living Avatar on whose shining example our future may depend.”– Larry Dossey, MD (National Best Selling Author of “One Mind” and “The Power of Prayer” former Executive Director of the National Institute of Health, Alternative Medicine Division )
Steve’s book uses…”beautiful metaphors and analogies that lead in every instance to awareness, self-responsibility, and our Divinity” – Gary Zukav (National Best Selling author of “Seat of the Soul” 10 million copies and Oprah Guest some 40 times)
Steve’s book is …”required reading for anyone who has longed to find and fulfill their life purpose.” – Don Miguel Ruiz, MD (National Best selling author of “The Four Agreements” – 4 million plus sold, Oprah Guest)
Steve’s book…”can empower you and help you bring your gifts to the world.” – Jack Kornfield, PhD (National Best Selling Author of “A Path With Heart” – Founder of the Mindful Meditation movement)
Steve’s book offers …”rich and spiritually authentic insights into the meaning of life and how to find and live your life purpose.” – Gerald (Jerry) Jampolsky, MD and Diane Cirincione, PhD (National Best Selling Authors, Pioneers in the Human Potential Movement – Oprah Guest)
Steve’s book is …”a treasure trove of timeless wisdom and spiritual guidance.” – Alexander Astin, PhD (Considered the world’s most widely quoted person on Higher Education. Co-founder of UCLA Higher Education Research Institute. Best Selling Author of “Cultivating the Spirit”.)
Steve’s book…”looks at all of us in the eye and asks us to awaken to our own power and force.” Jack Healey, former Executive Director of Amnesty International. Former Franciscan Monk.
Feature story artwork by Greg Spalenka
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Steve Robertson is the Founder and CEO of ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org (PPoE) and the PeaceSongAwards.org
Robertson is also the Founder and CEO of SupportVeteransNow.org, PenPalsForPeace.org and the LoveAllLoveWins.org campaigns.
The ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org Steering Committee and Advisory Board consist of 41 world-famed/Grammy-winning musicians, Academy award-winning filmmakers, Emmy winning TV producers, top scientists, doctors, higher-education scholars, human rights and world-thought leaders in the areas of consciousness and spiritual development.
Robertson has produced three international peace concerts from and for Bethlehem Palestine on Christmas Day and for the Middle East/Global Peace out to some 80 million homes worldwide which featured Grammy-winning musicians, famed celebrities, and thought-leaders.
Overview of Steve Robertson’s/PPoE achievements to date:
In 2009, Robertson lead a nationwide bus tour called “Peace Has Begun” that served to frame the word “peace” as a verb for social good and promote the planned annual Project Peace on Earth global musical prayer concerts. The bus was a traveling media studio that featured two broadcast journalists who interviewed people on their commitment and actions towards inner and outer peace.
In September of 2010, Steve lead a medical mission, with famed eye surgeon Paul Dougherty MD, to Hebron Palestine which resulted in the restoration of eyesight (40 free cataract surgeries) to elderly people. Michael Garcia, former VP of Development for HBO traveled with the Medical Mission to film a documentary called “Visions of Peace.”
On November 25th, 2011, Robertson, Executive Produced a promotional aerial image, in conjunction with John Quigley (PPOE Advisory Board), additional PPoE Middle East Production team members and a UNRWA team, that consisted of some 1000 Palestinian refugee children forming the Picasso Peace Dove image and spelling out the words “Love All” both in English and Arabic.
On September 26th, 2012 the UN selected the Picasso Peace Dove and Love All still image photo (out of some 800,000 over the course of the UN) as one of the 49 most iconic images ever captured since the organization’s inception.
In 2014 Robertson became an Executive Producer and the Artistic Mentor on the Shanti Samsara Environmental Consciousness benefit album. The album, produced by Ricky Kej, was produced at the request of Prime Minister Modi of India, to honor all forms of life from a Vedic and Buddhist perspective. Prime Minister Modi presented this album during his November 2014 UN Climate Change Conference Keynote Speech in Paris to every Presidential attendee at the event. The 150-page pictorial coffee table book and 2 CD album set involved over 500 musicians and 40 countries.
In November of 2014 Robertson created and Executive Produced the 2 Unite All benefit album to bring surgical teams, medical supplies, and PTSD Therapies into GAZA and the Middle East Region to support greater peace. The album features numerous world-famed Grammy-winning musicians …30 major musicians including Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters (Pink Floyd), Philip Lawrence (Burno Mars), Stewart Copeland (The Police), Thomas Bergersen (2 Billion YouTube video hits), Gary Nicholson (Grammy Winner and TX Hall of Fame) and many more. The album is endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Professor Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Vera Baboun (former Mayor of Bethlehem) and many more.
In 2017 Steve founded the PeaceSongAwards.org (PSA) worldwide contest which serves as a search for our world’s most enlightened musicians, songs, spoken word poetry and music videos that guide the way to inner peace and outer peace on earth. PSA Jury Panel Members consist of many world-famed Musicians, Music and TV industry people and Thought-leaders.
Steve’s acclaimed and recent book, “The Power of Choice, Success and Your Life Purpose” is endorsed by numerous national best selling authors including Gary Zukav (“Seat of the Soul,” 10million + books sold), Don Miguel Ruiz MD (“The Four Agreements”),Caroline Myss PhD (“Anatomy of the Spirit”), Jack Kornfield PhD (founder of the Mindful Meditation Movement, author of “A Path With A Heart”), Larry Dossey MD (recent author of “One Mind” – former Director of the Nat. Inst. for Health, Alternative Medicine Division), Alexander Astin PhD (founder of UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute), Jack Healey (former Exec. Dir. of Amnesty International) and more.
National Best Selling Authors proclaim:
Steve’s book is … “A TEXTBOOK for the Soul” – Caroline Myss, PhD (National Best-Selling author of “Anatomy of the Spirit”)
“Robertson is a Living Avatar on whose shining example our future may depend.”– Larry Dossey, MD (National Best Selling Author of “One Mind” and “The Power of Prayer”)
Steve book uses…”beautiful metaphors and analogies that lead in every instance to awareness, self-responsibility, and our Divinity” – Gary Zukav (National Best Selling author of “Seat of the Soul”)
Steve’s book is …”required reading for anyone who has longed to find and fulfill their life purpose.” – Don Miguel Ruiz (National Best selling author of “The Four Agreements”)
Steve’s book…”can empower you and help you bring your gifts to the world.” – Jack Kornfield, PhD (National Best Selling Author of “A Path With Heart”)
Steve’s book offers …”rich and spiritually authentic insights into the meaning of life and how to find and live your life purpose.” – Gerald (Jerry) Jampolsky, M.D. and Diane Cirincione, Ph.D. (National Best Selling Authors, Pioneers in the Human Potential Movement)
Steve’s book is …”a treasure trove of timeless wisdom and spiritual guidance.” – Alexander Astin, PhD (Considered the world’s most widely quoted person on Higher Education. Co-founder of UCLA Higher Education Research Institute. Best Selling Author of “Cultivating the Spirit”.)
Steve’s book…”looks at all of us in the eye and asks us to awaken to our own power and force.” Jack Healey, former Executive Director of Amnesty International. Former Franciscan Monk.
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