Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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Soros isn’t a Zionist and he isn’t behind the migrant influx. So before you start getting all uppity with other people, make sure you have your facts straight, clearly they aren’t, which makes you look rather silly.
“Re-Population”: Ideology & Practis of the Migrationism. Here is a current quote:
“Confronted with this reality, the American and European leaderships have opted for re-population. If the pace of this process remains the same, before this century is over, 50% of the Western states will be replaced with people from the Third World (…) 50% of the African youth is younger than 25. The consultancies of Ernst and Young call these youngsters ‘demographic dividend’, a treasure trove for the global companies to reap. If they cannot capitalize on them in Africa, they have to bring them to Europe, as we see happening now. The current migration process which goes by the name of crisis is engineered and promoted by an influential lobby.”
One of the many lobby organizations is called “GEFIRA” which is totally dedicated to the wordwide re-population agenda:
This is only a single example from many others working for this goal. Read their own words and you begin to grasp the hybris of this artificially manufactured project of a new hybrid mankind.
Detlef Reimers That guilt is being propagated through fraudulent media. You will get all the communications back in 2045. Germany may have to buy out the Allied proxies to do that. Hopefully, I will be alive (am 66 now), for a revisionist history of the French role, the Vichy government & De Gaulle as a belligerent stooge positioned to oppress North Africa. If nothing, at least my future generations will get to see it.
From one who knows, once you have been a Communist, you can never be a jingoistic nationalist. Once can discard the idealogy, but not the analytical skills that one acquires through the study of political philosophy & dialectical materialism. You only want to see the truth and things take place correctly.
Here is an English translation of the article (with document) about the freemasonic publication, which I formerly linked as a German document:
In addition to my last post, let me simply explain that especially we Germans are totally fed up by the guilt “thing”, it’s simply boring and we have no intention whatsoever to wait until 2099 (for those of you in the know) to get back our legal and full souverain rights as a Nation.
This is a very clear statement, not from a true, perceived as or undercover NAZI. I myself was a communist in my young years, but I’ve learned a lot from that error. I am simply a patriot and I’ve worked heard to learn through my whole life of now 66 years, not to make the same mistake ever again.
My three children have children themselves now, I worked in German Schools for 25 years and I know very well from the inside what went wrong to bring us into this mess. My last class consisted of 16 Jewish Russian immigrants, 5 former Christian Jugoslavic refugees (Serbian and Croatian), 2 Muslim Lebaneese, 2 Tunesian and five Christian German students. I was also their tutor and they all succeeded in getting their Abitur.
It has nothing to do with mindless fear of Germans, it has neither nothing to do with historic justice or any other fabricated (through the MSM and education) justification. This is a well planned operation on a very large scale, funded and supported by the high ups “true internationalists” who adore a very strange god.
For all to read here:
We have to take notice that this is the result of a long planned policy. At the head of the snake are the commisars of the UN and their minions of the UNHCHR. I urge everyone to read this paper carefully.
The second document is the published welcome statement of almost 20 high up lodges (in french):
I could add numerous other official papers, videos and statements from high places of politics and religion which are deeply embedded in this project of “population replacement”, not migrants or refugees (some minor cases actually are, but they are a clear minority).
So, all statements about the European guilt are simply misleading, because this project is of a totally different kind. I also want to mention, that as a German I know who my fellows are (including the AfD). You can easily find NAZIs in all our agencies like “Verfassungsschutz”, “MAD” and the “BND”. Outside of them you have to search them. Everyone pretending otherwise doesn’t know anything about our after WWII past.
They’re NOT “refugees” or”migrnts”..they’re hostile, opportunistic welf_re shoppers….This p_rt of the K_lergi Pln to destroy the Europe_n n_tions…this is soft genocide tht m_y speed-up into h_rd genocide…recognizing truth doesn’t m_ke you _ N_zi….
All valid thoughts, imagine EU forcing Canada and Mexico to economically sanction USA over war crimes and to stop USA from Canada and Mexico bay oil/gas explorations. As for someone deposing Brits of their rule slowly with “diplomatic struggle for democracy” or quickly with “legal morally justified brutality” I wouldn’t shed one tear, they are the most notorious country in the world, and western world universally preached notoriety is modeled after Britain.
As mr.Duff refers to in his interview I will try to share my view 1) On blowing up EU: There are events that shatter EU I admit and I will try to name a few – Brexit – a country leaving EU while actively paying advisors around Europe promoting EU enlargement. – Skripals – the forged event that shook EU in matter of hours with diplomatic crisis similar to most notorious days of Soviet Communist International. – War in Syria – manipulated by SOHR and focused on migration demographics change of southern and eastern European states modeled after the style of good ole colonialists as is shared among senior NATO founders. Is there anything in common with these 3 events or I am just a crazy guy? 2) On blowing up NATO: – Well that would be the best thing happening to Europe in a long time.
khalid, I didn’tknow you were a lunitic fanatic; having never met one before, pleased to meet you. My apologies if you are not one.
Nazis? Conservative nationalists are not nazis.
daftdude What do you think the Conservative Nationalists had been ? Yes, Conserv. Nationalists. Nazis are just an propaganda insult.
Weakening National identities is a neccessary step in establishing the world slavery of our New World Order. Your cries for freedom will be drowned out by cries for safety. And we will have neither.
The mass immigration was a long planed event to destroy the nations and their culture in Europe as a further step to the NWO. Just read the Talmud. In my opinion Ferkel should be prosecuted for treason. Now more and more forces are coming forward to prevent this from happening. I wonder, why the author of this article call it the “Nazi Resurgence” in Europe. Trump acts the same way, even harder and is not accused to be a Nazi collaborator. Does this mean:”Quod licet Jovi non licet bovi?” By the way Churchill said after the war:” We slaughtered the wrong pig!” And General Patton called Hitler the only decent politician of the time.
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