Intel Drop: Trump, “Holocaust Never Happened, It’s a Fake”

But which holocaust do we mean?


DISCLOSURE: VT condemns the horrific tragedy committed by the NAZI Party against Jewish Citizens of Europe during Word War II known as the "Holocaust". VT condemns all racism, bigotry, hate speech, and violence. However, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices; even if those voices are not mainstream as long as they do NOT openly call for violence. Please report any violations of comment policy to us immediately. Strong reader discretion is advised.

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Trump clearly recognizes something few of his supporters do, that special interest groups, working with “stink tanks” and psych war experts, fabricate conspiracy theories and re-engineer existing ones, typically for profit or political gain.

He just doesn’t know which is what.  He is continually duped.

Our sources tell us that President Donald Trump has long been a follower of Professor Kevin MacDonald and his group.  MacDonald, more or less claims that the holocaust, as told by the MSM and Hollywood is fake and that there were hundreds of thousands of deaths in work camps, none by gas.

No one doubts Nazi’s executed Jews, Russians and others.  Their policies were barbaric and insane but MacDonald, and we are told Trump himself, believe that Israel and those behind Israel, and now behind Trump himself, perhaps blackmailing Trump using Jeffrey Epstein, simply made it all up, that the holocaust is fake.

It’s MacDonald, and his researchers, who have faced smears and prison, men like historian David Irving and Ernst Zundel, who have made what they say is a “slam dunk” case that the two Jewish holocausts, one they claim happened during World War I, killing 6 million Jews, and a second during World War II, also killing 6 million Jews, in fact never happened.

The math used, which we believe brought Donald onboard, is simple.  There were 4.5 million Jews in Europe in 1940, all of Europe including Russia.  As a German, I am obligated by threat of imprisonment to state that 6 million were gassed and, thus, I state with absolute moral certainty that 6 million of the 4.5 million were gassed.

This left the 3.8 million Jews that survived the war in Europe that became refugees, settling in Israel, Argentina, America and Canada, Britain, Australia, South Africa and around the world.

The math works for me.

If what we are told about Trump is true, then what is Trump’s game?  Is he, as his Jew hating White identity followers believe, waiting it out, planning to kill off the world’s Jews once he eliminates Congress and the constitution?

A sane person might ask why Jewish people, who seem pretty much exactly like everyone else are targets as part of a bizarre conspiracy but let us not let sanity enter the picture.

There’s the rub, it isn’t the facts, no, never let that get in the way.  It’s the love of not just conspiracies but ones that have racial elements that foster wide participation and feelings of victimization.  People love to hate.

Perhaps the most victimized in the world are Israeli’s, a nation totally divided by fear and hate, were one to see their political uprising of late since their nation has entered a tailspin of extremism and loss of liberty for Christians, Muslims and even Jews.

But then that’s all censored unless you read the Israeli press which isn’t censored at all, unlike the American press.

Let’s now look at that other holocaust, between 1 and 2 million dead, about 90% white American, almost all male, most, were they alive, would be between 65 and 77.

In August 2017, Trump and Omarosa met with leaders of Vietnam vet groups.  There, Trump told them Omarosa would take over running Veterans Affairs as his personal advisor.

They were aghast.  Actually, she is smarter than those, except for General Shinseki, tasked with running the death panels and treatment denial centers run by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Trump didn’t invent VA corruption, its been there for almost a century.

What Trump and Omarosa did tell vets was to “chill out.”  According to Trump and Omarosa, Vietnam vets are whiners, “war losers” who have been a burden on America because of their phony “Agent Orange” conspiracy theory.

You see, Trump has friends at Dow and Monstanto, who give him the “inside scoop” on phony claims of mass killings, cancer epidemics, the opioid crisis and other “fake” problems.

Agent orange was an herbicide with a number of characteristics.  Admittedly, it contained significant amounts of dioxin.  Dow and Monsanto, among Trump’s most powerful backers, both made Agent Orange, filled with dioxin but also glyphosates.  Both are ultra-poisonous to humans, major causes of cancer, birth defects, diabetes, so many maladies.

Then again, Dow and Monsanto spent millions blocking scientific studies and preventing medical research into cures for the million plus victims that died of their poisons.

So, they went to Trump to tell him that “crazy, loser-vets made it all up.”

He believed them the way he believes Kevin MacDonald and the term Trump uses for Jews when his own Jewish family members aren’t around.  Trump, who sees himself as a “Master Race” German, harbors deep resentment against inferior races, Arabs and Jews as Middle Eastern/Semitic types, African’s as “less than human” and anyone who tans easily and whose ancestors learned to cook.

He will get away with it all and we will watch.

Nothing is real anymore anyway.


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  1. “There were 4.5 million Jews in Europe in 1940, all of Europe including Russia.” Where does this figure come from? When I look I find much greater numbers cited. Help me out here someone.

  2. Well, you can only say it so many ways; the holocaust narative is total bull shit. Oh, my, six million killed! Yea right. How about 66 million Christians killed by the same insane criminals. Not to mention the 10 plus million Germans killed after WWII. Thank You

  3. MOA, I understand numerous Kapo’s went on to bigger things after 1945, and Redder blood soaked pastures in the early phases of setting up the “criminal state of”. Promotion by attrition, they do excel at the blood lust endeavors. No good deed goes unpunished.

    Carry on!

  4. Maybe Trump is thinking of the post war holocaust. The one directed by Gen. Eisenhower. When German soldiers kept in open air camps, and civilians across the country died from forced hunger, disease, and maltreatment. They numbered millions. Maybe that’s the one.

  5. Thank you Gordon. Can you please infuse some optimism in your articles? It quite nerve-shattering article for those addicted to your analysis. You are dead right about Jews being victimized. Within true Left circles they identify the perpetrators as oligarchs.

  6. “A sane person might ask why Jewish people, who seem pretty much exactly like everyone else are targets as part of a bizarre conspiracy but let us not let sanity enter the picture.” – GD

    “Rank and file” Jews need to rid themselves of self-appointed leadership that uses them as human shields, then throws them under the bus as needed.

  7. Well said MOA! Let’s not forget the Kapo’s, and the interesting numbers that survived the work camps.

  8. Monsanto and others, openly declared war on all life. Could they have pulled the troops back and wait for a few months, or should they just spray everything including our own people ?
    These are the decisions of depraved psychopaths who should never be in the room where lives hang in the balance of decision making.
    Knowing the VA is unfixable according to the actuaries, the idea was to have Omarosa become the villain thus shielding Trump. That was her role on his pretend TV show. When a group of people lie to each other within their own group, nothing that comes from them to the public, should be given any credibility whatsoever. The entire church and state apparatus is rotten and unusable. They would eat their own children for dinner.

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