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Monthly Archives: January 2019

Jim W. Dean – PressTV rolling coverage on Marzieh Hashemi detention

Jim W. Dean - As grand jury proceeding are always secret, and necessarily so, we might be dependent on leaks to learn more.

Speaking Truth To Empire: The Myth of American Exceptionalism

Host Dan Yaseen interviews filmmaker Regis Tremblay to discuss the history of the USA and the myth of American exceptionalism.

Book Review: The Unspeakable Mind

Health Editor's Note: I found this book to be very insightful and more importantly very understandable in explaining the world of PTSD (post traumatic...

Jack Heart: The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…”

By Jack Heart & Orage  “Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its...

Intel Drop: Did We Just Catch “Buzzfeed” Trying to Bring Down Mueller?

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Yesterday a "blockbuster" story came out and was pushed by Daily Beast and The Intercept, two financially powerful "liberal" news...

UK concession on customs union can unlock Brexit talks: EU

... from Press TV, Tehran - First published ... January 19, 2019 - A senior European Union official has suggested that the British government can...

US court confirms detention of Marzieh Hashemi (Barrett on Press TV)

Every big media outlet in the US (like most of Congress) is dominated by Israel. So who's the "foreign agent"?

Yes, Lindsey Graham is Compromised… But He is Also Born Again. Representative Ilham Omar...

Robert David Steele Reposted with permission. While I am quite stunned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is owned by the Zionists more ways...

How Veteran Players Should Protect Themselves at Online Casinos

Protect yourself when choosing to gamble online. Learn more

8 Cool Gadgets To Gift To Your Tech Lover Boyfriend

It is an electronic era and everyone loves gadgets. If we go by the formal definition, then according to the Cambridge Dictionary, a gadget...

Measles Outbreak in Georgia: Why Can’t the “Ignorance Virus” Be Conquered?

Health Editor's Note:  Apparently anti-vaxxers are not just here in the U.S. Ignorance virus is a very accurate name for measles. The cases of...

Press TV Debate, Mike Harris on the Pelosi Trip

The U.S. government shutdown which began over a costly proposed border wall with Mexico has now turned into a petty political battle between President...

US court confirms Marzieh Hashemi’s arrest as material witness in unspecified probe

Jim W. Dean - Reuters is reporting that a government source has said the investigation involves PressTV being an unregistered foreign agent for Iran, a strange twist indeed.

Trump Shutdown Exposes Even More Crimes and Lies

Trump is clearly compromised.  This is why we all see the changing story lines from him and his assigns. 

NEO: Vice, Laying bare America’s most disgusting politician, Dick Cheney

by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor,  ...and New Eastern Outlook, Moscow - Today’s film is “Vice,” a film that rips apart Dick Cheney. We might ask...

Lock Him Up! Trump Directed Cohen to Lie About Moscow Deal—and Mueller’s Got the...

Trump is said to have been so heavily involved in the Trump Tower project in Moscow during the campaign he was ready to go meet with Putin to move things along.

Russiagate: Trump-Deutsche Bank Links to be Probed By House Investigators

There has been speculation as to why Deutsche was one of the only banks willing to lend large sums of money to Trump and his businesses in the past decade; it extended millions of dollars in credit to the Trump Organization.

Classified Information Leaked by Trump as Pelosi’s Travel Plans are Published

An aide to Pelosi told the Daily Beast that they got wind that the administration had leaked the delegations plans to travel to Afghanistan on commercial charter after their office was approached by reporters citing multiple administration officials asking about those plans

An Insight to CBD oil for Beagles

Beagle is a very loving and caring dog. They were originally found in Europe. The dog is loved for its amazing and loving nature.

Russia Accuses US of Creating Medium and Short-Range Missiles, INF Fate in Limbo

Sputnik/Moscow: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his German counterpart Heiko Maas discussed the future of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the situation...

Trump wants out of NATO: A gift to Russia, or a gift to Germany?

Russia Today: A report has emerged which claims the US president has been incessantly attempting to pull the US out of the North Atlantic...

Press TV’s Hashemi due in US court on Friday

Press TV news presenter Marzeih Hashemi, who has been imprisoned by the FBI on unspecified charges, is due to appear in a Washington, DC, court on Friday.

8 Tips to Choose the Best Term Insurance Company in India

None of us wants our families to go through unnecessary hardships or face burden of the financial crisis. Term insurance plans give you the...

How effective is US veteran care compared to other countries?

Being involved in most armed conflicts around the world, the United States Government offers extensive army and veteran programs.

A Guide to Choose the Right Dentist for Your Dental Implant

Getting dental implants is a matter for high concern. You want to be sure that the dentist you choose has the right qualifications to perform the job.

Gabbard’s Gambit: Forlorn Hope or Something Else?

By Dr. Alan Ned Sabrosky The announcement last week by four-term Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) that she was entering the 2020 presidential sweepstakes caught many...

Hundreds of Christians Protest Against McJesus Sculpture at Haifa Museum of Art in Israel

Finnish artist Jani Leinonen has asked museum to remove the work-with no response By Anna Sansom Hundreds of Christians protested outside the Haifa Museum of Art...

Book Review: Children of a Good War

Children of a Good War:French Letters (Book Three), Jack Woodville London, ISBN: 978-0-9906121-8-6 Soft back Series/French Letters  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HdkZ0Kt6jM This book is a work of historical...

A Latino Marine veteran was detained for deportation. Then ICE realized he was a...

“I immediately called ICE and shouted at them,” he said. “And they called me back and said, kind of, ‘Oops, yeah, come and get him.’ They didn’t say, ‘Our bad,’ but kind of implied that.” Ramos-Gomez’s story rocketed to national attention on Wednesday after the American Civil Liberties Union called for the county to investigate how an American citizen and decorated veteran was taken into ICE custody.

Syria arrests Turkish-backed militants planning terror attacks

Jim W. Dean - The Turkish FM has thrown down the gauntlet that it will move against the YPG whether the US pulls out or not, an official statement, not the usual anonymous source.

Breaking/Exclusive! Erdogan’s “Free Syrian Army” Responsible for Manbij Attack Killing 4 Americans, More...

The Free Syrian Army members now in Russian custody confirmed that new attacks on Americans inside Syria are planned.

Breaking: Michael Cohen Rigged Polls for Trump in Bribery Scandal

Ex-fixer confirms WSJ bombshell report: Scheme with Liberty University’s IT director was carried out ‘at the direction and for the sole benefit’ of the president. Trump ordered it and it was a crime.

Marzieh Hashemi: Our post-9/11 Orwellian nightmare

Since when could journalists, including American citizens, be indefinitely detained without charges? Since 9/11!

Theresa May: An extinct prime minister and her dead-man-walking government (by George Galloway)

Theresa May and her party spent the next two years describing the leader of the opposition as various forms of the "enemy within," from an agent of the Kremlin to a friend of terrorism and extremism of all kinds. To say the least, it is difficult to row back from that now.

Manbij False Flag: The Empire Devours Its Own Children

Immediately after Donald Trump’s announcement of withdrawal of American troops from Syria on December 19, the Kurdish leadership reportedly threatened [1] to set free hundreds of Islamic State’s prisoners and their family members being held in makeshift prisons in the Kurdish-held areas of Syria.

The terrible forthcoming destruction of the Caribbean Basin

Pentagon is still pursuing the implementation of the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski plan. Learn more.

WashPost: Pentagon plans policy scrutinizing recruits with green cards & other foreign ties, internal...

The initiative would probably target thousands of people per year, including some U.S. citizens.

Marzieh Hashemi Denied Writ of Habeas Corpus

Marzieh Hashemi denied Writ of Habeas Corpus.

Osteoporosis May Be In Your Genes

Genes linked to abnormal bone density that can lead to fractures.