France: Truth About Terrorism Treated as Psychiatric Disorder, Involuntary “Committment


Editor’s note:  The following email was received today.  It outlines the policy of France when the truth is told about the wave of fake terrorism that has victimized France, not just the Hebdo attacks, but those before and since.  See Appendix I.

In 2015, I met with Italian counter-intelligence officials in Rome as part of an ongoing investigation involving the death of a family member of an Italian police official.  The killing, incidentally, was traced to weapons shipments from Albania to French terrorist groups working closely with Israel’s consulate in Milan which they claim doesn’t exist, according to the list below:

According to French sources, the consulate in Milan issued documents allowing jihadists and arms to enter France by truck that transited from Albania/Kosovo/Bosnia through the Italian port of Bari with cooperation of an organized crime group that had corrupted porfficials.

This was not an unofficial inquiry and no other information can be given except to utterly debunk the official narrative.  Italy is aware as are the French though incapable of protecting France because of high level treason within their own government.

From France:

In Reims on February 20th, 2019

I come to you about the interview that I had with the psychiatrist of the service zr4 of the clinic Henri Ey of Reims, doctor Yacine amhis, this day around 11am.
He mentioned my transfer to the psychiatric hospital of Bel-Air in Charleville Mézières, which I refuse, because the expert psychiatrist Hugues Collin who practices there recommended that I be again tortured with neuroleptics.

Mr. Amhis told me that he contacted a psychiatrist from Charleville Mézières and ARS Champagne Ardenne, who gave their verbal consent for my transfer.
I remind you that mr. Amhis had mentioned on January 23, 2019 that he wanted to treat me to neuroleptics considering me as “delusional” simply because I told him my opinions on the real authors of the waves of terrorist attacks that cross France and France. Europe for a few years … I took this view as a death threat … I want to say again that I am terrified by the presence of medical staff even if I do not hesitate to express my opinions and my convictions. I am terrified each time a member of the medical staff comes to speak to me, I am afraid that it is announced that I must be the subject of an injection of neuroleptics. These methods against political dissidents and opponents have been used to my knowledge by the USSR, Nazi Germany, as well as colonial France in Algeria.

During the interview of January 23, 2019 (as at each interview), m. Amhis told me that I was going to act, I do not understand what act it is … I think he understands an “Islamist” terrorist act. I wish to inform you that my family has been a victim of “Islamist” terrorism during the black decade in Algeria. Several members of my family accuse the Algerian authorities subjected to the French state, I share their opinion. I consider the French state as responsible for the death of several members of my family, the internment of other members, and the forced displacement of a part of my family … I constantly evoke my questions about French politics in Algeria, I am a French citizen, I do not understand why the French state does not defend the interests of the Algerian franco in Algeria.

In short, I told Dr. amhis that his opinion was meaningless, because terrorism is driven by Franco-Israeli networks within the security apparatus of the French state, and that my family is a victim of terrorism that he understands. I wish to inform you that I have no connection with these networks within the French state. I wish to bring to your attention that the headquarters of the DGSE / DAESH in Raqqa in Syria was destroyed by an explosion on Monday, February 11, 2019 … why the French media keep this information? According to some sources, many French soldiers died … I always told the psychiatrists that the French intelligence services were operating in Syria and that they were flying DAESH / Isis … they told me that I was delusional.
I am a whistleblower, I did information gathering in Eastern France and Germany for the Islamic-intelligence blog.
I showed psychiatrists the different warnings issued by Islamic-intelligence, they did not want to understand.
Dr. amhis has again forbidden me to communicate with who is Abu Suleiman … so as not to aggravate the situation in which I find myself.
Abu Suleiman initiated procedures and reports to various international organizations while I was in complete solitary confinement, on my behalf, I thank him.
Let’s go back to this day’s interview, I asked the psychiatrist again to have access to the various expert reports … he refused me.
I want to tell you that the judge of freedoms and detention Luc puechberty told me he was holding me thanks to an imaginary custody that would have occurred in 2017 and that I would not risk to pass to the act but that I risked influencing others to act … I was refused to give me a copy of the document. The prefect of the Marne Denis conus and the prosecutor of the Republic of Reims Matthieu bourrette asked the judge to keep me under the regime of hospitalization under duress (SDRE) …. I appealed the decision jld January 2019 by raising the fact that my hospitalization is based on lies made by the DGSI and the French Ministry of the Interior.

In the appeal judgment presided over by Judge Marie Laure BERTHELOT, the representative of the Advocate General of the Reims Court of Appeal (François Bonhert)
Gwen Kéromnès was absent, she just gave her requisitions … these two representatives of the public prosecutor’s office have links with the Ministry of Defense. I therefore raised before the judge of the court of appeal that the diagnoses of the various psychiatrists and psychiat experts

original in French:

À Reims le 20 février 2019

Je viens vers vous au sujet l’entretien que j’ai eu avec le psychiatre du service zr4 de la clinique Henri ey de Reims,docteur Yacine amhis, ce jour vers 11h du matin.
Il a évoqué mon transfert vers l’hôpital psychiatrique de Bel-Air à Charleville Mézières,ce que je refuse, car l’expert psychiatre Hugues Collin qui y exerce a recommandé que je sois de nouveau torturé aux neuroleptiques.
M. Amhis m’a dit qu’il a pris contact avec un psychiatre de Charleville Mézières et L’ARS champagne Ardenne, qui ont donné leur accord verbal pour mon transfert.
Je vous rappelle que m. Amhis avait évoqué le 23 janvier 2019 qu’il souhaitait me traiter aux neuroleptiques me considérant comme ”délirant” tout simplement parce-que je lui ai évoqué mes opinions sur les réels auteurs des vagues d’attentats terroristes qui traversent la France et l’Europe depuis quelques années…j’ai pris cet avis comme une menace de mort…je tiens à vous redire que je suis terrorisé par la présence du personnel médical même si je n’hésite pas à lui exprimer mes opinions et mes convictions. Je suis pris de terreur à chaque fois qu’un membre du personnel médical vient m’adresser la parole, j’ai peur que l’on m’annonce que je dois faire l’objet d’une injection de neuroleptiques. Ces méthodes contre les dissidents politiques et opposants ont été utilisées à ma connaissance par l’URSS, l’Allemagne nazie,ainsi que la France coloniale en Algérie.
Lors de l’entretien du 23 janvier 2019 (comme à chaque entretien),m. Amhis m’avait dit que je risquais de passer à l’acte ,je comprends pas de quel acte il s’agit…je pense qu’il sous entend un acte terroriste ”islamiste”. Je souhaite vous informer que ma famille a été victime du terrorisme ”islamiste” pendant la décennie noire en Algérie. Plusieurs membres de ma famille accusent les autorités algériennes soumises à l’état français,je partage leur opinion. Je considère l’état français comme responsable de la mort de plusieurs membres de ma famille, l’internement d’autres membres,et le déplacement forcé d’une partie de ma famille…je n’ai de cesse d’évoquer mes questionnements sur la politique française en Algérie,je suis citoyen français,je ne comprends pas pourquoi l’état français ne défend pas les intérêts des franco Algériens en Algérie.
Bref, j’ai dit au docteur amhis que son avis n’avait aucun sens,car le terrorisme est piloté par des réseaux franco-israéliens au sein de l’appareil sécuritaire de l’état français, et que ma famille est victime du terrorisme qu’il sous entend. Je souhaite vous informer que je n’ai aucun lien avec ces réseaux au sein de l’état français. Je souhaite porter à votre attention que le QG de la DGSE/DAESH à Raqqa en Syrie a été détruit par une explosion le lundi 11 février 2019… pourquoi les médias français taisent cette information ? D’après certaines sources, beaucoup de militaires français sont morts…j’ai toujours dit aux psychiatres que les services de renseignement français opéraient en Syrie et qu’ils y pilotaient DAESH/Isis…ils me disaient que j’étais délirant.
Je suis un lanceur d’alerte,j’ai fait de la collecte d’informations dans l’est de la France et en Allemagne pour le blog Islamic-intelligence.
J’ai montré aux psychiatres les différentes alertes lancées par Islamic-intelligence,ils n’ont rien voulu comprendre.
Docteur amhis m’a de nouveau interdit de communiquer avec qui est Abu suleiman…pour ne pas aggraver la situation dans laquelle je me trouve.
Abu suleiman a lancé des procédures et des signalements à différents organismes internationaux pendant que j’étais à l’isolement complet, en mon nom,je l’en remercie.
Revenons à l’entretien de ce jour,j’ai de nouveau demandé au psychiatre à avoir accès aux différents rapports d’expertise… il me l’a refusé.
Je tiens à vous dire que le juge des libertés et de la détention Luc puechberty m’a dit qu’il me tenait grace à une garde à vue imaginaire qui se serait déroulée en 2017 et que je ne risquais peut être pas de passer à l’acte mais que je risquais d’influencer d’autres personnes à passer à l’acte…on a refusé de me donner une copie du document évoqué. Le préfet de la Marne Denis conus et le procureur de la République de Reims Matthieu bourrette ont demandé au juge de me maintenir sous le régime de l’hospitalisation sous contrainte (SDRE)…. J’ai fait appel de la décision du jld de janvier 2019 en soulevant le fait que mon hospitalisation est basée sur des mensonges fabriqués par la la DGSI et le ministère de l’intérieur français.
Lors du jugement en appel présidé par la juge Marie Laure BERTHELOT ,le représentant de l’avocat général de la cour d’appel de Reims (François Bonhert)
,Gwen Kéromnès était absente,elle a juste donné ses réquisitions…ces deux représentants du ministère public ont des liens avec le ministère de la défense. J’ai donc évoqué devant la juge de la cour d’appel que les diagnostics des différents psychiatres et experts psychiat

Appendix I

NEO – The Crash, Coming into Focus, Hebdo and Much More

by  Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor,   … with New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow

WWI dogfighters were called "fur balls"
WWI dogfighters were called “fur balls”

[ Editor’s Note: This Sinai plane crash is getting to be like a WWI dogfight in terms of it being a moving target. Gordon’s NEO posting today was published there before his yesterday one on the huge Israeli air force multinational combat drives going on just to the east of where the plane went down.

Added to that is the not too small detail was their being no mention of it in the mainstream news whatsoever, an impossible coincidence. Someone put the word out to keep that Elephant in the desert behind the magic curtain. Such media deceptions are always a clue that powerful Western interest are involved.

Last I heard, no one had ever accused the Russians of manipulating Western mass media. VT by far has had the best coverage on the crash, and as usual, not one call from any mass media for an interview, no politician, or formal security agency…just our usual independent sources.

We will stay on this, not only getting up quickly what we are learning, but asking the questions that other are afraid to ask, which sadly include simple things like “Has anyone asked these Israeli exercise people if any of the planes were carrying live ordinance?” Inquiring minds would like to know… Jim W. Dean ]


– First published  …  November 11, 2015 –


Now we have to locate the missing pieces to this puzzle
Now we have to locate the missing pieces to this puzzle

To understand events like the crash that killed 224 Russian citizens in Sinai, there are so many misconceptions that have to be addressed. Whatever confusion, betrayal or suffering needs to be addressed, and all three are there in spades, the “Charlie” cartoons, obnoxious and hateful, will be addressed first.

VT is a clearing house for intelligence leaks from a number of countries, the US certainly but two dozen others as well. We are thankful that there are so many out there who get us the truth and more thankful that they represent factions of those who still value honor and decency and are seldom “lone wolf” whistleblowers, driven by scarred psyche’s and bizarre personal agendas.

That being said, I continue here down a very slippery slope but not alone, backed by my friends in the US, Russia and around the world. If there is reason for hope, and on many days finding reason for hope is almost impossible, this may well be it. It is for me, certainly.

We are addressing the attack on Russia, which is what we are terming the downing of a civilian airliner. It was a personal attack on President Putin, by my estimation, and we will get to this and those responsible but first we will address “Charlie” Hebdo after their “cartoon attack” tied to the crash.

The January 7, 2015 “attack” on “Charlie” was not what it seemed. VT, with its extensive Paris based news organization, was able to track down several leads while VT editor Kevin Barrett and penned the “medium best seller, “We are NOT Charlie, Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11.”

“Charlie” was as much a test of international levels of ignorance as anything else.

In order to confirm or debunk any incident, it is only necessary to attack the weakest link. With the “Charlie” shootings, we had a high quality video of two terrorists supposedly killing a French police officer with assault rifles.

Doing a frame by frame analysis and ballistic tests, which included blood spatter analysis, we conclusively proved that the video showed terrorists firing blanks and that this one episode was staged by actors. I did the impact analysis myself and, while doing comparisons, where the French scene had powerful and highly penetrating assault rifle cartridges blowing puffs of dust, when reenacted with real bullets the result was baseball sized pieces of concrete being blown out of the pavement.

The video showed nothing of the kind, quite the opposite, a childishly staged piece of street theatre “on the cheap.”

We don’t even want to begin talking about what happens when you shoot someone in the head while they are laying on a sidewalk. John Kennedy’s head was supposedly “exploded” by a single low power 6.5mm rifle cartridge. The 7.62mm from an AK47 combined with a powerful muzzle blast from inches away totally obliterates a human head, much less as in the “Charlie” staged video which was both blood and injury free.

There were also no appropriate muzzle blasts or recoil and muzzle rise. The blanks had to have been loaded with almost no powder at all, in weapons with barrels heavily crimped to protect the actors and provide backpressure to allow auto-reloading. We tested that too.

My own estimation is that a movie “prop department” was used.

Real world analysis; blood and brains would be stuck to everything within 15 feet with a high likelihood that pieces of skull would, on their own, have wounded or killed the imaginary terrorists.

The staged obscenity that brought Netanyahu to Paris to shove his way to the front of a funeral cortege was just another political game, like so many.

I am not an “activist” with an agenda. I simply use forensic training to critique the childish exercises of intelligence agencies who stage such events for a controlled press.

Thus, when “Charlie” tries to anger and humiliate the Russian people by publishing its current “usual obscenity,” more an insult to the fine French people than anything else, we ask why. Now we look at the downing of the Russian plane.

VT personnel know the Sinai well. VT editor Jeff Smith was there with the UN for some years and has furnished us with his personal photo album of tents, sand and helicopter rides. The first thing VT did was look at the video supplied by those claiming to be ISIS. Backtracking the position using analytical tools,, we quickly found an abandoned Wadi on the flight path which tracked back to a single road, straight to an Egyptian port with a ferry to Jordan.

We also found the placement of the video team as conclusive evidence that the explosive device as controlled by far more than a simple timer. It was likely triggered through satellite communications. Who can do that?

We also found that the video equipment was relatively sophisticated but the video was downgraded to appear as done by an Apple mobile phone. Who does that as well?

We were told that Saudi and Egyptian intelligence used two teams, one planting the bomb at Sharm al Sheikh while the other, further north, infiltrated Sinai from Jordan and did the video pretending to be “ISIS.”

Some of this story was verified when we examined the best evidence, the Al Jazeera story, a fabrication about an imaginary radio call and planned landing in Cairo. Jeff Smith pointed out that there is a UN airfield with sufficient runway for an A321, known to all pilots, very close by in Sinai.

Al Jazeera claimed to have an Egyptian source for their story, later proven to have been fabricated. There was no source. We concluded that Al Jazeera was part and parcel to the staged terror act, a hypothesis based on our long experience with that organization and its relationship to Qatari and Saudi intelligence services.

Al Jazeera is an intelligence front, continually planting “seeded material” created by intelligence agencies the same way Wikileaks does, as was pointed out in December 2010 in an interview on National Public Radio with Zbiginew Brzezinski.

To create context, I will run the clock back to 9/11. Though most find discussions of this event tiresome, we will put minds to rest. We will take a very short look at one incident on that day, as we did with “Charlie” and make our case.

At that time, the most famous journalist in the world was Dan Rather, evening anchor on CBS News, inheritor to the “throne” as it were, of Walter Kronkite. On 9/11, Rather reported that a moving van filled with explosives was stopped by New Jersey State Police on the George Washington Bridge. There, two individuals were arrested, found to be “Israeli art students,” who were heavily armed. Quoting Rather, “the van contained enough explosives to bring down the bridge.”

Two other such vans were stopped in Manhattan and other arrests were made as well but were not reported on national television. All those arrested were Israeli, with over 200 Israelis arrested tied to 9/11 according to high level sources.

CNN carried the same report as CBS and Rather, which has been removed from YouTube many times but still exists, republished on VT last week. Rather, today, has no memory of making the broadcast. We also have surveillance logs showing these same “art students” meeting in Fort Lee, New Jersey, near the bridge, with a Saudi intelligence officer named Mohammed Atta, cited as the mastermind of 9/11. We end our vignette here, assume what you will.

“Art students” were also arrested recovering radio jamming equipment placed on high rise residential buildings in Fort Lee, New Jersey. We only mention this to show the scope of events of this kind and to what degree denial, deception and deceit can influence events.

Now we address what we have been told about the crash. Our initial assumption was that Saudi Arabia with or without their supposedly “new found friends,” the Israelis had done this to humiliate Russia and push President Putin into an act of reprisal that would bring the US and Russia to war.

Using only sources from intelligence agencies, we were then informed that Russia was under the assumption that Saudi intelligence and their paid operatives within Egyptian intelligence were responsible. It’s been stated that:  “Half the Egyptians work for Israel, the other half for Saudi Arabia anyway, Egypt has no security services, only paid foreign spies.”

Where does this leave us? If Putin openly attacks the obvious culprits, the Saudis, as if it was ISIS, everyone will assume Saudi Arabia directed them. Then, of course, there is no evidence that ISIS can penetrate airport security. Usually such things are done by Israel, as Israeli companies tied to the Mossad work in almost every airport and Israel produces phony passports for assassins the way a potato factory turns out crisps.

If Russia fails to act openly, the Russian people will feel weakened and humiliated. If Russia acts openly, Putin will have allowed himself to be maneuvered.

This is why this was done, always a “plan within a plan” as with “Charlie” or “9/11,” game theory using press assets and the childish narrative that only the most ignorant of the public and the political puppets who pretend to be world leaders openly accept.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of VT, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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  1. You are correct sir. Listing all political dissidents as mentally ill is classic soviet. That the us current playbook borrows heavily from the soviet union is also not a coincidence.

  2. Does that clinical diagnosis include the Freemasons – NATO Operation Gladio A & B ?

    Asking for a friend.

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