…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Over the past 40 years, a bit of that time has been spent in law enforcement and corrections, Africa, Latin and Central America and here at home. On the whole, police and corrections personnel are dedicated to being as human as possible in jobs that are a nightmare.
This occasion, this video and we are hit with one a day, just isn’t OK. This is a bad department, and that’s how it works, entire departments are rotten. Some are perfect, or nearly so, others are, as we are noting in Boulder, not only incompetent and poorly schooled in law, my guess is they are utterly corrupt as well.
We see this kind of incompetence in departments with widespread corruption where officers, in order to keep their jobs and be “trusted” by their “fellows,” are forced to take bribes, work with criminals and, in truth, be part of a criminal conspiracy that, too often, is “the police.”
We could talk about jails and prisons across the US. Some people see them, the lucky ones never do. They are nightmares. For county jails, there is one meal, moldy bread and cheap fake chicken baloney sandwiches twice a day. For those who have relatives that can put money in accounts, snacks can make up the majority of calories.
Cells are filth and stench and the biggest issue in corrections is safety. Being in jail or prison is worse than combat, far more dangerous than Vietnam or the other fake wars of our time.
If you had the chance to evaluate who is in prison, something I have done over and over, looked at thousands of trial transcripts, sentencing and pre-sentencing reports and corrections programs, one thing becomes clear.
Most of the people incarcerated in America should be released. Most crimes shouldn’t be crimes, maybe most, certainly many. There are so few violent and vicious felons and in jail, they live wonderfully, they are kings and the guards love them, they are the enforcer and the drug marketing partners of the police and corrections officials who cash in on the control we give them with “0” oversight.
As for this video, shootings have to end or the slaughter of police that we saw in the 1970s, and I saw it up front and personal, we begin again.
Not all departments, but many, need to be erased and “done over.” Boulder is one, there are many, so many.
There are tens of thousands of “good cops” out there and being a “good cop” is something special. Many, if not most, are veterans.
It is time we backed up. It is time police were disarmed. You think I am kidding?
99% of police shootings are generated by police who are armed and in the wrong place, when no armed cop was needed and a shooting to protect an armed cop who claims he or she was frightened.
In truth, they are hopped up on “the juice.” They shoot people because they get a high from it.
They shoot people because they can get away with it.
Figuring it out and fixing it is relatively simple but it requires everyone to get involved.
Supporting police is a part of it, being involved and communicating. Demilitarizing police is critical also, eliminating SWAT in 99% of cases and reining in the fake TV police dramas.
The real job puts police into peoples lives at the worst times, a painful and stressful job.
Police is 99% social work and armed thugs aren’t needed. Those doing the job the right way deserve our loyalty and praise.
The fools, a mix of idiots and cowards, we see above, need to find some other way of earning a living. And so it goes.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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“The future sure ain’t what it used to be.” (from POGO by Walt Kelly)
I’ve stopped counting the number of times similar stuff has happened to me. Could be a connection with my complaints about the Narco activity at Clubhouse the cops have on highland avenue? Have photos and details. Possible FOIA is in order? By the way, I’ve been face to face with the father of a YPD officer, ex-military I believe, who was set up for a kill by their street crew. Yonkers is not a good place for honest cops.
Of course you’re right, but its gone too far. “Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely corrupts”. Or something like that.
I did this for 2 plus years. We were two to a car then and only one person I would work with, another Vietnam vet, who killed himself. Doug Britten, lest he be forgotten. It would have been the two people you would have wanted if you were in the shit.
Good cops are a treasure,… and bad cops are a scourge. Find a good candidate and promote them for County sheriff. The local elections that are underrated. Judges too. Grass roots sheriff elections are the way to fix this.
Well , no wonder: 8 passive homosexualists surrounded this hobo like he had jihady-belt. I understand the police actions against the armed (sometimes criminal and sick society). Russian cops are more polite and professional. It is a chance 0,010% that a man will be armed. 99,9% of Russians are unarmed.
Well, i want to remind it to all good and real men: today is the international Women’s Day – 8th of March. Today all russian cops present flowers to all lady-drivers and passers-by. Greet and wish a good life. Our men in the streets present flowers to ladies (the age doesn’t matter) in the streets and say good compliments to them. Our women are beautiful in soul, heart and outlook – they are our treasure and a reliable wall behind us, the men. Greet your women! Say how good they are! Give them presents! Be proud of them! Without a woman a man is nothing! Yes, we are like from different planets, but we are on Earth and doomed to dwell here in harmony! Best wishes from Russia!
Thank you,Mr.Duff, for the comment. And yes, you travel the places where kids have AK as a toy since 3 y.o. I mean M/E countries. But it was always a good and eternal question for me: which society is better – all armed or 100% bare hands? At one point, you may kill a person with a chinese wooden stick (through the ear to brain) or a fork – both items are not weapons. Or it is better for all to be armed? Suppose it depends on society and individuals. As for me – i’d never adopt the idea to arm all Russians as it is in USA (traditionally). Because our emotional and a little bit crazy souls would never be stopped by the idea that the opponent has a gun, too. A gun in the hand of a Russian civil is as dangerous as a monkey with a hand-grenade. Most of us have no casual culture of gun-holding.
Reminds me the last time the FBI brought me in for questioning. When brought into the room, they asked me if I was carrying a gun. They didn’t seem concerned. I am white, of course.
I might also note that you don’t enter a Federal building without a search.
As an American, I always carry a weapon and am licensed to do so. Overseas, I not only am never armed, i hire drivers as well.
The issue of being armed is an odd one. In Pakistan, while running around Lahore, everyone has an AK47 and all I have is two vehicles of guards with MP5s….one a truck with a dozen SWAT dressed guys.
I have a video of this around somewhere, me with Mujtaba and BG Raja while the guards clear traffic to get us through by pointing guns at them.
The key, as Archie Bunker might say (look it up) is to arm everyone, then guns are useless.
Please consider that many U.S.A. Police Depts. chiefs are trained by Israel police . What do we expect ?
Many cops aren’t inherently bad apples, they’re just trained to be that way. Straight out of the Israeli handbook. These parasites need to be exterminated.
Here is one in San Antonio, TX
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