Jeffrey Epstein’s Deep Ties to Top Wall Street Mafia

“When Jeffrey Epstein was serving time in Florida for soliciting prostitution from a minor, he got a surprising visitor: James E. Staley, a top JPMorgan Chase executive and one of the highest-ranking figures on Wall Street."


…by Jonas E. Alexis

If you don’t think that top Wall Street gangsters and thugs don’t have a vested interest in seeing Jeffrey Epstein dead, then think again. The New York Times itself reported about a week ago:

“When Jeffrey Epstein was serving time in Florida for soliciting prostitution from a minor, he got a surprising visitor: James E. Staley, a top JPMorgan Chase executive and one of the highest-ranking figures on Wall Street.

“Mr. Staley had good reason to maintain his relationship with Mr. Epstein, who received him at his Palm Beach office, where he had been permitted to serve some of his 13-month sentence in 2008 and 2009. Over the years, Mr. Epstein had funneled dozens of wealthy clients to Mr. Staley and his bank….

“Mr. Epstein nonetheless managed to affix himself to a handful of prominent Wall Street veterans, including Mr. Staley, who is now chief executive of the British bank Barclays.

“Mr. Epstein provided personal tax services to Leon D. Black, whose Apollo Global Management is one of the world’s largest private-equity firms. He discussed a major investment idea with and entrusted millions of dollars to Glenn Dubin, who ran the hedge fund Highbridge Capital Management. And, with Mr. Staley, he laid some of the early groundwork for JPMorgan to make a major acquisition.

“Mr. Black, Mr. Dubin and Mr. Staley were not Mr. Epstein’s biggest business relationships: That distinction belongs to Leslie H. Wexner, the billionaire founder of the L Brands retail empire, which included Victoria’s Secret and The Limited. He gave Mr. Epstein broad powers to invest his fortune for nearly two decades.”[1]

Don’t tell me that Wall Street gangsters aren’t implicated in the Epstein debacle. Some may not have a clue of what he was doing, but other powerful people obviously did know that he was a pedophile and was operating what seemed to be a Ponzi scheme. If Epstein goes to trial and provides a list of people who knew what he was doing, then Epstein is not going to be the only person to go to jail.

Mr. Epstein, we are pleading with you to provide that list. We certainly need to put those gangsters behind bars for the rest of their natural lives.

[1] Kate Kelly, Matthew Goldstein, Jessica Silver-Greenberg and James B. Stewart, “Jeffrey Epstein’s Deep Ties to Top Wall Street Figures,” NY Times, July 22, 2019; for related reports, see Sonali Basak, Heather Perlberg and Sabrina Willmer, “Jeffrey Epstein Had a Door Into Apollo: His Deep Ties With Leon Black,” Bloomberg, August 1, 2019.


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  1. Wall Street’s treason goes all the way back to Alexander Hamilton who wanted America to adopt central banking just like Europe. Funny how the glorify the treasonous traitor in a Broadway play these days.

  2. Many devastating criminal incidents perpetrated by US Government coalition, have seriously flawed evidence, but the Epstein matter is slap in the face outrageous. A revolt should have happened in the sixties, but the war and various other disturbances, were big distractions. Any discovered evidence unmasking the real perpetrators will be ignored or laughed at. Old time justice for NWO agents is not going to happen. Fake appeasement or a disappearance into retirement in Israel, are the most you will get. These people are East Europeans, who claim to be Semites, while the real Semites are locked up in a Gulag while they are being culled. In the meantime, a new franchise is being opened south of Santa Fe, probably with FBI security. Mexican children: Welcome to the US.

  3. The Mueller investigation spent some $35 million resulting in jail for a few of Trump’s lawyers and cronies, but not Trump himself. Wouldn’t the money have been better spent charging some of the corrupt lawyers in the Justice Dept. who have dismally failed to get the many Israeli lobbies to register under the foreign registration Act or even arrest the lawyers in the Justice Dept. themselves for corruption for this failure and failure to arrest almost every one of the 535 members of Congress who have sold allegiances to Israel?

  4. It was reported yesterday in the NY Post that the case against Epstein is 1 million pages long! Just imagine having to read a million pages or look at 1 million pictures. The judge set the trial date for June next year but the defense lawyer wanted it extended even longer. There have been no further reports as to the cause of or the injuries from his accident in his cell. One can be sure there is plenty of hanky panky going on behind the scenes in this case. In fact this whole fiasco could itself be some sort of false flag event. Only time will tell. We may never know the truth of any of this. Our government is very good at lying and cheating and deceiving its citizens. This is what they do best.

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