About Epstein, Israeli/Zionist Infiltration and Corruption Via Blackmail, Bribery, and Murder

The problem with America's Treasonous Zionists


OK, Epstein is dead….Maybe? The problem remains the USA has the largest population of Jews on the Planet, 50% of the world’s Jews live in the USA.

The problem is many of them are treasonous Jews who put Israel’s security above the security of the USA; much to the detriment of all Americans.

So the question is: What are loyal Americans going to do about it?

This is an answer you must decide for yourselves.

Now that you are aware of the Israeli/Jewish organized blackmail, corruption and human compromise, by criminal Bolshevik (Zionist) Jews, which daily jeopardizes the safety of every American citizen and poses a genuine threat to National Security.

Some of us do not take this lightly.

Here is my latest interview of the subject of Epstein and the coming Red Terror that the Jews want to destroy the USA.

Remember, not all Jews are Bolsheviks, but all Bolsheviks are Jews. Let that sink in for a few minutes.


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  1. “Remember, not all Jews are Bolsheviks, but all Bolsheviks are Jews.” – MH

    I have read from various sources that only 90 to 95 percent of the Old Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union were Jewish.

  2. Sadly America’s christian church has welcomed and accepted a luciferian doctrine that has and will continue to place America at great risk unless church leaders step up to the plate and reject this false ideology placed upon it by criminal Bolshevik (Zionist) Talmudic Jews whose purpose is to reject and belittle Jesus as savior.
    Jesus the Christ in Judaic language means Savior The Christ is a title that means master of love.
    This evil Bolshevik communist regime has strewn its cancerous deceit upon our Congress, military and local politicians as evidenced by the now ongoing Epstein blackmail debacle that has forced leaders to morally corrupt themselves and literally destroys their quest to protect our country.
    It is time for the church to preach Jesus’s real purpose and reject false doctrine that will surely curtail Israel’s evil purpose.
    Last time I looked the church was preaching that Jesus was and is a peacemaker laden with Love and blind to war.

    • never forget the Zionist interjection that is that Jesus was a Jew …… thats made up to get the Zionists some respect coming from Jesus …….. Also there are theories floated that say Islam was created by some Rabbis , a claim that can get Muslims Fiery enough to murder …….

  3. When 911 took place I was truly shocked and speechless.

    I smelled a rat and of course the explanation was a joke. People as you know are waking up, finally… It’s been a long time since then and time as well as organizations like VT, you and Gordon have helped many of us identify the rats.

    Overseas I have been approached by people clearly working for Israeli interest but who were Americans (perhaps Israeli citizens too). So I wonder NOT whether our intelligence services are penetrated, but whether they can ever overcome this subversion???

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