by Enkidu Gilgamesh
- Satellites
- LBJ & JFK about ClimateControl
- Fraud-Wording with LBJ as President
- Climate priests of Club of Rome
- Other sources
1. ClimateControl Satellites
Satellites are a core infrastructure element of Climate Geoengineering. They are required for long term observation and modification of the global weather system. The huge data collected by them needs to be stored, processed, analyzed and used for global weather modification with orbital, in air and on surface radar systems, plus the chlorification of the ozone layer, injection fine dust layers into the troposphere and lifting and steering of water by waterspout and storm forming vehicles.
So it is important to know the various satellite systems of the USA and other countries. The reader should be extended this list with the systems of other important entities like China, India, Europe, and Russia.
A brief history of weather satellites
By Anusuya Datta – 11/19/2016
“The idea of cameras in space to observe the earth’s climate was being developed as early as 1946. This was due to sparse data observation coverage and the expense of using cloud cameras on rockets. By 1958, the early prototypes for TIROS and Vanguard (developed by the Army Signal Corps) were created.”
“The Nimbus series was seven satellites launched over 14 years from 1964 to 1978 and revolutionized weather forecasting by providing some of the first consistent global measurements of the earth. Over 20 years since Nimbus-1 was launched, it was the primary research and development platform for satellite remote sensing of the earth in the US. NASA transferred the technology tested and refined by the Nimbus missions to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) later.”
“The ESSA or Environmental Science Services Administration Satellite Program was initiated as an extension of the TIROS Program. ESSA-1 was launched on 3 February 1966 and operated normally until 6 October 1966 when its camera system failed. It was fully deactivated on 8 May 1967. For four years, ESSA satellites transmitted thousands of images back to earth, enabling ground stations to predict weather patterns, including hurricanes. “
“Polar-orbiting operational environmental satellites or POES stretch back to 1978 when the first modern weather satellite TIROS-N was launched. TIROS-N was operated for 868 days until deactivated by NOAA on February 27, 1981. Polar-orbiting satellites such as QuikScat and TRMM began to relay wind information near the ocean’s surface starting in the late 1970s, with microwave imagery which resembled radar displays thus improving the diagnoses of cyclones and their locations during the 2000s and 2010s.”
“The geostationary satellites followed beginning with the Applications Technology Satellite or ATS program in the late 1960s. The overall objective was to investigate and flight-test technological developments common to a number of satellite applications. The ATS series had a total of six satellites carrying out a variety of communications, meteorology, and scientific experiments, in addition to providing a platform for evaluating three different kinds of spacecraft stabilization systems.”
“The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series followed immediately after the SMS program in the 1970s. In fact, SMS-3 went operational as GOES-1 on October 16, 1975.”
“The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program or DMSP is an originally classified mission revealed on March 1973. It is managed by the Air Force Space Command with on-orbit operations provided by the NOAA. It monitors meteorological, oceanographic, and solar-terrestrial physics for the United States Department of Defense. They provide cloud cover imagery from polar orbits that are sun-synchronous at a nominal altitude of 450 nautical miles (830 km). DMSP can detect the best of all-weather vehicles with its ability to detect objects almost as ‘small’ as a huge oil tanker. Among all the weather satellites in orbit, only DMSP can “see” at night in the visual because of its low moonlight sensor.”.
2. LBJ & JFK about ClimateControl
After the classified release of the “CIA Memorandum on Climate Control” in the year 1960, vice president Lyndon B. Johnson and President John F. Kennedy of the USA spoke about climate control to some closed and public audiences.
LBJ is more direct! JFK has to talk more diplomatically addressing foreign attendees.
JFK Forecasts Weather Control at 1961 UN General Assembly
LBJ: “… the development of weather satellite, that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather and him who controls the weather, control the world.”
Lyndon Johnson controls the weather, to control the world! 1962
JFK: “The scientific possibility of a world weather watch requires the attention of the World Meteorological Organization. The exploration of the oceans leads to the establishment of an Intergovernmental Oceanography Commission.
… Scientists have studied the atmosphere for many, but its problems continue to defy us.
The reasons for our limited progress are obvious. Weather cannot be easily reproduced and observed in the laboratory. It must therefore be studied in all its violence or ever it has its way. Here is oceanography, new scientific tools have become available, with modern computers, rockets, and satellites. The time is right to harness a variety of disciplines for a concerted attack. And even more than oceanography, the atmospheric sciences require worldwide observation, enhanced international cooperation.
Some of our most successful efforts have involved the study of the atmosphere. We all know that the World Meteorological Organization has been effective in this field. It is now developing a worldwide weather system, to which the nations of the world over can make their contribution. Such cooperative undertakings can challenge the world’s best efforts for decades to come. Fourth, I will mention a problem which I know greatly concerned many of you. That is our responsibility to control the effects of our own scientific experiments.
For a science that investigates the natural environment, it also modifies it. And that modification may have incalculable consequences for evil as well as for good.
In the past, the problem of conservation has been mainly the problem of human waste of natural resources, of their destruction, but science has the power for the first time in history now, to undertake experiments with premeditation which can irreversibly alter our biological and physical environment on a global scale.
… We must for example balance the gains of weather modification against the hazards of protracted drought or storm. The government has a clear responsibility to weigh the importance of large scale experiments to the advance of knowledge or the national security against the possibility of adverse and destructive effects. The scientific community must assist the government and arriving at rational judgments and interpreting these issues to the public .”
1963 Weather Modification Speech President John F Kennedy
3. Fraud-Wording with LBJ as President
After the writing of the CIA-Memorandung in 1960, the killing of JFK and the beginning of the presidency of LBJ in 1963, the open or more diplomatic rhetoric is replaced by a fraud-wording.
1965, in the report released by the “Environmental Pollution Panel, President’s Science Advisory Committee” of the White House, instead of “controlling the weather” the wording is distracted to “RESTORING the QUALITY of our ENVIRONMENT“. The concern about pollution is used to frame the CO2 as a pollutant!
The document deserves a specific analysis. It is putting the scientific knowledge and reality upside down, but the fraud is kept in a “scientific” manner, to give it credibility. All the men who worked on this paper or at least allowed their names to be used must have been deadly idiots or opportunist traitors without honor and backbone. In the history of mankind, they will be remembered as henchmen of the biggest criminal implementation.
We find there main elements of climate fraud, which are repeated every day and night on all channels of imperial media since the release of this document.
- Environmental pollution as a by-product of man’s actions
- Effects of an increase in atmospheric CO2
- Burning of fossil fuels “measurably” increases atmospheric CO2
- Fossil fuel combustion produces 100x the rate metallic carbonates can maintain current levels of atmospheric CO2
- Explanation of the greenhouse effect
- The greenhouse effect is not new science – hypothesized as early as 1899
- CO2 content of the atmosphere increased by 1.36% in 5 years
- Fossil fuel combustion the only producer of new CO2 – 7% higher than a century ago
- 150 years from now, with present consumption, an expected 170% increase in atmospheric CO2
- The ocean can only absorb a small portion of CO2 and it’s a slow process
- By 2000, a 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 compared to the 19th century
- 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 could increase average temp. by .6 to 4 degrees celsius
- Just 400 years until the Antarctic ice cap is melted
- 1960s atmospheric warming was a global phenomenon – the average rise of .5 degrees celsius
- 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 will cause changes in climate and properties in the stratosphere
- Potential solution – change the reflectivity of the ocean for an estimated $500 million a year
Here are some quotes from there:
“Pollution now is one of the most pervasive problems in our society. With our numbers increasing, and with our increasing urbanization and industrialization, the flow of pollutants to our air, soils, and waters is increasing. This increase is so rapid that our present efforts in managing pollution are barely enough to stay even, surely not enough to make the improvements that are needed.”
“The present rate of production of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion is about a hundred times the average rate of release of calcium and magnesium from the weathering of silicate rocks. As long as this ratio holds, precipitation of metallic carbonates will be unable to maintain an unchanging content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Within a few short centuries, we are returning to the air a significant part of the carbon that was slowly extracted by plants and buried in the sediments during half a billion years.”
“Not all of this added carbon dioxide will remain in the air. Part of it. will become dissolved in the ocean, and part will be taken up by the biosphere, chiefly ill trees and other terrestrial plants, and in the dead plant litter called humus.
The part that remains in the atmosphere may have significant effect on climate: carbon dioxide is nearly transparent to visible light, but It is a strong absorber and back radiator of infrared radiation, particularly in the wavelengths from 12 to 18 microns consequently, an increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide could act much like the glass in a greenhouse, to raise the temperature of the lower air. [Water vapor also absorbs infrared radiation, both in the range of the CO2 band centered at 15 microns and at wavelengths near 6.3 microns. With the average concentration of water vapor in the lower air at mid-latitudes, the effect of carbon dioxide absorption is reduced to about half that which would exist in an absolutely dry atmosphere. (Möller, 1963.)
Ozone, which is an important constituent of the upper air, also absorbs some infrared at wavelengths around 9.6 microns, but its principal effect on air temperature is due to its absorption of ultraviolet and visible sunlight.].”
“The possibility of climatic change resulting from changes in the quantity of atmospheric carbon dioxide was proposed independently by the American geologist, T. C. Chamberlain (1899) and the Swedish chemist, S. Arrhenius (1903), at the beginning of this century.
Since their time, many scientists have dealt with one or another aspect of this question, but until very recently there was little quantitative information about what has actually happened. Even today, we cannot make a useful prediction concerning the magnitude or nature of the possible climatic effects.
But we are able to say a good deal more than formerly about the change in the quantity of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and about the partition of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion among the atmosphere, the ocean, and the biosphere.”
“Through his worldwide industrial civilization, Man is unwittingly conducting a vast geophysical experiment. Within a few generations, he is burning the fossil fuels that slowly accumulated in the earth over the past 500 million years”
“By the year 2000, the increase in CO2 will be close to 25%. This may be sufficient to produce measurable and perhaps marked changes in climate. and will almost certainly cause significant changes in the temperature and other properties of the stratosphere. At present, it is impossible to predict these effects quantitatively, but recent advances in mathematical modeling of the atmosphere, using large computers may allow useful predictions within the next 2 or 3 years.”
“The climate changes that may be produced by the increased CO2 content could be deleterious from the point of view of human beings.”
“According to Manabe and Strickler (1964), the absorption and reradiation of infrared by high cirrus clouds (above five miles) tends to heat the atmosphere near the earth’s surface.
Under some circumstances, the injection of condensation or freezing nuclei will cause cirrus clouds to form at high altitudes. This potential method of bringing about climatic changes needs to be investigated as a possible tool for modifying atmospheric circulation in ways which might counteract the effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide.”.
As climate geoengineering can only be conducted by global climate control, the fraud had to be brought to the global audience. For that, a fake-moralist conference was organized in Italy. The organization was given the name of the location.
I will quote from, the Source of all the text below!
4. The Club Of Rome
Altogether This is AGENDA 21
By Jim Kiran, 3-22-14
“The origins of environmental investment as we see it began in 1968 when the Club of Rome was founded.”
“The Club of Rome has been described as a crisis think-tank which specializes in crisis creation. The main purpose of this (the Vatican correlated) think tank was to formulate a crisis ‘to unite the world’ and condition us to the idea of global solutions for local problems. In a document called ‘The 1st Global Revolution, authored by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider on Pg. 104 & 105 it stated: In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution. The threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fill the bill.”
“All these dangers, of course, will be caused by human intervention that will require a global response. That’s the origin of “Global-Warming” Ladies & Gentlemen.”
“In 1992 a former president of the United States, George Bush Sr. said: “Effective Execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of human society: Unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action will be integrated into individual and collective decision-making, at every level.”
“Cutting through the Code I want everyone to consider what the words “profound-reorientation of all human society” and “Unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources” actually means.”
“In 1992 Morris Strong, Secretary-General of the UN Earth Summit and member of the Club of Rome said: “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent class involve high intake consumption of large amounts of frozen convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, ownership of motor vehicles, small electrical appliances, home and workplace air conditioning and suburban housing and are not sustainable.”
“Put those statements together with previous ones and it must become clear that Agenda 21 is about controlling every aspect of our lives.
- How we eat,
- what we eat,
- how much we eat,
- how we move around,
- food production and
- where we even live.”
“Jay Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development said: “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracies fixated groups and individuals in our society.”
“This segment of our society who fear one-world government and UN invasion through which our individual freedoms will be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined the conspiracy by undertaking Agenda 21, so we will call our process something else. We will call it ‘comprehensive planning’ or growth management or ‘smart growth’. We ended up with “Sustainable Development”. This was embraced completely by the USSA & California”
“With environmentalism the new one world religion and out of this summit came Agenda 21. Ted Turner, also a member of Club of Rome was quoted in 1996 as saying: “The total population of 250 to 300 million people is ideal. That means a reduction of 95% from present levels, which would be even more ideal. Anyone who abhors the China one-child policy is simply a dumb-dumb.” In 1998 the Baltimore Sun reported on July 7, Most of Ted Turner’s first donation to the UN of 22 million went to programs that seek to stall population. Another goal of the depopulation process is that the upcoming generation will be their sterilization, to save mother earth.”.
5. Other Sources
California Lawmakers Move to Toughen Climate-Change Law
“The cap-and-trade program is particularly important to Mr. Brown, as profits help fund the state’s planned bullet train, among other goals of the state’s Democrats. But business groups say the program, and the expanded climate-change law is burdensome for business.”
“The California Chamber of Commerce is suing the state, arguing the carbon permit auctions that are part of the cap-and-trade program amount to an illegal tax on business.”
According to observation and information e.g. from Rosalind Peterson,
- the project began in the USA at the end of the 1980s,
- more evidently in the 1990s,
- huge roll out since 1996 and
- inclusion of more European countries at least since 2002,
when extreme weather events started in Germany and other Central European countries.
Rosalind Peter says that NASA began to with the propaganda about the “normality” of “persistent trail” with the project rollout.
Many times falsified speculation of a pseudo scientist was used as a fake scientific foundation for the lies about CO2.
The Shattered Greenhouse: How Simple Physics Demolishes the “Greenhouse Effect”
“Arrhenius’ first error was to assume that greenhouses and hotboxes work as a radiation trap. Fourier explained quite clearly that such structures simply prevent the replenishment of the air inside, allowing it to reach much higher temperatures than are possible in circulating air (Fourier, 1824, translated by Burgess, 1837, p. 12; Fourier, 1827, p. 586). Yet, as we have seen in the previous quotation of Arrhenius, this fundamental misunderstanding of greenhouses is attributed by Arrhenius to Fourier.”
- Real Climate Science:
- Peter L. Ward:
- Gary Novak:
- Timothy Casey:
Carol graduated from Riverside White Cross School of Nursing in Columbus, Ohio and received her diploma as a registered nurse. She attended Bowling Green State University where she received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Literature. She attended the University of Toledo, College of Nursing, and received a Master’s of Nursing Science Degree as an Educator.
She has traveled extensively, is a photographer, and writes on medical issues. Carol has three children RJ, Katherine, and Stephen – one daughter-in-law; Katie – two granddaughters; Isabella Marianna and Zoe Olivia – and one grandson, Alexander Paul. She also shares her life with her husband Gordon Duff, many cats, and two rescues.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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Climate control? I dunno. The energy requirements are enormous. As far as satellites, that is something I know about. Anyone who wants to can download POES data directly to an ordinary laptop. The first polar orbiting sats used the aircraft VHF band for their downlink. Some still do. It’s analog. The software is free. The frequency is 137.5MHZ. There are a a couple of other freqs close by. It’s simply slow scan TV sent one line at a time. You can pick it up on a radio shack scanner with a simple turnstile antenna. Using a receiver with a wide band IF is better, but any old AM VHF receiver will do. Hams do it all the time.
Plant more trees and grow hemp, it consumes 4x the CO2 than other plants and trees. Next, shoot the bankers.
There are total scientific falsehoods in this article. Im sorry.
150 years from now, with present consumption, an expected 170% increase in atmospheric CO2
NO 95% of CO2 in in the oceans.
The ocean can only absorb a small portion of CO2 and it’s a slow process NO
By 2000, a 25% increase in atmospheric CO2 compared to the 19th century NO
25% increase in atmospheric CO2 could increase average temp. by .6 to 4 degrees celsius NO
Theres NO greenhouse effect. Please search for ‘the falsification of the atmospheric greenhouse effect in the framework of physics’ published in 2009 by 2 german physicists.
CO2 is a life gas, not a ‘problem’ without it plants will die we will have no food!
CO2 does NOT control the climate.
Only the Sun does. Period. humans cannot control the weather globally.
The climate data has been fiddled by NASA (provable) to push the big green climate agenda called Agenda21/30. Even David icke can show this.
We live in dangerous times..NOT because of climate..
Also we are entering a ‘grand solar minimum’ means we will most likely get conditions similar to the ‘little ace age’ between 1650 and mid late 1700;s Where crops failed people starved and kingdoms fell. Cold kills far more than heat. We arent heating anyway, there is no warming.
I’m no Gilgamesh, but I sure agree that water migration is geophysical warfare.
Dear qfrealist,
what you list here as “science” is implemented pseudo-scientific faked knowlege, which is implemented by NLP & daily repetition, since 1965.
Systematic research on long term weather control is done at least since the WWII, official begin of large scale implementation is 1960. An article about that will be published here in VT soon.
This article describes how a pseudo-scientific framework of lies were prepared to disguise the collateral and intended damage by Climate Geoengineering since 1965.
The whole process begins with punching holes into the ozone layer to pass more UVB down to the troposphere and the surface of the ocean and land to evaporate more water.
Direct impact of ozone holes are the so called heat waves, which increase the ability of the atmosphere to absorb more evaporated water.
By too much UVB most of the near surface level algae are killed, followed by the starvation and suffocation of corals, fish, crabs, mammals and all other marine life.
To keep and transport the water in the upper troposphere, the so called Pinatubo-Effect is implemented by spraying fine dust over large areas of airspace in step by step increasing levels.
This covers the sunlight and again algae, marine animals and also forests on land die because of to low sunlight level.
The bigger amount of water in the air causes extreme weather events etc.
All what you deem as non-natural climate change is the direct impact of climate control.
Is that clearly enough for you?
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