EUROPOL Alert on Left-Wing Terrorists: 111 Arrests in 2019, Most in Italy


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy

Versione originale in Italiano

«In September-October we will see the results of this period of serious economic crisis. We see closed shops, citizens who do not even have the opportunity to provide for their daily needs. The government has put in place all the necessary initiatives to meet these needs, the risk is real and I see an attitude of violence against the police force absolutely to be condemned».

The worst Minister of the Interior in the history of Italy from the Savoy Kingdom onwards, the ex-left prefect Luciana Lamorgese during an intervention on the “Agorà Estate” broadcast on the national TV Rai 3 sounded the alarm.

Disturbing words that seem those written in George Orwell’s 1984 book on the planetary social disaster and the inevitable need for curfew and the police state for the rise of a New World Order.

WUHAN-GATES – 9. THE PROOFS: HIV inserted in SARS chimeric virus in 2007. Thanks to Australian & EU Commission Funds

The latter operation seems to be facilitated by the pandemic (and by the infodemic of ignorance of those who do not want to know the facts) caused by a CoronaVirus that scientists and counterespionage experts such as the former British intelligence director MI6 believe built in a laboratory in China, according to some in Wuhan, where the first dangerous experiments with SARS virus infected with HIV (the AIDS pathogen) were financed by the European Commission of the future leader PD Romano Prodi, as revealed in preview by Gospa News.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

The same NWO was hoped to counter a pandemic that still does not exist, in 2018, by the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the presidency of Barack Obama, exponent of Democrats such as those of the Italian government who appointed Dr. Lamorgese in a strategic government role for will by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, also confirmed by Dem with a past as Minister of Defense reformer of secret services and mafia shadows in the family closets.



What the Interior Minister does not reveal is the nature of the danger which is well illustrated by Europol’s Te Sat 2020 annual report: it is called left-wing terrorism. It is the threat looming over Italy that seems to have been announced by Dr. Lamorgese in her statements.

It is obviously difficult and perhaps impossible for a government official supported by that Democratic Party to praise the street demonstrations, often aggressive against the rallies of the leaders of the moderate-right like Matteo Salvini, secretary of the League, to admit that the problem lies precisely in the red rooms, still smeared by the demonic ghosts of communism which killed more than 90 million on the planet.


In fact, it seems difficult to think that the Minister of the Interior of the Italian Republic is so incompetent as to ignore the Europol dossier published at the end of June which shows the gravity of the resurgence of left-wing terrorism which recalls the memory of the armed one, in the massacre on years 70 to the 90s, of the Red Brigades who killed politicians, magistrates, carabinieri and policemen throughout Italy. To then become free commentators and even infamous disparaging law enforcement officials.


«EU Member States reported 26 attacks perpetrated by left-wing and anarchist terrorist groups or individuals in 2019. All but one were completed. The total number of attacks increased in 2019 compared to 2018 (19 completed, failed and foiled attacks) and increased slightly compared to 2017 (24 completed, failed and foiled attacks). The number of arrests increased significantly compared to previous years (34 in 2018, 36 in 2017) reaching 111, with the majority (71) related to terrorism offences occurred during violent demonstrations, clashes with the police and other similar circumstances in Italy» reported Europol in Te Sat dossier.

The cover of the Te Sat dossier just published – click on the image to read the report in English

These figures are reported by Europol which in numbers denies the urban legend of an alarm for the spread of far-right terrorism. Even if, for a singular circumstance, he dedicates only 5 pages of the dossier (from pages 57 to 62) to the far left terrorists while he reserves 15 pages for the far right one (from page 63 to 78) including the extra EU attacks like the massacre of the Christchurch mosques in New Zealand carried out by Brenton Tarrant, suspected of being a military mercenary trained by ISIS and Mossad, as reported in detail by Gospa News, and therefore animated by motives far more complex than those of the so-called Suprematism White.



But the numbers don’t lie. And therefore Europol itself is forced to highlight not only the emergence of the post-communist red terrorism but above all its radicalization in Italy where the left-wing parliamentarians themselves sometimes absolve, sometimes even justify the aggressions of violent fringes against the forces of order: as in the cases of the No Tav demonstrations against the High Speed ​​railway link project in Piedmont.

«As was the case in previous years, all attacks and almost all arrests were reported by Greece (4), Italy (98) and Spain (8). The three EU Member States continued to be those reporting most of the left-wing and anarchist terrorist activity in the EU. In addition, one suspected DHKP-C member was arrested in Austria. In most cases, left-wing and anarchist terrorist and extremist organisations claimed responsibility for the attacks that they perpetrated by publishing proclamations in their native language on like-minded public online platforms (websites or weblogs) in their respective countries. In addition, a version in English was on occasion published on websites or weblogs to reach an international audience».

«In Italy, groups and individuals belonging to the insurrectional anarchist milieu represented the most significant threat in the left-wing and anarchist terrorist scene. The anarchist terrorist organisation Federazione Anarchica Informale/ Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale (FAI/FRI, ‘Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front’) continued to present itself as a widespread and horizontal network, consisting of individuals and groups/cells that apparently act in autonomy, operating in Italy and abroad. In the past, the group had a preference for ‘direct action’ by sending letter bombs. The Italian militants detained are still considered as a point of reference by foreign members, who join the International Revolutionary Front (IRF) based mainly in Chile, Spain and Greece».

This can also be read in the Europol report which then goes into even more detail: «A total of 22 terrorist attacks (21 completed and 1 foiled) in Italy were attributed to left-wing and anarchist groups in 2019. Although the number of attacks has more than doubled compared to 2018 (10 completed, failed or foiled attacks), the groups or individuals who perpetrated them demonstrated low-level operational capabilities».

The number of arrests in 2019 between left and right-wing terrorists according to Europol Te Sat data

«In Italy, the preferred modus operandi was arson (16 out of 22). The most frequently selected targets were vehicles belonging to private and public companies or government agencies. Telecommunication and television repeaters were also targeted, as well as cable pits for train signalling and a courthouse. An IED explosion caused minor damages to a building housing a temporary employment agency in Rovereto. Offices of a right-wing political partyin Rome were targeted by unknown perpetrators who threw an IID (Improvised Incendiary Device) against them. One vehicle was vandalised and, in one incident, an envelope containing a threatening letter and a bullet was addressed to a prosecutor. The narratives behind the attacks, frequently expressed on the website, included expressions of solidarity with imprisoned anarchists internationally, support to refugees, rejection of large-scale infrastructure projects and opposition to war in general».



«In addition to the 22 attacks classified as left-wing and anarchist terrorism in Italy, four attacks (two foiled and two failed) were reported. These remained unclaimed. The four attacks occurred in April and May 2019 and consisted of parcel bombs sent to offices of Turin municipality. The arrests carried out by Italian authorities showed a remarkable increase in 2019, reaching the number of 98 individuals (compared to 8 arrests reported for 2018). The vast majority of the arrests (71) were related to terrorism offences perpetrated during violent demonstrations, clashes with the police and other similar circumstances. For example, 17 individuals were arrested in July for violence against police officers and detonation of IEDs (Improvised Esplosive Device) the 2017 G7 summit in Taormina (Sicily). In September, 14 individuals were arrested on suspicion of violent acts during protests in Turin (Piedmont) in February; and another 14 people were seized in December for riots during an event in Val di Susa (Piedmont) in late July».

«Anti-fascism, anti-racism and perceived state repression remained the primary topics of importance. Left-wing and anarchist extremists engaged in violent confrontations with far-right sympathisers and, to a lesser extent, targeted representatives and premises of right-wing political parties. Anti-globalisation and anti-capitalism were also on their agenda, with banks, national and multinational companies and private property targeted during violent protests».

MINNEAPOLIS HELL with Soros’ Blacks Lives Matter & Antifa ISIS-Allies in NED-Deep State Plot vs Trump

The Te Sat dossier obviously does not analyze the matrices of such violent movements. Therefore unfortunately it does not point out that the so-called international left-wing Antifa movement is financed by historical supporters of Democrats such as George Soros and also closely related to terrorist organizations of radical Sunni Islam such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, as discovered by the FBI of the United States of America. and reported in a previous Gospa News investigation into the Black Lives Matter.

14 Thousand Jihadist Troops in Libya for Turkey Blitz alongside US Weapons’ Lobby, NATO’s Deep State & NWO

Instead it reports the numbers related to far-right terrorism: 6 attacks in 2019 and a total of 21 arrests. Nothing compared to the 111 arrests of the far left who in Italy are even more afraid of Islamic jihadism. In fact, only 18 Muslim terrorists were arrested in Italy out of 436 in the entire European Union where the threat predominates in France with 202 suspected jihadists who ended up in handcuffs. Obviously in the Europol report, operating in NATO countries, there is no mention of the 14 thousand jihadists brought from Turkey as mercenaries to Libya a few hundred miles from Europe …

Maxi-Bust in Italy for ISIS Kamikaze’s Drug-Pills. Business or Restocking for Jihadists?

But the attacks by Islamic terrorists on the Old Continent in 2019 were only 21, 3 less than in 2018 but, above all, 5 less than those perpetrated by left-wing extremists. The Minister of Interior Lamorgese began to talk about serious and detailed things. Or resign …

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – italian original version





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  1. Imre, That takes a while to digest. However we do have to stop thinking 2 Wongs make a 3rd Riech!

  2. This is just the beginning of Leftist terror under the, ‘Smoke screen’ of the, Black Lives Matter, Racist Movement! Now they are demanding that Whites must, be forced to, attend, so called, ‘Education Camps’, to get a taste of racial equality, in other words to voluntarily take up the role of SLAVES! I got news for them! I spent my childhood in the Communist Paradise of Hungary, from where I escaped in November 1956 at age 14! Today I am 78, I challenge any Black Racist leftist S. of a B., to try to send me, force me, to any such Re-Education GULAG!

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