IELTS Exam Tips and Tricks


Preparation for the IELTS exam depends on the time available and your preferred methodology. Before you appear for the IELTS exam, you should know what to expect from the exam, including types of questions, number of questions, time given for each section, and, most importantly, the registration process. You can find all the exam details on the official website of IDP Education and the British Council.

IELTS Exam format 

Before taking the IELTS Academic or General exam, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the format. The 4 sections of the IELTS exam are:

  • IELTS Reading 
  • IELTS Writing
  • IELTS Listening 
  • IELTS Speaking

Here are some IELTS tips and tricks to help you improve your score in the IELTS exam:

IELTS Reading

  • Read the instructions and questions carefully before you start reading the passage. 
  • If you are unable to understand the question, move to the next one. It will help you save time, and you can always come back to it when you’ve finished reading the passage. 
  • Highlight the keywords and phrases in the question and passage, and it will help you find the answers more effectively.
  • Write down the answers directly in the answer sheet rather than the question paper. There is limited time, and you will not be provided with any extra time to transfer the answers.
  • Be accurate in your spelling and grammar. Proofread the answers before submitting. 

IELTS Writing

  • Thoroughly analyze the question and instructions. Structure the arguments in your mind quickly.
  • Writing task 2 is lengthy and carries more marks as compared to writing task 1. So, allocate your time accordingly:
    •  20 mins for the writing task1 
    • 40 for writing task 2.
  • Ensure your answers are grammatically correct.
  • Ensure that your answers meet the word limit. Write at least 150 words for writing task 1 and 250 for writing task 2.
  • Do not use a synonym if you are not 100% sure.

IELTS Listening

  • Analyze the questions quickly before the recording starts.
  • Pay attention to the keywords or expressions mentioned in the question, highlighting those terms as the recording will be played only once. 
  • Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions within the word limit.
  • Check for the headphone facility before booking. Headphones will help you concentrate on the details. 
  • Brush up your paraphrasing skills and lexical resources if you are aiming for a band 8+ in the IELTS exam.

IELTS Speaking

  • Never speak in a hurry. Otherwise, you will fumble.
  • Don’t pause frequently. Instead, take a minute or two and think about all the ideas in your mind.
  • If you are unable to understand the question, don’t be afraid to ask the examiner to repeat it.
  • Ensure that your ideas and agreements are framed around the given topic. 
  • Use a good range of vocabulary, and it will increase your chances of achieving a high band score.

Quick IELTS Exam tricks:

  1. Reach the center well before the exam time.
  2. No watches or cellphones are allowed in the exam room. Ensure that you don’t carry it.
  3. There is no negative marking. So, try to attempt all the questions.
  4. Do not take the question paper with you.
  5. Ask the examiner’s permission before you leave the room.
  6. Listen to the instructions carefully, cross-confirm with the examiner if you have any doubts.
  7. Unfair means in the examination is an offense.
  8. You are only allowed to carry a transparent water bottle inside the examination hall.
  9. Use the washroom before you enter the examination hall, as there are no breaks in between. However, you’re granted permission during exam hours too.
  10. Double-check the document list precisely about the ID you need to carry.


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