Happy Easter everyone! I hope this finds all y’all happy Easter bunnies. The shootings at the King Soopers supermarket in Boulder Colorado on March 22nd have led to predictable calls for gun control. Equally predictably the MSM have fallen hook, line and sinker for the lone gunman theory. No one is asking how Syrian American dual national Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa managed to acquire enough ammunition to carry out the shootings or who put him up to it.

It is highly unlikely that al Issa woke up on the morning of the 22nd and decided that he would shoot up a supermarket. No credible motive for attacking a King Soopers store has been suggested. Had they short-changed him? Did he have a philosophical objection to BOGOF offers? It can’t have been their prices – I see that they’ve got some nice-looking strawberries on this weekend at only $3.49 lb.
Part of the Kroger chain, King Soopers has been a feature of the Colorado retail scene since 1947. Colorado is my favorite state and I’ve probably shopped in a King Soopers somewhere, possibly their Durango store. There is absolutely no reason why anyone would want to shoot them up, save possibly Walmart.
The only political beneficiaries are the Democrats and the Biden regime, which wants to scrap the Second Amendment. Evil though they might be however, no offense intended, it is difficult to see even the Democrats organising a mass murder in Colorado. Texas possibly, but not Colorado.
The guns
There doesn’t seem much doubt that Al-Issa was the shooter. He was arrested inside the store, having fired at police. He had two guns with him, a .224 cal. Ruger AR-556 pistol, with a 10.5” barrel, and a 9 mil semi-automatic, which he does not seem to have used.

I’m not being dogmatic about there being just one shooter – there have been numerous instances where the authorities have concealed the existence of other shooters, most famously at Vegas and Oslo. For the Oslo shooting the DVD’s Norwegian station even drafted a rambling pseudo-right-wing manifesto, which the naïve MSM lapped up.

Determining the number of shooters will depend upon ballistics analysis (firing angles, how many calibers used etc.), careful examination of the timeline (could a single shooter have fired all those shots?) and CCTV and satellite imagery. The latter of course is particularly useful in the case of outdoor shootings like Oslo. Muzzle flashes usually show up nicely!
The Ruger pistol is a short-barrel version of their excellent assault rifle. It’s a powerful, albeit short-ranged weapon. It’s unlikely that Al-Issa came up with the choice of gun, indeed he may not even have paid for it. It’s quite normal for the sponsoring agency to provide the cash for the guns and ammo.
The ammunition
The Ruger may have been purchased lawfully (there’s very little information about the 9 mil) but what about the ammo? The MSM and half-crazed gun control advocates, if that is not a tautology, usually obsess about the guns and overlook the ammo.
Purchasing large amounts of ammo is illegal in many states and will attract attention in others. ‘I want to shoot up a supermarket, so I’ll need some extra boxes’ is the sort of request that will get you arrested in Colorado. It would even get you arrested in Texas, except possibly in Midland.
As presently advised there is no audit trail for the ammo. It’s not even clear that Al-Issa obtained the ammo himself. Shades of Lee Harvey Oswald – the CIA set up an audit trail for the rifle, but not for the ammo, an unusual caliber (6.5 mil), which not every gun store would carry.
The alleged shooter
Not much is known about Al-Issa, except that’s he a Syrian who came with his family to the States aged about three. On what basis, one wonders? Reading the MSM you would think that the US Embassy in Damascus handed out visas in the old days with the rations. At the moment in fact there isn’t even a US Embassy, just a US interests section in the Czech Embassy.
There needs to be a detailed check into his background. Is there an ISIL connection, for example? Are the family vulnerable to threats? Al-Issa is being portrayed as a nutter, but there’s no evidence that he’s ever voted Democrat or believed in global warming.

Nutters are popular. No prison time and no detailed inquest into motives. The classic alleged nutter was John Hinckley Jnr, who tried to assassinate President Reagan at the Washington Hilton on March 30th 1981.
The assassination was of course set up by Bush 41 (affectionally known in the Intelligence Community as “Der Obergrüppenführer”), who had a connection to Hinckley, whose father Jack is rumored to have been connected to the CIA. As I point out in Spyhunter the traditional role of the Vice-President is to preside over the Senate, attend funerals and arrange for the assassination of the President.

Several theories were advanced about Hinckley – that he was heterosexual, obsessed with Jodie Foster and a schizophrenic. I’m not buying any of them.
The plan to assassinate President Reagan was hatched long before the election. Bush 41 had arranged for the sand filters on the helos in the Iranian hostage rescue operation to be removed, leading to their crashing. He knew well in advance that the Reagan-Bush ticket was likely to prevail in November 1980. He also knew that he wasn’t popular enough to win the nomination against the great Ronald Reagan.
There was plenty of time to groom Hinckley. Interestingly the psychiatrist treating him in the pleasant town of Evergreen Colorado concluded that he wasn’t mentally ill. Dr Hopper was probably right. The Jodie Foster obsession could easily have been manufactured. There is no evidence that Hinckley ever had a successful sexual liaison with a woman. The possibility that he was gay doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone.
The evidence for Al-Issa being insane is not particularly strong. Insanity can easily be faked, not least if a deal has been done and doctors have been asked not to scrutinize an inmate too closely.
Al-Issa and Hinckley share one other thing in common: FBI protection. Al-Issa joins a long list of mass-murderers known to the FBI but not stopped by the Bureau. Hinckley wasn’t even interviewed by the Fibbies when he tried to board a plane in Nashville Tennessee in October 1980 with three handguns!
I know that security has been tightened up since but even in 1980 I would have expected three handguns in your cabin baggage to attract a certain amount of attention. ‘Please fasten your seatbelts, secure your tray tables and make sure that your handguns are safely stowed in the overhead lockers.’ ‘I want to get off now, hell, this is worse than United’
Don’t eat too many eggs!

Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University.
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Happy Birthday, Mr. President! Hope it’s a good one.
From above: “Colorado is my favorite state and I’ve probably shopped in a King Soopers somewhere, possibly their Durango store.” You might want to rethink the “favorite state”. Colorado, Denver especially, has been taken over by radicals. CO election laws which mandate that the state automatically mail ballots to every single voter, is a good example of their wokeness. And now, in a Sports Coup D’etat, Major League Baseball (MLB) has decided to punish Georgia for their reasonable new election law. On Good Friday, April 2, a day that shall go down in baseball infamy, MLB decided to move the All-Star game and the MLB draft, from Atlanta to Denver. That cost Atlanta about $500M. They said they want to support black people, but Atlanta is 50% black, and Denver only 10%. So black businesses will suffer! In addition, MLB specifically stated they will continue to support Hank Aaron’s memory in what they do. Hank was black, and he was with the Braves for 20 yrs. This is how they honor Hank? Atlanta Braves are upset. Even Stacey Abrams is upset with the MLB.
It’s possible that the 3/22 grocery store shooting was a hybrid event, part fake and part real. But I tend to think large parts of it (maybe all) are fake. First of all, the date, 3/22, Skull and Bones date that tends to support a real event. But the name of the alleged shooter, Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa. Good grief! Every one of his names begins with the letter A. This is the kind of thing Intel likes to do, use fake names, and A names are the favorite for some reason – laziness? So this tends to support the FAKE theory. It’s possible there was a real shooter. But he has a fake name. So I think everything else was probably fake, too.
The A reference(s); see sigil of the A.A. 😉
Note, as you look at it, there are FOUR A’s (two with THREE dots next to each in a TRIANGLE), your first AA reference, but then also another two, in the central puzzle of the A.A. sigil … which took me some time to crack; the word spelled there is BABALON … the extra two A’s. Thus there are FOUR A’s in the A.A. (thelema) sigil.
And there are conveniently FOUR A’s in this ‘shooters’ name, if we take ONLY the first letters of each part of the name, but actually SIX in total; the two A’s … with the THREE dots next to each (from the Thelema sigil); total SIX A’s. 😉
I’ve removed all of my works from the web (an attempt after the fourth torture to death session, to save my life; cybertorture). Download the sigil here (may not be at this location long):
PS. I should have added, as it may not be too obvious to non-crypto crackers, of course, basic letter number substitution (table I did publish) … gets one to the most obvious of all that everyone continues to studiously ignore. A.A. crypto-numerologically speaking with said cipher = ?
Heard of:
Or even
311 😉
Cypher, yes, AAAA = 1111. Basic. Another basic is reversals. 9/11 = 11/9, my favorite.
Ah yes, I see your comment about the sigil now. It showed up later, due to the link. Good job. So the shooter/s used Skull and Bones day of 3/22, and compounded it by using the name with 4 A’s that relates to the AA sigil. These people are beyond crazy.
Nobody has a higher esteem for eggs than Monarchy.
The second shooter was probably the same guy who planted the explosives in the two WTC buildings, on the same floors that each jet managed to hit in order to make it look good.
Yes, the communist dems will use this as a classic excuse to disarm America when, if they were really interested in public safety, they would actually be arming and training the people at large. An armed society is a courteous and polite society. A disarmed society is a classic victim to government tyranny society. Do we, as a people, want to be safe, or do we want to become VOG (victims of government)? If we really want to be safe, we will make certain we protect ourselves, and NOT rely on government being the only ones with guns. Think about this.
Meanwhile, on the West Bank this week….
The big give away for me was watching 5 or 6 cops chasing a reporter away from the scene and when I say, “away from the scene,” I’m talking beyond the parking lot even, like what they really seemed to be objecting to was any photographic evidence at all. I was also struck by the location, Boulder. Isn’t that where Jon Benet Ramsay met her end and the local cops did everything but investigate the case? Yeah. Those are the same cops. Nothing to see here.
Patrick and Mihail, good comments, and yes on JonBenet. But remember that they do drills, and then the drill would often “go live” shortly after. But the MSM would purposely mix up footage of the drill and the subsequent event. An example is the Las Vegas mass shooting at the outdoor music venue, a few years ago. Hard to know for sure what’s real and what’s not, because of media connivance.
But back to Boulder… A lot of crazy things have gone on in Boulder and vicinity for many many years. It’s not far from Denver and Columbine. Boulder, to begin with, that’s where Nikola Tesla had set up shop to do his electricity and other experiments. When he died, that land went to the fed gov’t for more experiments. Nearby are Peterson AFB, the Air Force Academy, and NORAD, to name a few sites. Plenty of reason for hanky-panky.
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