Texas Coroner Rules Death of Black Man in Sheriff’s Custody a Homicide


Daily Beast: A county medical examiner in North Texas ruled Wednesday that the death last month of a Black man in sheriff’s custody was a homicide.

Collin County coroner Dr. William Rohr wrote that Marvin Scott III’s cause of death was “fatal acute stress response in an individual with previously diagnosed schizophrenia during restraint struggle with law enforcement.”

The medical examiner plans to run more tests before releasing the official autopsy report. Scott’s family members have viewed footage from more than five hours of his time in jail and called his treatment “horrific, inhumane, and disheartening.” Scott was arrested at an outlet mall on March 14, and started to “exhibit some strange behavior” in custody, according to authorities.

After officers restrained him, he became unresponsive and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

Though none of the officers involved in Scott’s death have been publicly identified, seven have been fired, and an eighth resigned. One was reinstated.



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  1. Yet I just saw a poll result on Rising where 54% believe its just a few bad apples and not a systemic issue of police brutality and abuse. How ya like them apples. Of course, a majority of Dems know the deal and of course a majority of republiKlans disagree. Something like 70% of Rethugs say its just a few bad aooles… we are not a sickening police state because I’m the guy with the badge and gun asking for your papers and awww shucks… I’m just a good old boy!

    • The crazy thing is while Recucklicans pretend to support the police they were also the ones trying to kill them at the January 6th trump riot using Blue Lives Matter flags……

    • We believe what we want to believe. That is the power of the con-man and why Trump was so successful.

      I started out thinking, ‘it was a few bad apples’ but after watching multiple videos, I now believe that white cops add +10 fear factor when approaching black men and +5 when approaching black women / children vs white counterparts. What sealed the deal for me was watching how careless the white cop was around psycho, white truck driver in New Mexico who had a visible AR15 on the car seat. It was like, ‘hey, you look like my hunting buddy, no problem’ – blam-blam-blam officer dead.

      Pretending that we don’t have these wired in judgments is dangerous for everyone.

    • A few bad apples is the go to whine, and taught well by the priests. The priests always had the cops and still do.

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