Small Steps You Can Take Today Toward Big Dreams


It’s often said that the hardest part of many ventures is getting started, and if you’ve ever tackled a difficult project, you know that this is often true. Sometimes it’s hard to take that first step because you don’t know where to begin. Other times it’s because the first step is a scary one. In the end, however, the biggest obstacles are often the ones you create in your own mind. The tips below can help you break out of that inertia and take small steps toward something big.


Education can open many doors for you. Many jobs won’t even look at your application if you don’t have a college degree. College can be expensive and time-consuming, but you have a better chance of finding a more satisfying job at higher pay with at least a bachelor’s degree. To take a step closer to your goal of getting that degree, you get matched with Going Merry scholarships for college that you can then apply for. Take this step today, and you’ll have set this process of finding a way to pay for school into motion.


Maybe you have the educational qualifications that you need but you’re unhappy in your current position. Unfortunately, disliking your job can sap your energy so that you never can quite make yourself do anything about getting a new one. Here’s something you can do today. Find a professional group online that’s related to your interests and join it. With this one action, you’ll start getting alerts and information that will prompt you to take the next steps, like researching companies you’d like to work for and updating your resume.


You can say what you like about money being a shallow value to pursue, but you have to get your finances organized to do most things. Whether your dream is retiring early, buying a home, or just paying off your debt, you can do something today to get a little closer. Commit to setting aside a certain amount of money today toward your goal, even if it’s only $5, and read one article or listen to one podcast about how to achieve what you’re after. Do this again tomorrow, and the day after that.

Building New Habits

Some of the above suggestions are one-time steps, chosen to show how easy it can be to take that first action. However, in order to achieve your dreams, you can’t stop with the first step. Over time, this is all about consistency. Consistency in this case even triumphs over excellence. If you’re training for a marathon, it’s not about every single run being perfect but about getting out there every training session. Think about what small consistent actions you need to take each day in order to make your dream come true. If they vary from day to day, you could even make a list, a progression over the course of a few weeks or months that will get you from here to there. None of the steps have to be huge ones, but together, they will get you where you need to be.



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