[ Editor’s Note: When will people ever learn to not give money to these Johnny on the Spot grifters who jump on all these civil rights incidents to begin raising money that they get to control.
All that is needed is some legislation that outside accountants are required to handle all funds and approve expenditures, so these scam artists cannot pretend that they just won the lottery and the money is all theirs.
Volunteering to help people is nice, but there should be harsh penalties for those milking civil rights disturbances as an opportunity to exploit their people. Social media is a factor in this, as it takes no money to set up these funding pipelines.
The psychology is to get into the fundraising to first grab all the dough you can get, while the issue is big in the news. Let us know in the comments of any others you might know about, as there must be a lot more than these two… Jim W. Dean ]
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ALERT: Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media
First published March 17, 2022
RT.com – Black Lives Matter Boston leader Monica Cannon-Grant and her husband Clark Grant have been arrested for allegedly defrauding donors to their nonprofit.
According to the 18-page federal indictment filed on Tuesday, the pair stole a “large sum” out of over $1 million in grants and donations to Violence in Boston.
…Cannon-Grant also lied to the IRS and state attorney general’s office, claiming she had received no salary from the nonprofit even as she was cashing into the tune of $2,788 per week starting in October 2020.
… Last march, a BLM activist in Georgia was indicted on four counts of fraud for allegedly ripping off hundreds of thousands of dollars from donors to his Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta Facebook page, even though he had officially left the group. Instead of turning over the cash to the organization, he used it to buy luxury goods and plane tickets.
Patrice Cullors, the “trained Marxist” who co-founded the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, quit the group last May after it emerged that she had spent millions of dollars on real estate, even while she claimed never to have taken a salary.
Cullors insisted her resignation had nothing to do with the revelation of her deep pockets, claiming the “time was right” for her to focus on a book and TV deal.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Especially when money is being donated to a(n) (alledgely) non-profit organization, the officers explicitly have a fiduciary duty and the responsibility to spend those donated dollars for the intended purposes in which the funds were given. It’s not a stretch to assume that, clearly, there were numerous instances where they were not. I don’t believe that the George Floyd protests were orginally organized by Black Lives Matter. But the lazy media tends to paint any protest with Black people as “Black Lives Matter.”
Another trick is for organizations to ask for money by putting up a black face and making an emotional statement such as “Black men and women are facing injury and death due to the police misconduct. We are fighting this. We need your help.” And then, in the tiny print at the bottom, have a line saying “these funds will be used to help all minorities in various fights against injustice.” That’s how affirmative actiion works. Black people are NOT the ones who benefit greatly for affirmative action, but we’re the face of it. White supremacists lie, and they know that black people’s benefits from it are somewhat small, and that white women are the largest beneficiaries of affirmative action. But, that’s how white supremacy works…
Remember, not all WHITE people are white supremacists. And not all white supremacists are white PEOPLE.
Small potatoes compared to what the police steal all day every day. They will kick in your door for a bag of weed, (walk if they shoot you in bed in the process) and all your possessions worth anything are confiscated, any cash is seized and good luck getting it back even if proven innocent. Police are even stealing cash from armored vehicles. Pretty sure Cullors had her own money before all this, but it shocked white people to see a black woman with money so it must be a crime! Either way, in the chaos of grass roots movements, particularly the leaderless type, these things are to be expected. Like during Standing Rock, people from all over just send money or gifts to anyone taking them. They do it without an attachment to the outcome or expectations, or designations. And compare to the churches, who take billions. Poof.
The George Floyd protests, were the civil rights time stamp of this generation. People were driving around handing money to strangers. Those who understand wanted to give and recognize. Much support is not reported as it was unconditional and off the radar. The response or retaliation, was the blue line flag which stood in for the confederate flags. Here, the fire department flies them on the fire trucks. The house across from the school has a 30 foot flag pole bearing the blue line flag, and we all know what it means. This retaliation culminated in Jan 6. The psyche of the white christian nationalists, is very ill. They support the rabid police state, and have no problem with civil asset forfeiture, or military style police and fire departments. I saw the fire department , teaching the new recruits to march in double columns. They carried the blue line standard. Onward Christian soldiers.
BLM was rotten to the core from the beginning, as we saw with Patrice Cullors. She ran off with money and real estate. But it’s not their money-milking that bothers me. What bothers me is that BLM and Antifa together fomented the civil disturbances. There are burned cities, billions of dollars worth of buildings, ruined businesses and ruined lives. And yes, what bothers me are the politicians who cheered them on and changed street names and invented plazas for them. Marxist BLM activists like Cori Bush here in St Louis even got elected to the Congress. 2 years later, in a new primary season, will those people be re-elected in their primaries? We will see.
Cori Bush has more integrity than 80% of the house. You are lucky to have her.
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Sr. Whoops, sorry Jim. Off subject here. Those guys are career fleece-the-peeps professionals.
Sharpton, Jackson and Crump, are American heroes and staunch defenders of civil rights.
When the police kill your unarmed family, these are the phone numbers you need, because the local court will provide you nothing. When Jackson showed up to observe the trial as any citizen or activist is advised to do, the defense tried to have him removed. Just for sitting there. Very un-American, and very unconstitutional. Every small step toward civil rights, is met with 10 times retribution and retaliation.
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