Enhancement of the Blockchain Standardization


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Blockchain technology can improve the standardization of transactions because all parties can validate each other’s transactions through cryptographic signatures and viewing each block of transactions. Alternatively, all entities in the supply chain will be able to see a shared digital ledger of transactions between each other.

The blockchain ecosystem will benefit producers and suppliers by allowing them to receive a ‘digital receipt’ signed by their new customers. If an error occurs, all parties will be in a position to detect it quickly. The ‘digital receipt’ will also allow consumers to access their digital wallets. From their digital wallet, they will be able to track their products as they proceed through the supply chain. So, if a problem emerges that might result from a shipment issue, customers can report it directly to the manufacturer.

One of the significant challenges of most blockchains is that data is generally not verifiable by third parties, so it can be difficult for them to act as reliable sources of information or identify potential problems when they do occur. Despite these facts, blockchain technology is getting massive adoption; let’s explore the reasons behind the enhancement of blockchain standardization.

Why is blockchain standardization on a roll?

The main reason that blockchain standardization is on the rise is because of its immutable nature.


Even if hackers were to manipulate the data within a given block and alter it to their advantage, other nodes in the network would verify this corruption through cryptography and reject any attempts to alter or erase historical records. So hackers would need to control all nodes simultaneously for their actions to have a meaningful effect on blockchain standardization.

Smart contract execution:

Another benefit of blockchain standardization is that smart contracts can be created and executed automatically. The issue of data manipulation is eliminated because a blockchain executes the terms of a contract without the need for human oversight. In addition, they will have access to more relevant and accurate information about the products they are working with and how each production stage is moving forward. Thus, blockchain standardization would allow for smart contracts to take place that determine the next steps in producing and shipping a product.


The transparency that comes from blockchain standardization is a huge selling point too. Blockchain technology will also remove the need to rely on third parties because it allows information to be shared among all participants. In addition, it means that all transactions are made visible, making it possible to confirm who has received and delivered each item in the supply chain and how those end users received


The adoption of blockchain technology will allow companies to make their transactions more open and secure. In addition, allowing consumers to access information about products in the supply chain directly will generate a lot of trust in the brands they want to purchase from. This transparency is a big reason blockchain standardization is on the rise


Blockchain standardization would be a big push toward adoption, which could help make it easier for businesses to use and consumers to understand. Furthermore, an estimate by Bloomberg notes that by 2030 the quantity of enterprise-level blockchains could reach around 100k projects costing over $200 billion.

Nevertheless, blockchain standardization could be an opportunity for both manufacturers and suppliers. The European Blockchain Observatory Forum (EOBF) has published a conceptual framework that outlines what they believe is needed to make blockchain technology standardization effective.   To truly reap the rewards of this technology, it will require participants in essential stages of the businesses, such as manufacturers and suppliers, who can agree on standard protocols that benefit them all.

Standardization is not just about technology; it is a business and operational model that allows for a more efficient, secure, and decentralized way of exchanging data. Suppose we could move from a paradigm of ‘who’ to a model of ‘what’ and ‘how much; that would help us predict standardization’s future better. The challenge for manufacturers, shoppers, and consumers is to discover the best standards that can satisfy their needs and make them satisfied.

The beauty of blockchain technology lies in its potential to improve how all parties can oversee their transactions more efficiently. In addition, a more efficient system will ensure transparency and prevent fraud.


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