Australian veterans at risk of gambling addiction


According to recent research, Australian military veterans often suffer from gambling addiction. Experts set out to identify the extent of the risk and help those who are at risk.

Experiments have shown that veterans who were previously in combat zones are twice as likely to have a gambling addiction as regular civilians. And 13% of veterans became addicted to slot machines or table games within the first 5 years of leaving the service.

Unfortunately, only 2.1% of veterans with gambling, alcohol, or drug problems sought help from appropriate organizations that provide anonymous help.

According to Dr. Olivia Metcalfe, this trend can greatly affect veterans’ quality of life and also the fact that some of them may try to commit suicide.

Obviously, combat veterans are more susceptible to mental health problems than anyone else, and gambling only puts more pressure on their condition. Although the researchers were aware of large problems in such people with gambling, they were surprised by their high rates.

As the study shows, those who served in the Navy have the highest risk of addiction. The greatest impact on the psyche of military personnel is the stress of transitioning to civilian life.

Gambling for such people is also pushed by the fact that when they leave the service, they are paid a large allowance. This amount is difficult to spend on household needs, so many decide to look for sites with reliable casinos, such as, and try their hand at casinos or poker clubs, losing all their money and then trying unsuccessfully to win it back.

Researchers believe the government should give more support to veterans with combat experience. They should be helped to return to normal life and told that various non-profit organizations could anonymously provide support in various areas of psychology.

But even if such changes are enacted, they certainly won’t be anytime soon. In the meantime, thousands of ex-servicemen remain at risk for gambling and drug and alcohol addiction.


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