SUV Rambo, a Case for Concealed Carry Deadly Force

Mark Gordon owns all roads

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Mark Gordon, 52, of Ramona, California, seen in the video above is pretty much why Americans buy so many handguns.  Americans get their assault rifles out of suspicion of government and police but the handguns are meant for people like Mark Gordon, not for “Messicans and Nigras” as is so often portrayed by the press.

Mark Gordon owns all roads
Mark Gordon owns all roads

Mark Gordon woke up to Fox News and Howard Stern, perhaps a bit of Alex Jones as well, a heavy dose of fear mongering, anger and “white victimization.”  His disease is simple, he is a malignant narcissist, an average Republican and someone Americans run into all the time.

The choice Americans face is to flee this growing and pervasive mob of psychopaths hopped up on cheap politics and caffeine, or gun them down on the street as the law may well allow as in this case.

Then again, if you are a 240 pound musclebound thug like VT’s Dr. Kevin Barrett, you simply smash out the window of their 9000 pound 8 mile per gallon SUV and kick them senseless on the pavement.

As an American traveling overseas, particularly if you are white and look like you have Northern European ancestry, it is automatically assume this guy is you.  This is the “ugly American.”  To make up for this, I have eaten things that would make Anthony Bourdain cringe and become “aculturationalized” in dozens or even hundreds of situations that include, quite frankly, some really bizarre “stuff.”

This is the guy who goes to Africa to shoot a giraffe or elephant.

I met dozens of “this guy” bragging about their Vietnam service while riding a “down payment Harley” on the Run for the Wall to DC.  Thus far, 100% of them lied about their military service.  A good number did volunteer but were found “unfit” in boot camp and sent home…bed-wetting.

More seriously, if you watch the video, this guy wasn’t afraid of police.  He may have been police.  Most departments, when they get someone like this, and nearly half of police applicants are people like this who want a badge for obvious reasons, kick them to the curb.  However, New Orleans, Baltimore, across rural California and Arizona, Nevada, you have department after department where this is the sheriff or chief of police and this is the standard for behavior.

When my German friends talk about hating the Nazis, this was who they were talking about, not Goering. These are the guys who raced to hide behind the armband and loved rounding up Jews.  They are waiting to do the same here, Jews and maybe you too.

Picture yourself working at the service counter in a retail store.  This is the guy who brings back a defective power drill and hurls it at you.

Let’s say you are playing golf.  Mark Gordon is the foursome you have to wait for.  They had a bit too much to drink, aren’t so good at physical things, even golf and sitting within earshot of them is an abuse to the human soul.  The mainstream news exists to give people like this reason for their “white victimization” mantra.

There is a “liberal” version as well but they don’t try to run you over.  Their is a Christian version as well, they just hand you bible tracts.

If one were to examine the crimes of revenge, separating those from possible staged incidents, in many or perhaps most and possibly even all cases, we have someone who ran into one too many “Mark Gordon’s” and decided to go on a killing spree.

This isn’t simply an American problem.  Bad genetics are common in Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium and even France if you can believe that but nothing like in America.  Those who can’t afford the fuel for the huge truck terrorize people on Facebook or comment boards.  These are the ones who forward the Alex Jones conspiracies and who got buzzed up by “Jade Helm.”

This is what differentiates gun advocates and gun enthusiast from National Rifle Association activists.  For those who did serve in the military, and too often it is those with marginal or even shameful service that seek recognition through “membership,” this is the American Legion or VFW.  I make exceptions for small towns where membership is related to public service and tradition but here in Toledo these organizations represent endemic betrayal of veterans by toadying butt-kissers.

What happens to all decent Americans is this; they either get fed up and either stomp the stuffing out of one of these freaks after years of being civil and the point of unbearable frustration or, if faced with a 300 pound monstrosity like this one, dispatch them using what is available.

Every decent American is somewhere in this process.

As for politics, and this is absolutely “spot on,” the Republican Party “center” is all about this kind of anger, ignorance and bad manners.  Somewhere in the past there were “values,” hard work, isolationism and always special privilege for the moneyed classes, Republicans were never all that bright, but there was at least some reason to belong other than an admission of sexual inadequacy, gullibility and bad manners.

When you come to America, be prepared to meet this guy, he may be wearing a badge, perhaps a security guard at a Veterans clinic, he may be a public official, school superintendent or dog warden.  If he supervises workers and you are around him, know where the exits are and don’t stay too close because, eventually, someone is going to come in and blow his brains out and they may get you too.


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