NEO – Witnessing Vladimir Putin: Emperor of Patience


by Phil Butler, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Phil Butler

[ Editor’s Note: John McCain came out of his cancer treatment to attempt a wooden stake job on Putin’s re-election, with the usual claims of rigging, showing that he has lost his mind and should not be voting in the Senate anymore.

Putin’s re-election was based on the communist party coming in 2nd, and the opposition to Putin remaining at the helm has shrunk from 35% to under 5% after Putin closed down all the various US election interfering NGOs.

It seems that opposition in Russia expects to be paid for their street protests. Our US media is as mercenary as the Russian opposition in that it is well aware of the US long history of election rigging all over the world but has hardly printed a word about any of it for balance.

American media has become the New Pravda from the Soviet Days where it serves the party line, maybe not at the 99% level, but enough to say it no longer represents what the Founding Fathers fought for. It sold out, and should wear the robe … Jim W. Dean ]

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– First published … March 14, 2018

Russia’s president has marked our time now. No matter what your persuasion, even the die hard liberal world order minion must realize the character of greatness when he or she sees it.

V.V. Putin rules modern diplomacy and politics, if for no other reason than his unimpeachable patience and pragmatism. Here’s another salute to Putin and to the ticking moments of humanity, dropping into the hourglass of time.

“Other than John F. Kennedy, Vladimir Putin is the greatest international statesman of our age. – Jeff Rense, legendary alt news radio host

In a recent interview I had with alt news radio legend, Jeff Rense he suggested how Putin stands alone in a tepid sea of forgettable nobodys. Sharp as the proverbial razor, Rense is a good barometer of every other political or strategy analyst now watching Russia’s leader.

We all realize the stakes of the game being played out on the world stage. And we all are in agreement, what we’re witnessing as a battle to the death over Mother Russia’s treasures. What’s more, the unprecedented assault on Putin’s Russia just may be that human finale history has hinted at for millennia.

Biblical, is the crisis and the desperation, the chaos, the unending friction in between ideas and tradition – the imminent danger looming today is extraordinary.

In the eye of this growing maelstrom we gawk at madmen and seeming psychopaths, “mad dogs” and “ad men” flagellating in their dramatic roles as leaders from Berlin to London, or Montreal or Tokyo. And standing alone at the center, just on the horizon of rationality, an unlikely Napoleon wrestles with the machinations of ignorant and wicked mediocrity.

Putin’s Waterloo, if he should meet it, will be to be utterly surrounded by the armies of the lazy and dull-witted elites who’ve sucked our blood for centuries now. But wait, before you turn to another “fake news” story, let me open a window into this tragic comedy.

By now you’ve read the headlines about “Putin’s Doomsday Nukes”. Everybody in America has the seed of fear firmly planted in the brain. “Unstoppable” destruction waits now, if all goes bad. I’ve talked my talk about it, so have CNN and the other elitist controlled news outlets. But somehow the real message is obscured still. N

obody really knows what to think about Putin’s forecast of Armageddon. Almost nobody sees his moves for what they truly are. The western media is obscuring and muffling a plea for peace and for sanity. Everything we understood from childhood is being obfuscated by the evilest people who ever walked the face of this Earth.

I finally realized the human tragedy Vladimir Putin plays the heroic lead in during that interview with a man many accused of being the ultimate conspiracy theorist. But the alternative news man copied by Alex Jones and the rest, he turns out to be a kind of Edgar Cayce of New World Order premonitions now.

I mention Jeff Rense here to rivet reality to the inside of my reader’s brain pan. For he is an iconic symbol of how we were “oh so” wrong about many things. My hope is that some reading this will direct their brains to scan the walls of the insides of their heads, to see the billboard pasted there reading “This could be the end!” The interview I speak of is right below.

During our talk, Rense and I talked easily and openly about the weapons Putin has been forced to brandish, and about Putin the man. What began as a “Doomsday Torpedo” broadcast, ended as two Americans making mediating observations of this emerging end game.

The stunning reality that struck me after talking to the world’s sharpest conspiracy investigator was a picture window view onto the real and figurative Czar of moderation and patience.

And the Rense interview brought forward the most important aspect of this “Putin Era” we’re witnessing. The radio host registered concern over the limits of the Russian leader despite his seeming intangibility. On the relentless policies and strategies aimed at Putin, Rense asked:

“I wonder how close we are to getting near the end of Vladimir Putin’s limits?”

This question brings us to the point of my report here. But a look at the President of Russia web pages really helps illustrate the seriousness of the current situation. In a March interview in between Putin and NBC’s Megan Kelly, who’s the most decidedly brilliant “dumb-question” bimbo in TV history, Russia’s leader pleads with Kelly’s viewers for sanity and reason.

His concern and legitimacy is indemnified in the NBC broadcast, as he parries Kelly’s genius level quizzing from the standpoint of the dumbest of American viewer. To illustrate my point, here’s the quid pro quo where the NBC TV star quizzes Putin on the relevance of his unstoppable nukes. Kelly asks for clarification on the effectiveness of new systems and for a definition of them, to which Putin replies:

“Therein lies the entire meaning of this, because any antimissile defense system operates against ballistic missiles. But we have created a set of new strategic weapons that do not follow ballistic trajectories and the antimissile defense systems are powerless against them. This means that the US taxpayers’ money has been wasted.”

As I write the conclusion to this report today, the international order that arrogantly admits its existence, it’s on the offensive once again. Listening to the psychotic politicians in Britain’s parliament yesterday, I thank God Putin is in charge of Russia’s nuclear arsenal instead of me.

Prime Minister Theresa May and her kiss-ups poking out their chests and boasting it is “highly likely” the Kremlin was behind the poisoning of yet another British spy – it was sickening to watch. The people of the United Kingdom have managed to put in office the cream of the evil crop of paid puppets.

For those unfamiliar with the news, a former MI6 spy named Sergei Skripal and his daughter were supposedly poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent of a type May and her parrots say was developed by Russia.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Mrs May’s statement was “a circus show in the British parliament”. And this is what the war of ideologies has come to, a deadly clown circus with spotlights on three continents full of mad ringmasters.

Finally, isn’t it miraculous that a new provocation surfaces each time some great potential is the possibility for the Russia people? Putin and Russia spend billions to welcome the world to the most historic Winter Olympics ever – and U.S. Senator John McCain leads a throng of agents overthrowing Ukraine.

The Sochi games are attacked by every sports broadcaster from ABC to BBC and the lot. It was unprecedented bad sportsmanship and geo-political skullduggery. Almost immediately, a Russian people emerging as a positive force for tourism, international business, and a fantastic renaissance on the domestic side of that federation – those potentials were shut down by western influences.

The EU Putin and his ministers sought integration with, it turned into a new Nazi Reich under Merkel’s German bankers. Britain, the US, and allies set about cutting off money flows into Russia, and gas flows out. Then the doping scandal, led by the Queen Mother’s running idiot Lord Sebastien Coe.

The WADA circus led to Russia’s athletes being ruined, and to exclusions from Rio and PyeongChang 2018. I am not astonished that this latest dog and pony act in London comes just before World Cup 2018 in Russia. Are you astonished to discover we are already at war with Russia?

The situation is getting much worse, but it’s all become so predictable from an analyst’s point of view. With no proof shown, using narrative and outright concoctions to fuel flamed of public fear and outrage, the United Kingdom more-or-less declares war on Putin personally. Yes, you read that correctly.

The message carries from RT TV to viewers from parliament was crystal clear – several parliamentarians openly said it; “We are targeting Vladimir Putin.” Vladimir Putin is the Czar of patience. If Britain or anybody else warred on America like this, somebody would have already been bombed the shit out of.

We invaded Iraq over a vial of baby powder for Christ’s sake! Theresa May clearly missed Mr. Putin’s last message Russia would use those “Assassin Nukes” to relentlessly pursue this liberal world order’s elites, should worse come to worst. Then again, maybe the British Prime Minister and her colleagues are reacting in fear!

Think about it. Where do these scary signals lead? If there truly is no turning back from the edge of Armageddon, I’d suggest staying far, far away from the elite psychopaths when Putin finally loses his patience.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


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  1. Phil Butler, thank you for this great article. I remember you had those health issues a while back and I hope all is well with you. I’ve often wondered how the US would react if Russia sailed its ships 30 miles off US coastlines on a regular basis in a show of aggression, like the US was/is doing in the Baltic Sea? Or if Russia and it’s allies amassed large numbers of troops around US borders, like NATO has been doing to Russia for years. Or if Russia directly attacked US allies, like the US directly attacks the Syrian Army. These are all aggressive actions the US have taken towards Russia, hoping to provoke a response. Luckily for us, Russia has taken the high road every time. If the tables were turned and it was Russia provoking the US, I would not be typing these words right now, because the US would have already blown up the whole earth.

  2. For over half a century we have been looking for another JFK to lead in this fight against the demons of hell, and it turns out his name is Putin!

  3. It is not often spoken about in public, but to me it turn out to be a central point which I see behind many events and decisions, There is also a war going on between the system of the Admiral Maritime Law and it’s bar associations against the growing system of The Law of The Land. The first one would be de facto effective, had TTIP and other trade agreements been put in place, conquering all the laws of all the countries the countries.

    Your golden fringe flags always should remind you of the historical overtake in the 19th century by the Crown and it’s minions (The US corporation) over the constitutional Republic of the US and I didn’t even mention our situation here in Germany as a vasall.

    I think, this is one of the mightiest weapons of these dark forces, which in the past ruled the world. This system will be replaced sooner or later (no ofence, Mr. Shrimpton) as the political dominance of this Francis Drake like legal reminescent will diminish in world politics.

    We now see this fight on a big scale with all surrounding theatre.

  4. By the way I beat my opponent in the drag race by about two freight car lengths. I had a 1937 Chevrolet Coupe painted with Zolotone salt and pepper paint, like a giant speckled bird. It had a full race GMC engine. My opponent had a 1932 Ford Coupe with a hopped up engine. Of course we were wrong and should not have risked the public safety racing on public streets. But today try to go the speed limit on any interstate freeway and watch the cars and trucks pass you going 20 or 30 mph over the speed limit while the police are no where to be found.

  5. Yes the roles of the U.S. and Russia have basically reversed. The U.S. has become basically the former tyrannical Soviet Union. Our secret intelligence agencies commit unspeakable atrocities in secret outside of the view of citizens protected by the full military armed force of government. The whores in Congress just gang raped the Constitution by failing to end a dictatorial war in Yemen and other parts of the world. Even local governments are now like gestapos gang raping the Constitution. Where I live in Athens, Georgia you can be immediately jailed for simply parking your car on you “own” lawn! A few years ago a tenant who violated the rules had signed contract allowing me to change the locks, turn off the utilities and transfer everything inside to me, returned behaving like she was going to break in. I called the police and truthfully explained to them what I had done and showed them her signature on the contract. This was done only after many weeks of indulgence to her. The officer said, “You can’t do that. If you do not open that door to her unit I will place you in jail!” I refused to open the door and the gestapo police put the cuffs on me and jailed me. I had to pay a lawyer to have the charges dropped! This is Amerika today. By the way when the police arrived this dead beat tenant had an outstanding warrant in another county! The police gang raped our Constitution in jailing me because they violated a clause which provides that, “No State can ..

    • The officer said, “You can’t do that. If you do not open that door to her unit I will place you in jail!” I refused to open the door and the gestapo police put the cuffs on me and jailed me. I had to pay a lawyer to have the charges dropped! This is Amerika today. By the way when the police arrived this dead beat tenant had an outstanding warrant in another county! The police gang raped our Constitution in jailing me because they violated a clause which provides that, “No State can pass any law impairing the obligations of a contract.” This country is gone. It is only a matter of time now. By the way what do you think the charges were against me? They never stated the charges. the best they could come up with was “trespassing”! This is the second time in my life I had been jailed since I was a teenager and ditched the police after a drag race, but my opponent told them who I was. Although a first offence and no property damage of any kind or anyone harmed except the egos of a few police officers, I was sentenced by judge Neely in Los Angeles to 6 months in jail and loss of license until age 18. I have related this story to people speeding at over 120 mph on I 20 but a State Patrol officer laughed with them about it! So much for “equal protection under the law”. The so called “legal” system is a total joke.

  6. What is Horus ? Why depict a man with the head of a Falcon ? Who has a dog at his side with a leash ?
    The eye has different views. One can be from a microscope and another can be from a satellite. Some can see color and others see only black and white. Some detect movement and others detect heat. Some see through murky water, and detect vague shapes, and others see clearly. And the way these sight attributes are formed is for survival. It is different for each species depending on shape and food. Times are different for each species when the advantage is born. For humans, the time of the clarity of sight, is Oct 2 – 12. The time of Ghandi, Lennon, and Putin. And there are other calendars that are not discussed, as they would reveal things that would ignite impulses too immature to ignite. Patience is required to return to clarity, mostly due to installed dogma. It is a careful extraction of malevolent dogma, and patience is the only anesthesia. It didn’t have to this hard. So much killing is only from ignorance. We have enough cheese and wine.

    • The first thing Facebook asks for is your date of birth. The first thing doctors do when you are born is record the precise moment of birth. If you study facial recognition, you will learn there is a set number of different faces. Attributes are predictable. Predicting human behavior is the holy grail of data accumulation. If the public refuses to accept that, they will be left behind and the corporations will herd you like cattle. Knowledge of one cycle is not how it is done, but layers of cycles. For instance in the 260 day cycle, Jung and Freud were born on the same day and number. The difference between them is clearly seen in their solar times. No two trees are alike, but they certainly share many similarities.

    • The first thing Facebook asks for is your date of birth. The first thing doctors do when you are born is record the precise moment of birth. If you study facial recognition, you will learn there is a set number of different faces. Attributes are predictable. Predicting human behavior is the holy grail of data accumulation. If the public refuses to accept that, they will be left behind and the corporations will herd you like cattle. Knowledge of one cycle is not how it is done, but layers of cycles. For instance in the 260 day cycle, Jung and Freud were born on the same day and number. That’s a 1 out of 260 shot. The difference between them is clearly seen in their solar times. No two maple trees are alike, but they certainly share many similarities.

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