Waiting for US Intervention in Israel?


[ Editor’s note The accepted rationale for US military intervention around the world is always the same, reports that some nation is slaughtering its own people. Israel has done this for 70 years.

Mass slaughter, concentration camps,  chemical weapons, genetic experiments, mass organ thefts, these aren’t just theories, they are the reality of a supposed “Jewish state” that in actuality is a home for world organized crime.

That “state,” as  author Jeff Gates calls it, a “criminal state,” runs Washington,  London, Berlin and Paris, partners with the Saudi butchers and is behind world terrorism and war after war.

Whenever this is mentioned, which is seldom, the accusations begin: “anti-semitism.” It is time to wage a real holy war on evil around the world, bring an end to nations that traffic in human misery.

Tel  Aviv is on that list.   Is America also?   Under Trump, of course it is.  Best begin at the  historical  root, London... Gordon Duff ]


IDF uses unarmed Gazan protesters for target practice

…from Press TV, Tehran

– First published … March 31, 2018

The Israeli military has threatened to step up its “response” if tensions continue on the Gaza fence shortly after the UN held an emergency meeting over the regime’s massacre of over a dozen Palestinians during an anti-occupation mass rally in the coastal enclave.

Israel’s chief military spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis said Saturday that the regime has thus far restricted its response to those he claimed to be trying to breach Gaza’s border with the occupied territories. He added that the military would, however go after those behind the angry demonstrations “in other places too.”

According to the figures provided by the Gaza Health Ministry, 16 Palestinians were killed and over 1,400 others wounded on Friday after Israeli forces fired live ammunition at Palestinian protesters marking Land Day and used tear gas to push them back from a heavily fortified border fence.

Ahead of the protest, the Israeli military had deployed tanks and 100 snipers with the authority to use live rounds on the Gaza border.

The latest threat came a day after the 15-member Security Council met at Kuwait’s request, with its UN representative Mansour al-Otaibi describing the situation in the Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip as “very dangerous.”

PressTV-16 Palestinians shot dead as Gazans hold mass rallies

Israeli military forces have shot and killed 16 Palestinians during massive anti-Israeli rallies staged by thousands along Gaza-Israel borders.

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour said he expected “the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility” regarding a “heinous massacre” of peaceful Gaza demonstrators by Israeli forces and “defuse this volatile situation, which clearly constitutes a threat to international peace and security.”

Meanwhile, assistant UN secretary general for political affairs, Taye-Brook Zerihoun, urged maximum restraint amid “fear that the situation might deteriorate in the coming days.”

“Israel must uphold its responsibilities under international human rights and humanitarian law. Lethal force should only be used as a last resort with any resulting fatalities properly investigated by the authorities,” he added.

Additionally on Friday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged “an independent and transparent investigation” into the Gaza clashes and reaffirmed the world body’s “readiness” to support the so-called peace process.

Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesperson for Guterres, quoted the UN chief as saying that the Gaza “tragedy underlines the urgency of revitalizing the peace process aiming at creating the conditions for a return to meaningful negotiations for a peaceful solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A Palestinian youth suffering from tear gas exposure during a demonstration commemorating Land Day, receives treatment in a medical tent near the border, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip on March 30, 2018. (Photo by AFP)

Israeli representative at the UN, however, did not take part in Friday’s Security Council meeting.

Muslim world reacts

Meanwhile, Muslim nations voiced their outrage over the Israeli military’s response to the mass demonstration in Gaza.

In a statement on Friday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry accused Israel of using “disproportionate force” against the Palestinians and expressed “concerns” over the casualties of Friday’s clashes. It also called on Tel Aviv to “rapidly” stop resorting to force and “give up on its hostile attitude.”

Additionally, the Qatari Foreign Ministry said the Israeli escalation was a violation of international laws and conventions.

PressTV-Israelis kill, injure Palestinians during 1000-strong protest

Israeli forces kill one Palestinian protester and injure several others before and during an ongoing major protest action by thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

It further called on the international community and the Security Council to assume their responsibility in containing the Israeli war machine against the Palestinian people. Doha also stressed its support for Palestinian rights, including the right to return to their homeland.

Moreover, Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli attacks and warned that regime’s persistence in violence drags the whole region to the abyss.

He said in a press release that the Israeli occupation shoulders the legal, political and moral responsibility for such violations. The Saudi regime is still silent on the bloody Israeli crackdown on the Palestinian protest.

Palestinians mourn

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has announced Saturday a national day of mourning in honor of the victims.

On Friday, thousands of people attended the funeral of one of the Palestinian victims, identified as Sari Walid Abu Odeh, in the city of Beit Hanoun on the northeast edge of the Gaza Strip.

Dubbed “The Great March of Return,” Friday’s rallies in Gaza coincided with the 42nd anniversary of Land Day, which commemorates the murder of six Palestinians by Israeli forces in 1976. The Return rallies will culminate on 15 May, which marks Nakba Day (Day of Catastrophe) on which Israel was created.

The Gaza Strip has been under an Israeli siege since June 2007. The blockade has caused a decline in living standards as well as unprecedented unemployment and poverty.

Tel Aviv has waged three wars on the coastal enclave since 2008, including the 2014 offensive, which left more than 2,200 Palestinians dead.


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  1. Anyone can convert to Judaism at any time and be just as Jew-ish as anyone else, but being Jewish doesn’t make one a Semite. No more than being a Muslim makes one an Arab. I’ve had this debate with Jewish apologists a number of times over the years and not once have they come out on top.

  2. Yup, the delusional AshkeNAZI Ziojews have spent 70 years murdering actual Semitic Arabs, stealing their land and leaving them with nothing, while screaming “anti-Semite” at the top of their lungs when anyone criticizes their psychotic behavior. The irony is that nobody treats the Semitic population worse than Israel. Israelis are the “anti-semites”.

  3. “They so completely refuse to take up arms”

    “Why do they still refuse to shoot back?”

    How would you get arms to the Palestinians through all the Israeli military checkpoints?

  4. Once the Palestinians begin getting their share of revenue from the vast offshore gas fields they will no longer have to ask anyone for anything. Certainly the international community will insure that Palestinians do in fact receive their share of the gas revenue which ought be divided on a per capita basis Israelis and Palestinians. Probably it would be best if the revenues went directly to individuals as governments in that part of the world tend to have sticky fingers and very poor accounting procedures.

  5. There are over a thousand people with gun shot wounds, from hundred snipers out of witch 17 have died. The Palestinians were well with in the border did not shoot a single bullet and got this response. Says a lot about Israel and its so called snipers.

  6. How can they fight when they have no weapons and are walled in? Israel has one of the biggest military mights on earth–and they use it all: bombs, gas, noxious substances from their cesspools, and the might of the USA. If our nation would stop defending Israel to the hilt, maybe then some Arab nation would be able to help the Palestinians out. Egypt is bought by Israel, also Jordan, Syria is in the fight for its life, and Lebanon quaking in its boots–it’s been invaded and occupied by Israel before.

  7. Anti-semitism, Islamophobia, Christian oppression,…. all tools for territorial acquisition. Designed to work together in harmony and controlled opposition. They take turns. They protect each other. They are 3 banners flying under the same invisible rhetoric. Spirituality does not know borders.
    If religion is properly separated from politics and borders, then these cries cannot be heard. People must abandon the vulnerable position of dogma, and maintain a simple position of justice.
    As long as religion is involved in the questions of land dispute, the argument will be prolonged and complicated by matters which have no bearing. Let us hear the case for Spirituality enhancement derived from select pieces of land. Avoid the anti-semitism trap, by declaring religion a non-factor in land dispute.

    • Clearly a strategy that is not working. The ICC and the UN have outlawed Doctrines of Discovery and folks should push from the real estate angle instead of the religious angle, which as we can see, is self perpetuating as it leads to confusion and complexity like a series of beaver dams in a river. Right and wrong do not determine international consensus. Propaganda does. By attacking one leg of a three legged problem, the other two are free to keep walking. They take turns.

  8. Why did Israel not attend the UNSC meeting? Called expressly to disuss this latest massacre, the answer is very simple. The don’t have to. Israel has the right to ignore, and label all criticism anti-semetic handle. UN cheif Guiterres’s called for an investigation. Why? To buy time while blowing smoke in everyone’s eyes? Remember we’re dealing with Israel, which in the past has shown the ability to force the UN to rewrite finished reports critical of Israel. Where is Nikki Haley? I so want to hear her view on this matter.

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