CAIR Calls for Firing of VA Official Who Spread Conspiracy Theories, Islamophobic Comments



(WASHINGTON, D.C., 7/25/18) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called for the firing of a top Trump administration U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) appointee who spread conspiracy theories about then-President Barack Obama and made anti-Muslim comments on social media.

In 2016, shortly after joining the Trump campaign, VA Executive Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Thayer Verschoor shared a Facebook post that praised then-candidate Trump for promoting the conspiracy theory that “Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud” and for understanding there’s a Muslim “problem” in America.

SEE: Top Trump-Appointee at Veterans Affairs Spread Conspiracy Theories, Made Anti-Muslim Comments

“Someone who promotes conspiracy theories and anti-Muslim bigotry should not be in a policy-making position in our government,” said CAIR Government Affairs Director Robert McCaw. “We urge Mr. Verschoor to resign, or failing that, to be fired.”

McCaw said CAIR has repeatedly expressed concern about Islamophobic, white supremacist and racist Trump administration policies and appointments.

The Washington-based civil rights organization recently called on Republican Party leaders and elected officials to repudiate Donald Trump’s “aggressively racist and misogynistic” rant at a rally in Montana.

In his speech, Trump repeated his use of the racist slur “Pocahontas” to target Sen. Elizabeth Warren, mocked the #MeToo movement and falsely claimed that an African-American congresswoman has a “low IQ.”

SEE: CAIR Calls on GOP to Repudiate Trump’s ‘Aggressively Racist and Misogynistic’ Rant in Montana

Last month, CAIR applauded the decision by members of the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) to reject President Trump’s nominee for the position of director general to lead the organization because of his history of Islamophobic statements.

SEE: CAIR Welcomes Rejection of Trump’s Islamophobic Nominee for U.N. Migration Post

CAIR has reported an unprecedented spike in bigotry targeting American Muslims, immigrants and members of other minority groups since the election of Donald Trump as president.

SEE: CAIR-Georgia Welcomes Two Year Prison Sentence for Pro-Trump White Supremacist Who Phoned Threats to Augusta Mosque

CAIR-Houston Urges Stepped-up Security for Texas Mosques Following Another Arson Attack

Earlier this year, CAIR released its 2018 Civil Rights Report, “Targeted,” which showed a 17 percent increase in bias-motivated incidents against American Muslims from 2016 to 2017, and a 15 percent increase in the number of anti-Muslim hate crimes in that same time period.

CAIR 2018 Civil Rights Report: Targeted

Community members are being urged to report any bias incidents to police and to CAIR’s Civil Rights Department at 202-742-6420 or by going to:

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.


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  1. In that a great number of what are called “conspiracy theories” ultimately are proven to be true, such as warrantless wiretapping and data collection, MLK assassination etc etc,.. I do not wish those who entertain or question things to be dismissed from government employ for that reason. Bigotry and racism, are another matter. If anything, the climate that prevents transparent discussion of topics, that can be labeled “conspiracy theory’ is dangerous to our national security and should be illegal. The current use of the label is not good.
    Especially veterans should know, after the “no weapons of mass destruction” debacle. That was very many lives, that did not need to be taken. Afghanistan also, our presence is based on a conspiracy theory,.

    • and of course I am in favor of keeping criticizing religion legal. That is not personal. Bigotry and racism are .
      I am adamantly opposed to tax breaks for belief systems. That money would house a lot of homeless vets, .. because the church doors are closed, and do not do that.

    • In fact, look how fast, the churches sprinted to the border and whisked away the migrant children, while ignoring the homeless vets until election time comes again or they need a photo op for the newsletter.

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