The Israeli War on Imran Khan Begins

VT talked this over with Imran Khan on a couple of occasions. He is rational and sane as are very few in politics. Khan's shortfall has been his lack of corruption. America hates that.



Pakistan has had US-backed corrupt dictatorships for much of its history with the army stepping in, from time to time, sometimes on behalf of democracy.  America never tired to sticking Pakistan in the behind, using it as a surrogate while kowtowing to India, to keep Pakistan in line.

Moreover, the US has worked directly with Israel and India, who run training camps for the Taliban inside Afghanistan and send unpleasantness into Pakistan killing thousands each year.

Why does the US do it?  I had a chance to talk this over with Imran Khan on a couple of occasions.  He is rational and sane as are very few in politics.  His shortfall has been his lack of corruption.  America hates that.

The piece below is done by Bruce Riedel, a hired gun from the Brooking Institute, tasked with attacking Iran.  He will now be demonizing Pakistan.  The Daily Beast began as a gem in Israeli agent and former Congresswoman Jane Harman’s media crown which included Newsweek as well.  Her husband was such a nice guy.  Jane, however, was the defender of Jonathan Pollard, the Soviet/Israeli agent who destroyed the CIA back so many years ago.

The war on Imran Khan begins.  Take note.


The Next Prime Minister of Nuclear-Armed Pakistan Really Hates the U.S.

There is compelling evidence that the Pakistani army is supporting Imran Khan, intimidating his opponents and suppressing the press to get him into power.

Imran Khan, 66, is charismatic and bold. He has campaigned for decades to break the logjam of Pakistan’s revolving elections in which either Nawaz Sharif or Benazir Bhutto and her heirs dominate the highest office of the country. Sharif, 65 and a three-time prime minister, is now in jail along with his daughter on trumped-up charges of corruption. Benazir’s son Bilawal, 29, ran an impressive campaign on his own for the first time but came in third place. Khan’s Pakistan Justice Movement (PTI) is leading the parliamentary elections with around 110-120 seats out of 272. Sharif’s party is around 60 and Bhutto at 45. These numbers are not final and there are several independents and small local parties.

Read more at the Daily Beast


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  1. The key to former athletes transitioning into leadership roles in society, is maturation. We have a few local examples here, like Jack Kemp. Popularity is a good thing, but knowing the skills of politics requires a vast set of knowledge. In sports, a person dedicates their physical skills to a certain set of rules. The transition relies on a decently long period of learning to be broad based in understanding, and less reliant on singularity of rule set.
    Athletes turned politicians: Who else besides Imran Khan found their second calling in politics?

    • Kemp for example, had some decent ideas, but lacked the political savvy, to implement them. Schwarzenegger rode his popularity and never climbed off the horse. To put away the boy and grab hold the man, requires complete retraining and broad based instruction. In the mind of the public, we respect the struggle it takes to succeed in athletics, but it is an entirely different struggle, with entirely different set of consequences to serve the people. Sport is a place the public finds heroes, but to transition that into public service, requires a complete overhaul of world view, knowledge base, methodology, priorities, and Maturation. Amin is another example, complete with lessons regarding trust of foreign authorities.

    • Better the Athlete than the grandson of a brothel owner and a con man who kept taking people to courts to build his tower

    • It would not be so surprising if one knows his background. He’s not just an athlete. He is a scion of a family that has ruled in their locality since generations. This time the stage is much larger.

    • Jaffer, if he received leadership training from the perspective of leading the people, then found success with cricket, now he is doing this, then I would say he has a very good skill set. I hope he has learned to not trust the British. It will be a very difficult journey regardless.I sincerely hope the best for Pakistan, it occurs to me they have a chance to influence world peace in a big way. Especially if America can take care of a few problems of it’s own. Our mess might be bigger. I hope we do not stand in the way of his chance.

    • David, that particular clan also has a tradition of successful negotiations with the British. They kept their priveleges during the colonial days and gained ebough leverage to have their scions attend Oxford University. Cambridge and LSE give rise to leftists, Durham is a school for the really hard ones (it’s located in a rough area by London standards) who are willing to think outside the box. With all their faults, the British intellectual scene has always been very exciting. I hear Nottingham and a few others are also turning out great people.

  2. Why has the military decided to back Kahn at this time? It sounds like more than just the new president are tired of Western ways.

    • Strange as it may be but Miltary’s creations are Bhutto ( Zulfiqar and Baynazir … Nepotism ), Zardari and Nawaz. Total false when it comes to Mr. Khan. This time the public has decided enough of the stooges. Stooges who work for military and military which prays head to Sandhurst, not to Mecca. Imran is People’s choice and if he is people’s choice that is not good for Evil House in Washington and the Zionist gang around the globe. So we find Mr. Khan in the same basket as Mr. Corbyn. Zionist Gang has decided that a War must be declared on Khan just as it has been declared against Mr. Corbyn. It began with BBC and spread to all Western media. I see the Pakistani Media that receives millions from CIA has joined in ” Oh my God Khan ” course.

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