TRUTH JIHAD: “Trump vs. Soros”: Everything you know is wrong!


Hey Trump fans! Before you vote or cheer for for Republicans in the midterms, do some homework on the respective careers of Donald Trump and George Soros. Yes, one of them isworking for the, er, “elders of Zion”…but which one?

VT editor Ian Greenhalgh argues (and I don’t think he’s entirely wrong) that everything “they” accuse Soros of doing is precisely what “they” themselves ARE doing! In other words, the anti-Soros propaganda machine is owned and operated by the criminal associates of a certain Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu…i.e. the people who did 9/11. And Trump has been fronting for that criminal cartel throughout his career, never more so than since he assumed the Oval Office.

Does that mean Soros is an angel? Of course not. He’s a Russophobic currency manipulator who supports various kinds of political mischief as well as idealistic causes that resonate with his “open society” philosophy. In short, a mixed bag.

But the Trump-Kushner-Netanyahu group, including their “Russian” mob associates/bosses, is pure evil. THEY (not Soros) are the ones pushing for a global (Zionist) dictatorship.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it, Alex Jones!

In this interview we discuss Soros’s history, as well the history of the Khazarian Mafia (or “Russian mafiya“) whose historical headquarters was Odessa, but which is now almost synonymous with the occupation of Palestine.


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  1. US in perspectiv > Roman Empire…America’s imperial decline… the system of rules, norms and institutions that have governed global affairs in America’s favor since the end of World War II. , rested on three pillars: economic strength, military might, and the soft power of cultural dominance. What is coming ?

  2. According to David Duke, Trump is playing the game of, ‘Good Cop Bad Cop’ and in the end, He will curb the influence, power of the, “Bolshevik-Zionist International Crime Syndicate.” In my opinion, there are sinister, ruthless, dark forces all around us, who are using everything at their disposal,, ‘religion’, ‘ideology’, money, terror, assassinations, propaganda, ‘A.I’, whatever is there, that will advance their ultimate goal, of enslaving mankind! The current situation is, to keep, everything in a state of confusion and OFF BALANCE! They are RUTHLESS without REMORSE, all the suffering, deaths they create, Middle East and other places around our planet, is but, ‘Collateral damage’, The End Justifies the Means!

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