FBI: Romney and Trump Both Russian Agents

Excerpts from 4 hour recorded interview with a top FBI official


Back in 2012, the FBI, through a retired agent, highly decorated, at the time currently working for the FBI as a consultant on money laundering for drug cartels contacted VT about Mitt Romney.

He told us that Romney and former Mexican President Carlos Salinias were working with Cuban intelligence and a number of powerful American corporations.

Submitted with this were documents and photos.

We have 10 times the evidence that Trump is and has been controlled by Kosher Nostra “oligarchs” since his grooming by Roy Kohn as a young man.

Both are moles.

You have to admit, Romney at least looks better

Romney, according to the FBI report, has a Cuban mistress who is the daughter of former KGB chief and Russian Premier, Uri Andropov.

We were told that Bain Capital maintained accounts where the entire GOP was being paid off by drug cartel members through secret accounts in the Cayman Islands, something reported in the election and dropped in one day, imagine that.

During one period of questioning by Mueller’s investigators, I brought my laptop and hit the “play” button on this one.  I was asked to stop.

And so it goes.


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  1. The FBI ..? the FBI ? Like the CIA , I cant believe any of these agents or their lying scum agencies that do more coverup than anything else . BS !

  2. When you think you know…the entire story is far more than here. Little Maria has been in the US some time, according to the feds, as a “walkin” in a key government role.

  3. Yes, These guys were chasing the huge reward on the money laundering, one of the biggest cases pending. When I was at the Iran conference last Spring Scott Bennett was sharing some of his stories of the guy that he was in the joint with for a while, who got out and is now enjoying his $110 million in reward money on the big Swiss banking laundering case that he busted up. There really is a Santa.

  4. Why isn’t the FBI concerned with all the Israeli Agents in Washington DC?
    Why isn’t the FBI Investigating all the Cyber Crime perpetuated by Israel?
    When will the FBI investigate Hasbara Cyber Terrorists based in Tel Aviv?

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