By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Without Robert Mueller, the US might well have gone to war based on the evidence you see in the video above and so much more, all of it destroyed and those who may have stood with America, silenced, murdered, all of it at the hands of the powerful individuals Mueller erased from his Russiagate report.
There was no “Russiagate,” it was always “the usual suspects,” the Kosher Notra.
Mueller had one job, the same job he took over when he became director of the FBI a week before 9/11. He is Israel’s inside man, defending what Robert David Steele calls “the parasite” that sucks the blood from America. The very real video, taken from an earth satellite, below:
And Russia is even more compromised than the US. Putin has backed down from Netanyahu so many times and is now arming India’s Modi, a man Israel put in charge of India through a rigged election, to take down Pakistan, the only nuclear democracy on Earth. (Do think about this statement.)
Who were the enablers of 9/11? Two planeloads of “whom” left the US a day later for where?
General Richard Myer and Robert Mueller, Myer as Chairman of JCOS and Mueller as FBI joined, according to our sources, US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who became the National Security Coordinator for the Southern District of New York.
Then we have Rudi Guiliani and his convicted “bagman” Bernie Kerik.
Past that, we had then FBI Special Agent Mike Dick and his surveillance of a virtual army of “art students” and “dancing videographers” who our sources say planted nuclear weapons under the WTC and other explosives on the GW Bridge and the tunnels.
Then we have JINSA and their radio jammers that took down emergency response.
Past that, we had the shut down investigations. In 1998, Clinton, a compromised president, shut down the FBI investigation into stolen nuclear weapons from Pantex, and we have broad and detailed confirmation on that.
In 2003, the real 9/11 investigation by the Department of Energy was shut down and a Houston grand jury sequestered all real evidence and placed gag orders on everyone involved. Over the years death after death, smears, firings, buy offs, blackmail and then “nanothermite” and the Mossad takeover of any private inquiries into 9/11.
The press, of course, was always complicit, erasing the Dan Rather reports of the Israeli bombings and arrests, CNN erasing their footage as well.
It was clear then and clear now, the Mueller farce and Russiagate itself was a “cover and deception” operation, protecting the mobsters, or what we call the “Kosher Nostra” from scrutiny. They rig every American election, own both parties in congress but missed a couple of presidents despite blackmailing Clinton. Obama told them to screw themselves.
Trump just gave them Syria’s Golan oil and plans an invasion of oil rich Venezuela while both the US and Russia are arming India against Pakistan. India, rule by madman Modi, who gets his orders directly from Netanyahu, just like Trump and so many others, May, Machron…the list can go on and on….

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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Someone please send this video to Mike Rivero.
At least President Obama snubbed the Bibi visit while the Repulicans fell to their knees and clapped. It was a shame. This country cannot sink any lower.
It’s as dirty as you say.
Another Gordon special, guarenteed to make you forget the Crocus blooming and the Robins return. The Kosher Nostra, our very own insane criminals; up to their usual dirty tricks. While the Lemmings march to the cadence of their evil Cabal. Stay tuned, here on Vt, for their next nefarious move. Or should I more accurately say, movement; as it’s mostly crapola being slung. Can people wake up and see the obvious? We can only hope for the best; while VT has it’s perverbial finger in the dike, waiting to plug the next hole. Hope, never the less, springs eternal. Let’s watch that first pitch this week and Root Root Root for the home team and may the God of your choice bless you real good.
And not let the bad guys win.
BDS 2019! And convince at least two acquaintances to do the same! Learn the companies, learn the products, and no not spend a single dollar in their direction! That includes the Coca Cola company, Johnson and Johnson, Bed, Bath and Beyond, any reference to Dead Sea products! Keep the ball of not buying rolling!
Pardon me, but F these A holes…..
Make no mistake folks, that US Kosher nostra signing for Golan over recent Mueller favor means that they opened its own door to abyss. They have in fact signed official international recognition that there was never a war fought against terrorism, only a war for enlarging Israel’s territory. It is like in their blindness and stupidity (and probably Bibi’s rushing to the end of political and every other career) they unsigned Balfour declaration today and no aides will come to Israel rescue after this one, in the apperance of a sudden great US ginger Aprentice administration strength they have entered a dark dark territory and have overplayed their cards on hand. Kurdistan will have more success than Israeli Golan and we know who recognized Kurdistan.
Democrats , Republicans different in name only but the same brand of betrayal and loathsome for the Rights of Americans referred to as We the People . owned and controlled by a foreign State of racism on the highest scale ever in history and claims the lie of being the only democracy in the middle east .
ramping up, catching patsy’s like Roger Stone and then running away
Micheal Avenatt is being charged with extortion by Nike. Sure he is a lawyer and a very aggressive one at that. It appears he may have been involved in some ‘small scale’ tax evasion and wire fraud that our illustrious president is massively implicated in as-business as usual. Teflon Don of course is protected as long as he does his duty. With Avenatti going down hard Trump will certainly gloat and tweet. Those damn conniving Dummiecrats! Wow another tsunami shit storm washing ashore like FucUshima.
Micheal Avenatt is being charged with extortion by Nike. Sure he is a lawyer and a very aggressive one at that. It appears he may have been involved in some ‘small scale’ tax evasion and wire fraud that our illustrious president is massively implicated in as-business as usual. Teflon Don of course is protected as long as he does his duty. With Avenatti going down hard Trump will certainly gloat and tweet. Those damn conniving Dummiecrats! Wow another tsunami shit storm washing ashore like FucUshima
General Albert Stubblebine may be the last honest general of the U.S. Military. They have experts in every possible field, in and out of Government, to analyze every possible mode of attack on this country as this General indicates. Nothing is off the table. The idea that they did not know this was coming is a total lie. The only conclusion is they were in on the con, traitors Bush, Cheney, Myers, etc. must all be arrested, indicted and prosecuted and jailed for life. All others involved must be hunted down to the ends of the Earth and receive the same if this country is to survive in its prior form. Israel did it!
Here is an interesting “coincidence” today:
He may well be the most honest General to come out, but remember to save his life from being suicide’d , he had to wait till after he left the military, I believe he even lives in south America somewhere to get away from it all.
Gordon we get it. But how do we wake the public up. For the past few months I’ve been mulling over re-printing your articles and passing them out at my local Vons grocery market. I’m at a loss. Shortly after Ilan Omar’s remarks I was talking to my daughter (an intelligent liberal 40 year old professional) at my grandson’s ball game, and for whatever reason I felt it opportune to say: “it’s all about the Benjamins”. My daughter sushed me, my wife glared, and I responded; “I’m just repeating what I heard on the news”. Both women looked around as if checking to see if anyone else heard. And, Gordon this happened in Palos Verde Ca. Where the F are we going?
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