Broken Arrow Update No 1 – National Nuclear Emergency Alert – Little Rock Arkansas

Broken Arrow Little Rock

Radiation Danger
Radiation Danger

(VeteransToday) “Broken Arrow” Alert is a military term for a lost nuclear weapon.

The nuke weapon lost in Arkansas, North of Little Rock was first reported September 18, 1980. It was a very large bomb – a weapon rated at Nine Million Tons of TNT. The weapon appears to be lost again.

Now it even has its own Wiki article. Search for the term: 1980 Damascus Titan Missile explosion. 

The InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was loaded with a 9 MT W53 Nuclear Weapon; or, 9 Million Tons of TNT. W53 was the Model designation.

The W53 weapon was the largest after the 25 MegaTon B41 thermonuclear bomb was retired.

Now, in 2019, the 9 MegaTon nuclear weapon is back in the Arkansas woods about 50 miles North of Little Rock. As of yet, the massive bomb has not been captured.

The RadNet radiation measuring unit data feed was cut July 4, 2019 at 14:44:09 Hours. 

That does not mean the radiation data does not exist. It means the State of Arkansas is withholding the radiation data.

Additional information is not available at this time. News will be released by VT as it becomes available.

Broken Arrow – National Nuclear Emergency Alert – Little Rock Arkansas




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  1. So, any citizen with a radiation detection device can search for this lost nuke and declare themselves a rogue nuclear power if they find it. Outstanding!

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