South Korean Jets Challenge Russo-Chinese Bomber Patrol over Pacific

South Koreans allege violation of their airspace


Sputnik/Moscow: Tensions between powers in East Asia escalated after Russian and Chinese bombers carried out a joint patrol over international waters over the Sea of Japan/East Sea. The flights led Seoul to scramble fighters and summon the Russian and Chinese ambassadors, while Tokyo lodged its own protest against both Russia and South Korea over the incident.

The Russian Defence Ministry has released footage of a pair of Tupolev Tu-95MS strategic bombers flying over international waters in the Sea of Japan and being intercepted and trailed by what appear to be at least two South Korean fighter planes before returning to base.

The flight was part of the first-ever Russian-Chinese joint long-range aviation patrol in the Asia-Pacific region, with the planes flying over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea.

Although the flights were preplanned and did not violate the airspace of any third country, they prompted South Korean officials to voice an angry protest, and claims that the Russian air group, which also included a Beriev A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft, had “violated” South Korean airspace. Seoul warned that the military would respond with “much tougher measures” if the incident was repeated.

The Russian Defence Ministry disputed Seoul’s allegations, saying its planes operated in full compliance with international regulations, and accused the South Korean jets, which reportedly included by F-15 and F-16 fighters, of “unprofessional” manoeuvres which jeopardised the Russian planes’ safety.

The South Korean military claimed its jets had fired hundreds of warning shots and flares to force the Russian planes to alter course, but the MoD denied these allegations. No warning shots or flares could be seen in the short clip released Tuesday.

The incident reportedly took place near a series of disputed islets in the Sea of Japan, which both South Korea and Japan lay claim to. Their disputed status prompted Tokyo to lodge a formal protest against both Moscow and Seoul. Earlier, Japan’s Self-Defence Forces said they too had scrambled aircraft to intercept the supposedly errant Russian aircraft.

South Korea expanded its so-called ‘Air Defence Identification Zone’ (ADIZ) in late 2013, sparking regional tensions between Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo. In response to South Korea’s actions Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry stressed that South Korea’s ADIZ was not territorial airspace, meaning that all countries enjoy the freedom to move through the area peacefully.


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  1. this is nothing but USA Proxy war being activayted by the Minions called South Korea and Japan on the demand of USA against Russia and China Alliance , A camp that is steadily growing as Everybody is Sick of USA the Retard inHuman

    • I must add that on the Diplomatic level and in Miliataries Circles it must be a know forthcomming biNational Patrol of International water \\ Why send Bombers to Patrol International waters is just blant Ignorance or Stupidity , Had they sent out Search and Rescue Vehicles I’d Support them patrolling International waters makes no sense to send Bombers to Bomb the Ocean …….. Si I bet South Koreans were hyped on Youth teststerone to be firing warning shots and cutting off the plans with close bys …. it’s gonna cost Koreans plenty who are nothing but another Zionist Occupied State as Usual Through USA Military ……

    • Besides now Putin be mad enough to award a free S-400 System to North Koreas right away to severely limit South Korean air existance …..

  2. Fear has big eyes!
    Russia even arranged a walk to the skies for them. And they have already forgotten how to fly, I suppose, and the planes have become covered with mold and dust. Heroic interception! Bravo, South Korean sparrows! Nato commanders will award you with the sweetest bone :)))))

    • potresti per favore usare google translate prima di pubblicare il tuo commento qui, siate onesti stiamo tutti usando l’inglese, perché volete essere un bastone nel fango …. sì, l’italiano sembra bello ma è per un’altra volta …. …

      I just told him =

      could you please use google translate before you post your comment here ,, be fair we all are using english , why do ypou want to be a stick in the mud …. yes italian sound beautiful but that’s for another time …….

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