How Much of This Can We Take?


Health Editor’s Note:  Trump thinks global warming is a hoax and he has said this over and over again.   Trump pulling out of Paris Global Agreement  …..Carol 

Greenland Lost 12.5 Billion Tons of Ice in a Single Day

by Meilan Solly

Last Thursday, August 1, the Greenland ice sheet experienced its largest single-day volume loss on record, sending an estimated 12.5 billion tons of ice pouring into the ocean. Per a Twitter post by climate scientist Martin Stendel, the amount of ice collectively lost on Thursday and Wednesday—the ice sheet’s biggest surface melt day since 2012, with around 60 percent of the frozen expanse undergoing at least 1 millimeter of melting—would be enough to cover Florida in almost five inches of water.

As Andrew Freedman and Jason Samenow report for the Washington Post, Thursday’s melting event outpaced all data collected since 1950, when scientists first started tracking the ice sheet’s daily mass loss.

“This model, which uses weather data and observations to build a record of ice and snowfall, and net change in mass of the ice sheet, is remarkably accurate,” Ted Scambos, a senior researcher at Colorado’s National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), tells the Post. “I would accept the result as fact.”

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  1. Claims of rising sea levels is a hoax.
    Check the data from the fixed tide level stations (not satellite nonsense) from Australia to Washington (both ends of Pacific, largest body of water on earth) and situation is normal. Just google “NOAA Tide Gauge data” and see for yourself that climate change is a normal event and levels are within normal ranges even over 100 years

  2. A couple ppm CO2 change causing warming; verses Geo-Engineered climate change supported by the Deep-State and our military conducted in a veil of secrecy. Most CO2 is locked up in Limestone/Dolomite and the chemical weathering and deposition of same, deturmines availability in the atmosphere. Humans activity is not a factor per a recent study reported on Rense. Of couse studies controlled by bankers controlling academia are more valid?

  3. “This model…”? Wait a minute, is this empirical data, or is this another infamous climate model?

  4. Melting of the ice caps is a very real observable fact. Polar Bears are being driven out of their natural habitat and have been roaming around cities and towns in Russia searching for food. Polar bears are extremely dangerous especially when they are hungry. They take no prisoners. Soon they may be in New York or LA. You can argue all day about Global Warming but melting ice is very real folks. Wake up. It may be too late now. Man has already destroyed most of Earth for the animals and plants to survive. Man is a worthless piece of garbage.

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